会议地点: 西班牙 瓦伦西亚/Valencia
会议时间: 2022年3月21日至25日
行业: 肿瘤科会议
2022年第3届国际儿科肿瘤学会欧洲年会/欧洲儿科肿瘤学会年会(SIOP Europe 2022)将于2022年3月21日至25日在西班牙瓦伦西亚举行。大会将为来自不同领域的专业人士提供一个独特的机会,以分享他们的知识,并就儿科血液肿瘤学的前沿研究进行探讨合作。
欧洲儿科肿瘤学会(SIOP Europe或SIOPE)是唯一代表儿科肿瘤学领域所有专业人士的泛欧洲组织。SIOPE成立于1998年,是SIOP(国际儿科肿瘤学会)的欧洲分支机构,2007年成为一个独立的组织;同年,SIOPE与ESSO、EACR、ESMO、ESTRO和EONS联合成立了欧洲癌症组织(ECCO)。SIOPE现在35个欧洲国家拥有1850多名成员。SIOPE的宗旨是确保为欧洲所有的儿童和青少年癌症患者提供最佳的护理。
2022 SIOP Europe Annual Meeting
3rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Oncology
Date: 21-25 March 2022
Venue: Valencia, Spain
Dear colleagues, partners, friends,
We are delighted to invite you to join us for the third edition of the SIOP Europe Annual Meeting – an innovative setting for Paediatric Oncology and Haematology.
We are very happy to announce that the SIOP Europe Annual Meeting is coming back in a physical format and will take place on 21-25 March 2022 in Valencia, Spain.
We are also very happy that this Annual Meeting will again be held in partnership with CCI Europe, who will organise its 12th CCI Europe Conference. This ensures the representation and participation of childhood cancer parents and survivors and provides exceptional possibilities for collaboration across all stakeholders within the paediatric oncology community.
The SIOP Europe Annual Meeting together with the CCI Europe Conference aims to bring together the diverse stakeholders who are invested in tackling the key issues with the aim of increasing the cure rate for cancers affecting children and adolescents and improving the quality of life for survivors. This unique meeting will provide a distinct opportunity for participants to share their knowledge, collaborate on cutting-edge research and debate the outcomes of the high quality clinical and basic research carried out in Europe, as well as provide mentoring and training for young doctors and fellows.
The second edition of the SIOP Europe Annual Meeting was held virtually on 28-30 April 2021 and was a success with great science and engaged discussions from 1554 participants from 65 countries, however the feedback was clear that the community misses in-person networking and engagement. The SIOP Europe Annual Meeting is based on collaboration and networking, which is why we have taken a decision to bring our community back together and hold the next meeting in a physical format. We are committed to assure that all participants and partners can meet in a safe environment, with respect to all sanitary measures and protocols.
This next edition, will focus on Joint Sessions, enabling direct interactions between tumour and clinical trial groups, parent groups & survivors and Plenary Sessions with multi-stakeholder discussions on important cross-tumour topics. Several workshops and debates in smaller groups will also take place to increase direct collaboration between stakeholders.
In addition, please take note that this Annual Meeting will offer an exciting range of opportunities for networking and social events enabling lively interactions with the community for the first time since the first meeting in Prague in 2019.
Please save the date for the 3rd SIOP Europe Annual Meeting. The registration will open in October 2021 and all interested participants are invited to join the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you in Valencia on 21-25 March 2022 for a memorable SIOP Europe Annual Meeting!
Kind regards,
Professor Pam Kearns, President, SIOP Europe
Professor Carmelo Rizzari, President-Elect, SIOPE Europe
Anita Kienesberger, Chair, CCI Europe
Samira Essiaf, Chief Executive Officer, SIOP Europe
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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