会议地点: 斯洛文尼亚 卢布尔雅那(Ljubljana, Slovenia)
会议时间: 2022年5月12日至14日
行业: 整形|美容|皮肤|性病会议
European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) Spring Symposium 2022
Dates: 12-14 May 2022
Venue: Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Abstracts submission opens: 7 December 2021
- Abstracts submission closes: 8 February 2022
- Abstracts evaluation notification: 29 March 2022
Abstracts must be submitted in English. A “blind” selection process will be used. No identifying features such as names of hospitals, medical schools, clinics or cities may be listed in the title or text of the abstract. Do not include the names of authors either. Their names and affiliations (institutions) will be registered separately when submitting the abstract online.
The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the study.
The title should not be written entirely in capital letters (e.g. NOT LIKE THIS).
The size of the abstract is limited to 3,000 characters (spaces and pictures are not taken in consideration).
The submission program will automatically calculate the size of your abstract and will not allow submissions that do not fit in the size requirements.
The template of the abstract is structured with the following subheadings:
- Introduction & Objectives
- Materials & Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
If your abstract describes a case report, you can insert the whole text under the “Results” section.
Check spelling and grammar carefully. Direct reproduction from your electronically submitted abstract text means that any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific data will be reproduced as submitted.
Use generic names. The use of commercial drug names, brands and registered trademarks are strictly prohibited. Drugs should be referred to by the active substance or pharmacological designation.
No mention of pharmaceutical company names should be included in the abstract either.
The evaluation and scoring of the abstract (acceptance as poster or as oral communication, or rejection) will be made according to a number of criteria, including:
- Is the content interesting, informative, novel or important?
- Are the methods valid, the results relevant and the conclusions justified by the data?
- Are the data presented with clarity and with appropriate structure?
- Is the text written according to proper English grammar and syntactic style?
The authors should specify if they prefer their submission to be considered for:
- e-Poster presentation only
- Oral presentation only
- Indifferent
CATEGORIES | EARLY RATE Until 9 Mar 2022 (23:59 CET) |
MID RATE From 10 Mar to 27 Apr 2022 (23:59 CEST) |
FULL RATE Starting from 28 Apr 2022 |
EADV Members |
300 EUR |
450 EUR |
500 EUR |
EADV Retired Members |
150 EUR |
225 EUR |
250 EUR |
EADV Resident Members |
80 EUR |
80 EUR |
80 EUR |
EADV Student Members |
80 EUR |
80 EUR |
80 EUR |
EADV Nurses and Med. Ass |
80 EUR |
80 EUR |
80 EUR |
Non-Members |
900 EUR |
1’350 EUR |
1’500 EUR |
Industry Participants |
900 EUR |
1’350 EUR |
1’500 EUR |
Trainees (under 35 y/o) |
150 EUR |
250 EUR |
350 EUR |
The EADV Congress Ticket includes:
- Name badge
- Admission to EADV Scientific Sessions
- Admission to the Networking Symposium – Thursday 12 May 2022
- Access to e-posters area
- Access to Satellite Symposia Sessions *
- Possibility to collect ECMEC Credits on participation in the EADV Scientific Sessions
- Transportation pass
* IMPORTANT: Industry Session organisers could limit participation to certain representative groups independently from EADV recommendations if deemed imperative to the achievement of the intended purpose of the Industry session. The organising company reserved the right to refuse single categories, in particular if not adequately related to the objective and purpose of the session.
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
免责条款:本站信息均收集整理自互联网,访问者如需了解更多详情,请进入相关活动官网,本站不对相关信息的准确性承担任何责任; 若本站的资讯侵害您的权益,请发送邮件到[email protected],本站将在核实相关情况后第一时间删除。继续访问本站视为认同以上条款。
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