


会议地点: 美国 拉斯维加斯/Las Vegas, Nevada
会议时间: 2022年1月20日至22日
行业: 肝胆胰脾|营养|消化|肛肠会议



The Crohn's & Colitis Congress convenes the nation's leading IBD patient organization, the premier gastroenterological professional organization, and the nation's foremost clinical and research thought leaders. Together, we are at the forefront of comprehensive patient care and groundbreaking research and will forge the roadmap toward advancing treatments and cures for IBD.

Gain a multidisciplinary perspective on treating inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Join health care professionals and researchers at the Crohn's & Colitis Congress® for the premier conference on IBD. Discover different perspectives, leave with practical information you can immediately implement, and hear about potential treatments on the horizon.



September 8, 2021
9 a.m. EDT
Abstract submission site opens.
October 20, 2021
9 p.m. EDT
Deadline for abstract submission. No abstract edits or changes to author information will be accepted after this time.
October 27, 2021
5 p.m. EDT
Co-author financial disclosure deadline.
December 6, 2021 Abstract notifications sent to presenting authors via email.
December 8, 2021
9 a.m. EST
Late-breaking abstract submission site opens.
December 14, 2021
5 p.m. EST
Late-breaking abstract submission deadline.

There is no fee to submit an abstract.

Abstract submissions will be considered for oral, quick shot, and poster presentation.

Oral Presentations
Abstracts may be selected for oral presentation during opening breakout sessions on Thursday, January 20, and during general sessions on Friday, January 21 and Saturday, January 22, 2022.

Quick Shots Presentations
The top basic and clinical abstracts not presented during the general sessions will be presented as 5-minute quick shot presentations on Saturday, January 22, 2022.

Poster Presentations
Abstracts may also be accepted for poster presentation. Hard copy posters will be fastened to poster boards in the poster exhibition area and will be available for viewing throughout the Congress. Poster presenters are required to stand at their boards and present their abstracts during the Exhibit Hall and Poster Hall Wine and Cheese reception on Thursday, January 20, 2022.


注册费-Registration Rates:

Early Bird and Regular Rates include post-meeting On Demand viewing of the Friday sessions. If you cannot attend the program in person and wish to purchase On Demand Only access (Friday sessions only), you can do so for $179. 

Categories Early Regular
On or before November 3, 2021 After November 3, 2021
Member Physician
Anyone who has one of the following degrees or certifications: MD, ScD, DVM, DO, MBBS, FRCP, MRCP, MRACP, or FRACP. You must be a professional member of AGA or the Foundation at the time of registration to receive this rate.
$370 $520
Member NP/PA and Allied Health
Anyone who has one of the following degrees or certifications: RN, PA, PA-C, NP, PharmD, RD or any other degree with PA or NP as the leading or ending characters; and technicians. You must be a professional member of AGA or the Foundation at the time of registration to receive this rate.
$80 $110
Member in Training
Any physician or resident in training as certified by a training program; persons who have a degree or certifications (i.e., BA, BS, and/or BSc) and are enrolled in medical school, a PhD program, or other advanced degree. You must be a professional member of AGA or the Foundation at the time of registration to receive this rate.
$80 $80
Member PhD
Any physician, scientist, or researcher and other persons who has a PhD (but does not meet requirements of Physician member level) and is a professional member of AGA or the Foundation.
$250 $400
Nonmember Physician
Anyone who has one of the following degrees or certifications: MD, ScD, DVM, DO, MBBS, FRCP, MRCP, MRACP, or FRACP.
$470 $620
Nonmember NP/PA and Allied Health
Anyone who has one of the following degrees or certifications: RN, PA, PA-C, NP, PharmD, RD or any other degree with PA or NP as the leading or ending characters; and technicians.
$180 $210
Nonmember in Training
Any physician or resident in training as certified by a training program; persons who have a degree or certifications (i.e., BA, BS, and/or BSc) and are enrolled in medical school, a PhD program, or other advanced degree.
$180 $180
Nonmember PhD
Any physician, scientist, or researcher and other persons who has a PhD (but does not meet requirements of Physician member level).
$350 $500
Members of the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation's National Scientific Advisory Committee (NSAC) or Chapter Medical Advisory Committee (CMAC).
$80 $95
$700 $700
On Demand Only
On Demand Only access will include post-meeting recordings of the Friday sessions. More information to come.
$179 $179



会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2022年肠道菌群健康世界峰会(GMFH 2022)

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