


会议地点: VIRTUAL-虚拟会议
会议时间: 2021年6月18日至20日
行业: 肝胆胰脾|营养|消化|肛肠会议


2021年第17届国际病毒性肝炎与肝病研讨会-全球肝炎峰会(ISVHLD GHS 2020/2021)将于2021年6月18日至20日举行。作为ISVHLD的传统,全球肝炎峰会将汇集来自世界各地的顶级临床医生和研究人员。为期四天密集而又充满活力的科学会议,将为当前肝炎发展各方面的所有参与者提供了众多学习机会。ISVHLD将邀请100多位国际知名的演讲者,主持有关病毒性肝炎和肝病基础、临床和公共卫生科学领域的全体会议和平行科学会议,他们不仅在诊断、治疗等方面有丰富的知识和经验,而且在病毒性肝炎、HCC、NASH等肝病的治疗方面也有着丰富的经验;世界领先的优秀科学计划委员会将制定最高质量的科学教育计划,提供突破性的摘要、科学海报和电子海报、行业研讨会、招待会、社交活动、展览等等,预计将有1500余名来自世界各地的一流临床医生和研究人员参会。

重要日期- Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline :April 13
Author Notification :April 20
Registration Deadline :May 15

研讨会主题:Evolution and Revolution of Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease”

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is a great pleasure and an honor to extend to you a warm invitation to attend ISVHLD GHS 2021, which will take place on June 18-20, 2021 at Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), Taipei, Taiwan.

As is the tradition of the ISVHLD, the Global Hepatitis Summit will bring together top clinicians and researchers from around the world. The theme of the summit, “Evolution and Revolution of Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease”, illustrates our belief that the treatment for Hepatitis disease will cross into a new era that we as physicians potentially face revolution challenges in the Hepatitis treatment.

This will be a four-day intensive and vibrant scientific conference with many learning opportunities for all participants in every current aspect of Hepatitis development. We have identified some keynote speakers to enlighten us with their knowledge and fruitful experience to these topics, not only in diagnosis, treatment for cure and outcome, but also the experience from the cure for viral hepatitis, HCC, NASH and other liver diseases.

Meanwhile, this event will strive to offer plenty of networking opportunities for you to meet and interact with the leading clinical professionals and researchers, friends and colleagues as well as sponsors and exhibitors. We believe that GHS 2021 will refresh your knowledge base and enforce your expertise. As chairperson of the ISVHLD GHS 2021, we cordially invite you to make the best of this unique event, which will feature over 30 sessions, more than 100 expert speakers and 1,500 participants from 60 countries.

We look forward to welcoming you at the ISVHLD GHS 2021 in Taipei!


Harry L.A. Janssen
ISVHLD International Advisory Committee

Prof. Pei-Jer Chen
ISVHLD GHS 2021 Taipei
Prof. Jia-Horng Kao
Scientific Program Chair
ISVHLD GHS 2021 Taipei

注册费-Registration Fees :

Registration Category
Registration Fee
Early Bird
(International Attendee)
(On and Before February 28, 2021)
(March 1, 2021 to May 31, 2021)
(June 18, 2021 to June 20, 2021)
(Before June 20, 2021)
1 Delegate NTD 10,500 (USD 350) NTD 12,000 (USD 400) NTD 13,500 (USD 450) NTD 2,700 (USD 90)
2 Trainee/Nurse/Student*1 NTD 6,000 (USD 200) NTD 7,500 (USD 250) NTD 9,000 (USD 300) NTD 2,700 (USD 90)
3 Presenter (Oral/Poster)*2 NTD 10,500 (USD 350) NTD 2,700 (USD 90)
4 Accompanying Person NTD 3,000 (USD 100)
(Maximum 2 Accompanying persons per delegate)
5 Gala Dinner Ticket NTD 1,500 (USD 50)
  • All payments must be made in New Taiwan Dollars (NTD). Full payment of all items is requested to complete registration. A confirmation or invitation letter will be issued and sent by the Conference Secretariat after the payment is received.
  • The exchange rate USD 1: NTD 30 is for reference only.
  • All individual registrations must be made online, to be eligible for early booking discounts, registration and payment must be received by the due date.



Join us for ISVHLD GHS 2020/2021, 18-20 June 2021, the virtual experience:

  • LIVE scheduled content during the conference dates
  • Cutting-edge knowledge in Hepatology delivered to you with 140 invited speakers
  • 4 plenary sessions, 25 scientific sessions, 4 satellite programs (AASLD/EASL/HCC Joint Symposium, Liver Nurse Symposium, 8th Japan-Taiwan-Korea HBV Research Symposium, Nohep Village)
  • Oral presentations and e-Poster gallery
  • Virtual industry exhibition
  • Extended on-demand access to full virtual platform and sessions for two months

The conference reminder with virtual platform instructions will be released to all registered participants by 14 June, 2021.



会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2022年第22届IUNS国际营养学大会(IUNS-ICN 2022)

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