


会议地点: 日本 京都
会议时间: 2020年11月13日至26日
行业: 内分泌|糖尿病会议




Dear IADPSG member and colleagues:

We are writing to inform you that with regret, the Board and local committee member of the IADPSG and the Board of the Japanese Society of Diabetes and Pregnancy have made the unanimous decision to hold IADPSG 2020 meeting in Kyoto as an on-demand virtual format with partial live interactive sessions.

It has not been easy to make this decision. However, it is clear that many countries in the world are still struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, in addition to problems of travel, it remains unclear if social distancing will still be recommended in November 2020 which would be incompatible with our usual style of face to face meeting.
This will lead to cancellations for poster presenters.

Finally, as you know the IADPSG has been held a face to face international meeting on a 4 yearly basis. The IADPSG council are actively exploring the possibility of hosting a face to face meeting in 2022 and will keep all affiliated groups and societies updated.

Sincerely yours,

Yuji Hiramatsu, Congress President IADPSG 2020, Chair JSDP
Fidelma Dunne, Chair IADPSG
Takashi Sugiyama, Vice Congress President IADPSG 2020
Robert Lindsay, Honorary Secretary IADPSG

Dear colleagues:

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the Scientific Meeting of the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups in 2020 (IADPSG 2020). The meeting will be held from November 13 to 15, 2020, in the historic and beautiful city of Kyoto, Japan. IADPSG 2020 will be run in collaboration with the 36th Annual Congress of the Japanese Society of Diabetes and Pregnancy (JSDP).

Since adoption of the new diagnostic criteria of GDM by the IADPSG in 2010, the worldwide frequency of GDM has increased and the management of diabetic pregnancy has become a very important issue. The frequency of GDM in Japan is 7%–9%, and around 10% of pregnant women have some sort of glucose metabolism abnormality. In addition, the idea of DOHaD has penetrated practice: management of diabetic pregnant women and follow-up of these mothers and their babies after delivery have become very important issues.
The meeting will discuss new findings in basic and clinical research from before pregnancy to postpartum follow-up and will expect to disseminate many messages to the global community. There will be a special focus on interactive sessions that give us the opportunity to exchange ideas and form new and maintain existing friendships.

Kyoto is the former capital of Japan and has been at the center of traditional Japanese culture for over a thousand years. Kyoto preserves its historic charm and beauty with its many temples, shrines, parks, gardens, and old wooden houses. November is the best month to visit Kyoto because the trees change color to red or yellow and become very beautiful. We invite you to take a stroll through beautiful, historic Kyoto before and after the meeting and enjoy the Japanese “omotenashi” (hospitality).
We look forward to your participation in IADPSG 2020 and to welcoming you to Kyoto.


Yuji Hiramatsu
Congress President, IADPSG 2020
Chairperson of JSDP
Professor Emeritus of Okayama University



All fees are quoted in JPY(Yen)

Oct 1 (Thu) - Nov 19 (Fri)
Doctor 10,000 yen
Other clinical *1) 5,000 yen
Students *2) 3,000 yen

*1) Other clinical mean a person who is trainee, nurse and allied personnel (Dieticians, Pharmacist, etc.).

*2) Students (including M.D. and Ph.D. ) must upload a proof of their status during early registration period to complete the registration.

会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2022年第18届EASD糖尿病足研究组年会(DFSG 2022)

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