


会议地点: 加拿大 哈利法克斯
会议时间: 2022年10月11-15日
行业: 神经|心理|精神会议



WMS 2022 - 27th International Annual Congress of the World Muscle Society
Date: 11-15 October 2022
Venue: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada




If you would like to join the scientists, researchers and clinicians who will present their work at the WMS 2022 Congress please submit your abstract using the link below, having read the guidelines and other important information further down this page.

Please note, you will need to ‘create a new account’ for this purpose, independent from your Congress registration account (your Congress registration log in details are not recognised for abstract submission).

Abstract submission deadline: 4th April 2022 (Midnight BST/GMT+1)

Click here to submit abstract>>>点此提交摘要>>>

Submission Guidelines

  • The presenting author must be registered correctly in accordance with the registration type that applies to them based on their role, organisation etc for the congress in order to be able to submit an abstract. Only the presenting author can be the submitter of an abstract. An abstract submitted by someone who is not the presenter will be refused.
  • The presenting author must be registered to attend the congress as an in-person delegate (if circumstances mean that a delegate is unable to attend nearer the time, all posters will be available to view on the virtual platform and app)
  • There is no fee to submit an abstract. A WMS Membership is not required to submit an abstract.
  • To submit an abstract the author will have to enter a specific code in the submission form. The code will be found in the registration confirmation email in RED text.
  • Upon submission, indicate one of the topics from the list that best describes the content of the abstract and then select a further sub-topic..
  • Abstracts must be written in English.
  • Maximum 2,000 characters (including spaces and excluding title and contact information on authors). The title must have a maximum of 150 characters.
  • A maximum of 20 co-authors per abstract are allowed. If more co-authors have contributed, these should be summarily stated as Study Group and can later be displayed on the poster or appropriately be acknowledged during an oral.
  • References and credits are not to be included in the abstract, nor subheadings, graphical files, tables, figures or keywords.
  • Note that all subheadings in abstracts will automatically be deleted by the programme committee.
  • Abstracts cannot be submitted by fax, hard copy or e-mail.
  • Within reason, there is no limit to the number of abstracts that can be submitted.
  • It is the presenting authors responsibility to make the appropriate potential conflict of interest disclosure acknowledgement on their poster/slide as indicated during the abstract submission process. It is the presenting authors responsibility to notify the organisers of any change to this status between submission and the congress. Slide templates are available Here.
  • The submitter will receive all correspondence concerning the abstract including acknowledgement of receipt of the submission and is responsible for informing co-authors of the status of the abstract.
  • The submitter will have access to the abstract after submission via an online Personal Page (see below) until the relevant abstract deadline.
  • In cases where the abstract is NOT accepted, participants will be contacted promptly and refunded if necessary.
  • It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract; if accepted, any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact may be reproduced as typed by the author. The Programme Committee reserves the right to shorten the abstract title to allow its publication in the congress programme and Neuromuscular Disorders Journal and edit the content to remove acknowledgements and misspellings identified by the Programme Committee.
  • Outcome notification for abstracts and fellowships will be sent out at the end of May/ beginning of June, after the programme committee meeting.
  • Should you need to withdraw your abstract, please contact [email protected] and we will be able to guide you through whether this is possible, depending on the stage of the process.


Dear members of the World Muscle Society, dear friends and colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to attend the 27th International Annual Congress of the World Muscle Society that will take place 11th – 15th October 2022, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The congress venue is the Halifax Convention Centre at 1650 Argyle Street, in the heart of this Atlantic seaport. We will also be making the presentations and e-posters available via our platform and app for delegates who wish to attend virtually. We are working hard to ensure that the registration process is as flexible as possible as we all navigate these ever changing and uncertain times.

Halifax is famous for its Maritime hospitality, and it is a walkable city with vibrant historic streets and many museums. Halifax Stanfield International Airport has numerous daily connections to major cities across Canada and the USA, as well as several direct flights to Europe. Please review the current information regarding travel to Canada and Nova Scotia which is available on our Information section of the Congress website prior to planning your travel. As always, the health and safety of our community is of the utmost importance to us. For information about current public health and safety measures, please review our Information section of the Congress website.

The academic and clinical teams from the Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto led by Jim Dowling and Jiri Vajsar, together with the Local Organising Committee and the WMS Programme Committee, are the hosts and organisers of this meeting. The 5-day meeting will be an opportunity to catch up on the latest developments in neuromuscular diseases from around the world. 

Following the longstanding tradition of the WMS, the meeting will be preceded by a teaching course, on 9-11th October 2022, at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax. 

Contributions about new advances across the neuromuscular field are very welcome. The main thematic topics that will be addressed in the plenary sessions are: 

1. New Developments in Congenital Muscle Disease 

2. Neuropathies and Non-5q Motor Neuron Disease

3. The Development of Therapeutic Approaches

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to Halifax! 

Jim Dowling and Jiri Vajsar
Congress Co-Chairs




Congress Registration Fees

Not including the Pre-Congress Teaching Course. Fees for this element are listed further below. 

  In-Person** Virtual Only In-Person** Virtual Only
Early Bird Fees: Available until 10 June 2022, midnight UK time
Regular Fees: Available from 11 June 2022
WMS Member*
WMS Student member*
Student non-member
WMS Industry member*
Industry non-member

The above registration fees are stated in GBP and where VAT is applicable for Virtual tickets, it is at 20%
*this refers to an active 2022 society membership held by the delegate; please note WMS membership details will be requested during the registration process and will be verified 

**proof of full vaccination required

In-Person Congress Registration Includes: Virtual Congress Registration Includes:
  • Access to all scientific sessions & industry symposia
  • Access to exhibition and poster areas
  • Option to attend the Pre-Congress Teaching Course at an additional fee
  • Networking breaks
  • Networking reception
  • Access to congress sessions and e-poster presentations via the congress app and virtual platform Optional congress bag & programme book
  • Certificate of attendance
  • CME certificate
  • Access to all scientific sessions, industry symposia, sponsor & exhibitor details and e-poster presentations via the congress app and virtual platform
  • Option to attend the Pre-Congress Teaching Course at an additional fee
  • Certificate of attendance
  • CME certificate


Pre-Congress Teaching Course Registration Fees

The Pre-Congress Teaching Course can be added to your booking during congress registration or at a later date, by contacting [email protected]. You must be registered for the congress to be able to attend the Teaching Course.

  In-Person** Virtual Only In-Person** Virtual Only
Early Bird Fees: Available until 10 June 2022, midnight UK time
Regular Fees: Available from 11 June 2022
WMS Member*
WMS Student member*
Student non-member

The above registration fees are stated in GBP and where VAT is applicable for Virtual tickets, it is at 20%
*this refers to an active 2022 society membership held by the delegate; please note WMS membership details will be requested during the registration process and will be verified
**proof of full vaccination required

In-Person Pre-Congress Teaching Course Registration Includes: Virtual Pre-Congress Teaching Course Registration Includes:
  • Access to all course sessions
  • Networking breaks
  • Access to course presentations via the congress app and virtual platform
  • Certificate of attendance
  • CME certificate
  • Access to all course sessions
  • Access to course presentations via the congress app and virtual platform
  • Certificate of attendance
  • CME certificate


Cancellation Terms

Registered participants who are unable to attend the congress must forward a written cancellation (by email) to the WMS Congress Secretariat.

Refunds of the registration fee (minus 20% for administration costs) and optional social activities will be granted if notification of cancellation reaches the Secretariat in writing on or before 1st August 2022. After this date, cancellations will not be refunded. Refunds will be processed after the congress. No refunds will be granted in case of no show.


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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