


会议地点: 虚拟会议
会议时间: 2021年12月6日至11日
行业: 内分泌|糖尿病会议




International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Virtual Congress 2021

DATE: December 6-11, 2021
VENUE: Virtual


The IDF Virtual Congress 2021 will take place on an interactive virtual platform on 6-11 December, 10:30-17:00 CET .

The Congress will feature the latest research on diabetes complications and COVID-19. The first day will feature a special programme dedicated to the centenary of the discovery of insulin and the IDF Diabetes Atlas 10th Edition 2021.

The interactive virtual platform will feature enhanced networking tools to allow participants to connect and collaborate with diabetes professionals from all corners of the globe.


Abstract Submission : 1 June - 31 July 2021

Late-breaking abstracts (LBA): 1 September - 3 November 2021

We welcome original abstracts on subjects relevant to the following topics:

  • Cardiovascular disease and hypertension
  • Eye
  • Foot
  • Kidney
  • Neuropathy
  • Covid-19
  • Other complications

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Abstracts accepted for the IDF Virtual Congress 2021 will be published in the IDF journal, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice.


Submission mode: Abstract submission is only possible through the online congress profile platform. Abstracts submitted by post, fax or email will NOT be accepted. The online abstract submission module will NOT be available after 31 July 2021.

IDF congress profile: In order to submit an abstract, a congress profile must be created, which gives access to the online abstract submission module. The submitting author must ensure accurate contact details are entered. One or more abstracts can be submitted by logging in with a congress profile.

Submitting author/presenting author: If the submitting author is not also the presenting author, the submitting author is responsible for informing the presenting author of all communications received regarding the abstract.

Presenting author registration: The presenting author must be registered by 27 September 2021. If the presenting author is not registered by 27 September 2021, their abstract will be REMOVED from the programme.

Number of submissions: There can only be ONE presenting author per abstract. The same abstract CANNOT be submitted multiple times by listing different presenting authors. An author may submit an unlimited number of abstracts.

Language: All abstracts must be submitted in English. Should English not be your first language, it is recommended to have your abstract examined by a fluent English speaker prior to submission.

Originality of abstracts: Work published in peer-reviewed journals before 6 December 2021 should NOT be submitted to the IDF Virtual Congress 2021. Abstracts already presented at face-to-face meetings should also not be submitted, unless there are new methods and/or findings. Abstracts already presented at a national virtual meeting can be resubmitted. However, previously submitted work should NOT be resubmitted, if it was presented at an international virtual meeting.

Disclosure of interests: Any financial relationships with commercial entities related to the authors or products and processes described in the abstract must be appropriately disclosed.

Regulatory approval: The submitting author confirms that local regulatory approval has been obtained as required by local laws.

Author consent: The submitting author declares all authors have read and approved the submitted work.

Copyright transfer: Authors must attest that their submitted work does not infringe any copyright legislation. Copyright for the publication of abstracts is automatically transferred to the International Diabetes Federation upon submission and acceptance of the regulations within the online submission module.

For rejected abstracts, the copyright reverts back to the authors.


Topic: There are various categories that have been defined for the abstract programme within the three streams. Ensure that you select the MOST relevant topic which BEST describes the content of your abstract. Categories are used for reviewing and indexing purposes.

Abstract title: The title is limited to 120 characters including spaces and should be brief and relevant. Special characters should NOT be used in your title but spelt out instead (e.g. α should be written as alpha, β as beta). Only use standard abbreviations and generic drug names in the title.

Authors: Only 12 authors and/or study groups can be listed. Only one institution can be entered per author.

Abstract body: The abstract structure is laid out under the headings
Background, Aims, Method, Results and Discussion.

Font size and style will be automatically configured by the system.

Tables will be accepted in the submission field and count towards the character limit. The character deduction for tables is not fixed and will be generated by the character count shown below the submission field. Graphs, figures and photographs are NOT allowed.

The length of the abstract is limited to 500 words. Only the abstract body and any inserted tables count towards this word limit. The word count displayed beneath the submission field is final and indisputable.

Only commonly accepted abbreviations should be used (e.g. GDM, BMI, DM). Treatment groups or drug names should NOT be abbreviated. Less widely recognised abbreviations may be used if introduced on first usage (e.g. ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, ABPM).

Only approved and generic (non-proprietary) drug names should be used.

Do NOT enter the title, authors, or grant information into the abstract body but include any references at the end of the abstract.

Selection and notification process

Selection: All submitted abstracts undergo a review process by the Programme Committee. Accepted abstracts are selected for oral poster presentation or e-poster gallery display. The Programme Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted abstract and re-categorise any accepted abstract. The decision of the Programme Committee is final and irrevocable.

Notification: Notice of acceptance or rejection of submitted abstracts will be sent to the submitting authors by 9 September 2021. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to inform all other authors of the status of the abstract. A submitting author may also check their congress profile to see the status of the abstract.

Author Registration: Presenting authors of accepted abstracts MUST register for the congress by 27 September 2021. If the entire registration fee is not paid by the deadline, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn and will NOT be presented or published.




The registration fee includes:

  • Access to all live sessions through the interactive virtual platform and to recordings for 30 days after the event
  • Access to all abstracts and posters through the e-poster gallery
  • Access to all industry-sponsored symposia
  • Access to online polling and networking sessions through zoom
  • CME certification based on hours of sessions viewed

Registration rates


All rates in EURO and inclusive of 21% Belgian VAT

Full congress

Monday 6 December - Saturday 11 December

Special day rate

Monday 6 December 

Regular rate  (1)



Healthcare Professional  (2)



Low and lower middle-income economies LMIE (3)



Student (4)



IDF School of Diabetes learner (5)



(1) Medical doctor & group rate

(2) Healthcare professional other than medical doctor
(3) Residents and citizens of LMIE as defined by the World Bank
(4) Student at the time of congress – not applicable to post-doctorate students
(5) Only applicable to IDF School of Diabetes learners enrolled in a premium (fee-paying) course

会议对象: 初级保健医生、心脏病专家、教育工作者、普通外科医生、内分泌学家、肾病专家、物理治疗师、血管外科医生、骨科医生、眼科医生、足病医生、护士、医学生等等。

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2020年第17届亚州内分泌外科医师学会双年大会(AsAES 2020)

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