2022年第51届美国神经科学学会(SFN)年会(Neuroscience 2022)
会议地点: 美国 圣迭戈(San Diego, CA)
会议时间: 2022年11月12日至16日
行业: 神经|心理|精神会议
2022年第51届美国神经科学学会(SFN)年会(Neuroscience 2022)将于2022年11月12日至16日在美国加利福尼亚州圣迭戈举行,SFN神经科学年会是世界上最大的神经科学会议,每年都有来自全球80多个国家的30000余名专业人士参会。
神经科学学会(SfN) 成立于1969年,是世界上最大的致力于了解大脑和神经系统的科学家和医生的组织。SFN目前在全球90多个国家和地区拥有近38,000名会员以及在世界各地拥有130多个分支机构。SFN出版两本业界备受推崇的科学期刊:JNeurosci和eNeuro;SfN的使命是通过汇集不同背景的科学家,促进整合各级生物组织的研究,增进对大脑和神经系统的认识,鼓励转化研究和应用新的科学知识来开发改进的治疗治愈疾病的方法;为神经科学家在其职业生涯的宣各个阶段(包括本科生,毕业生和博士后)提供专业的发展活动、信息和教育资源;支持与神经科学研究的行为和结果有关的伦理问题的积极和持续的讨论;向立法者和其他政策制定者通报神经科学研究中新的科学知识、最新发展以及新机遇及其对公共政策、社会效益和持续科学进步的影响。
Join more than 30,000 colleagues from more than 80 countries at the world’s largest marketplace of ideas and tools for global neuroscience.
Neuroscience 2022
Nov 12-16 2022 | San Diego, CA
Abstract submission will now open on Monday, August 10 and will close at 5 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, August 19.
First authors of submitted abstracts will receive notification of their abstract's acceptance status in late September.
The abstract handling fee ($140) does not include registration for the annual meeting. First/presenting authors are expected to register for Neuroscience 2020 and present their abstracts. If the presenting author cannot attend, presentation by a co-author is acceptable. Only the author(s) attending the meeting need to register.
SFN Neuroscience 2020注册费:
Advance | Opens August 13, noon EDT, for members; August 20, noon EDT for nonmembers through October 1, 11:59 p.m. EDT |
Online Discount | Opens October 2 at midnight EDT and continues through the annual meeting |
On-Site In Line | Opens October 24 at 7:30 a.m. EDT and continues through the annual meeting |
Registration Category |
Advance |
Online Discount |
On-Site In Line |
Member |
$460 |
$530 |
$635 |
Member, Category II |
$140 |
$160 |
$195 |
Member, Category III |
$230 |
$265 |
$320 |
Postdoctoral Member |
$345 |
$400 |
$480 |
Postdoctoral Member, Category II |
$105 |
$120 |
$145 |
Postdoctoral Member, Category III |
$175 |
$200 |
$240 |
Student Member |
$230 |
$265 |
$320 |
Student Member, Category II |
$70 |
$80 |
$100 |
Student Member, Category III |
$115 |
$135 |
$160 |
Student Member, Undergraduate |
$115 |
$135 |
$160 |
Student Member, Undergraduate Category II |
$35 |
$45 |
$50 |
Student Member, Undergraduate Category III |
$60 |
$70 |
$80 |
Nonmember |
$830 |
$955 |
$1,145 |
Student Nonmember |
$420 |
$480 |
$580 |
Guest — Non-Scientific |
$70 |
$75 |
$85 |
CME Accreditation |
$110 |
$125 |
$145 |
A separate registration fee is required for the Short Courses.
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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