


会议地点: 法国 巴黎
会议时间: 2022年7月6日至8日
行业: 整形|美容|皮肤|性病会议



SPIN 2022 – 7th Congress of the Skin Inflammation & Psoriasis International Network
Date: July 6-8, 2022
Venue: Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris, France



Abstract submission Opening: October 14th 2021
Abstract submission deadline: January 7th 2022
Registration opening: March 1st 2022
Early registration fee deadline: April 1st 2022
Congress Opening: July 6th 2022



点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

All abstracts must be written in English.

All Selected abstracts will be presented as e-posters, discussed e-posters and the best scored posters will be presented during the Focus Sessions.




The 7th edition of the SPIN – Skin Inflammation & Psoriasis International Network Congress will be held in Paris from Wednesday July 6th to Friday July 8th in Paris, at La Villette Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie (City for Sciences & Industry).

The scope of SPIN and its triennial congress pursues its broadening with the objective to transfer the know-how acquired on psoriasis (highest standard in issues such as quality of life, high burden and co-morbidities) to other chronic inflammatory skin diseases, in particular atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, alopecia, and hidradenitis suppurativa.

The global theme for the SPIN 2022 congress will focus on ‘Building bridges between Chronic Inflammatory Skin Diseases’. We will expand the classical congress programme (pathogenesis, diagnosis/comorbidities, treatment, specific subgroups) to sessions, which will emphasize on ‘lifestyle & environment’, ‘health economic aspects of treatments’, ‘outcomes and real-life data (registries)’, ‘examples of a valuable learning cycle (difficult cases from which we learnt to do better in the future) ‘, ‘patient information/shared decision making’, future directions/unmet needs”. The programme will address bridging topics sessions as well as sessions dedicated on given chronic inflammatory skin diseases.

This year’s edition with open on a review of novelties in the scene of immunodermatoses (What’s particularly new since 2019 congress?).

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the evolution of technology thus enabling participants, from all around the world to meet physically and online. This hybrid format has been chosen for SPIN 2022 congress, although we encourage physical presence for better networking and knowledge sharing.

The scientific programme has been built by a programme committee including 6 members of SPIN Scientific Committee and 2 members of SEEFPAD (South Eastern EU Federation for Psoriasis & Atopic dermatitis Consortium Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia) under the supervision of the Organization Committee (SPIN president, president-elect & past-president).

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Paris! 

Yours sincerely,

Phyllis Spuls

Wolf-Henning Boehncke

Jo Lambert
Past President




会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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