


会议地点: 美国 棕榈泉
会议时间: 2022年5月14-17日
行业: 外科|麻醉|疼痛会议



SCA2022 - Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists 44th Annual Meeting and Workshops
Date: MAY 14-17, 2022
Venue: Palm Springs Convention Center, Palm Springs, CA, USA



Submission Opens on November 1, 2021 and Closes on December 10, 2021!

Submit Abstract

Important Information

  • Submission system opens on November 1, 2021.
  • Submission system closes at 11:59 pm (Central) on December 10, 2021.
    • Additional submissions will not be accepted after the submission system closes.
    • If you do not receive email confirmation of your abstract submission within 30 minutes of finalizing your abstract submission, please contact SCA Education Team:
    • Co-Authors must complete their bio and disclosure forms by December 10, 2021.
    • The submission will not be reviewed unless all listed authors complete a disclosure form by the deadline.
    • Notifications regarding abstract selection will be sent in January 2022.

Instructions for Online Abstract Submission

Submission Content and Format Rules

  • Submissions will be made to one of the following categories:
    • Basic Science
    • Cardiovascular Anesthesia
    • Case Reports
    • Coagulation
    • Critical Care
    • Echocardiography
    • Perioperative Medicine
    • Quality Improvement
    • Structural Heart Disease
  • All submissions will include four (4) sections, the content of those sections will depend on the type of submission (i.e. abstract case report):
    • Background / Introduction
    • Methods / Case Report
    • Results / Discussion
    • Conclusion
  • Submissions must be in English.
  • Submissions must be single spaced.
  • Submissions are limited to 3,300 Character count includes body text and spaces.
  • Do not include the following in the abstract body:
    • Names of abstract authors or institutions
    • References, credits, or grant support
  • Titles should be short and specific and should not contain abbreviations, quotation marks, or all capital letters.
  • Use generic drug/product names rather than trade names.
  • Standard abbreviations may be used without Non-standard abbreviations should be kept to a minimum.
  • Tables, figures, images, or other graphics, will only be accepted as still images in the following files formats: .jpg, .png, .tiff, or .bmp.
  • No video loops will be considered.
    • Only the abstracts accepted for presentation at the two oral abstract presentation sessions will ultimately be able to accommodate video loops. Additionally, video loops are allowed and indeed expected as part of the SuperEcho submissions.
    • Excluding the above sessions, if a presenter wishes to show a video loop, he/she is welcome to display that loop at their poster on a personal laptop or tablet.
    • Abstracts/cases that are published or presented at other national and international meetings prior to the SCA Annual Meeting will not be permitted and should not be submitted.
  • No abstract will be considered with deferred outcome data. If data is to be presented, it must appear in the original abstract submitted.
  • Submissions should include the best available evidence and should not include content that is biased or promotional in nature.

General Rules

  • Only abstracts submitted using the online submission system will be considered.
  • Submissions are not to be completed by other parties on the author’s behalf.
  • The submitting author must complete a disclosure of relevant financial relationships at the time of submission.
  • Co-authors will receive emailed requests for relevant financial disclosures after the abstract has been If a co-author fails to submit his/her disclosure form, the abstract will be disqualified.
    • If there is an extenuating circumstance where an abstract author will be unavailable to submit conflict of interest information, please contact SCA at [email protected].
  • Once the abstract is submitted, no revisions are permitted.
  • An abstract or case may be submitted for consideration to multiple calls, however the submission will not be accepted for presentation to more than one call.
  • Abstracts must summarize an original contribution.
    • If there is any question regarding similarity to earlier work or possible duplication it is the responsibility of the submitting author to contact SCA at the time of submission ([email protected]).
  • Abstracts/cases that are published or presented at other national and international meetings prior to the SCA Annual Meeting will not be permitted to be presented.
    • If there is a potential conflict regarding an abstract already being presented or published, it is the responsibility of the submitting author to contact SCA via email at the time of submission. Failure to comply may result in the abstract being disqualified.
  • Submitting author will attest that all co-authors of the abstract have granted consent for the material to be submitted for presentation, and that the submitting author has been granted the right by all co-authors to act on their behalf.
  • Submitted text and images must be HIPPA compliant, including masking of all patient identification material. Images with patient identifiers will not be considered for presentation.
  • Submitting author must attest that the research was approved by his/her institution’s International Review Board (IRB) and that informed consent/assent was obtained from each subject and/or parent or guardian.
  • Institutional quality improvement committee approval is not sufficient without also having IRB approval or a written statement from the IRB that the study is IRB exempt.
  • SCA reserves the right to withdraw an abstract at any time.
  • In the event that a change in presenting author must be made after the submission of the abstract, SCA must be notified in writing as soon as possible.
  • Authors of accepted abstracts are responsible for printing and transporting their posters to the Annual Meeting. The final determination on poster format is at the discretion of SCA.
  • Abstract authors will not be provided complimentary registration or any other financial Presenting authors are expected to register for and attend the meeting.

Abstract Reviews

All abstracts undergo a blinded peer-review process and will be reviewed on the following criteria:

  • Background: Clearly stated study If a case report or case series, the reason for presenting the case(s) is clearly stated instead of a study hypothesis.
  • Methods: Clearly describes the method of data collection (e.g.) prospective data collection or chart If statistical methodology is indicated, these methodologies are clearly described.
  • Results: Presented in a manner (description +/- graphics) that is easy for the reader to For case presentations, the appropriate clinical details are included. Descriptive and statistical results are stated. Tables, figures, images, or other graphics, add to what is described in the abstract.
  • Conclusion: Well stated so that it is obvious how the data support or refute the stated Case report conclusions should clearly state how observations support a clinical or scientific principle or hypothesis worthy of future study.
  • Clarity of presentation: Well written in a style that is understandable to a non-specialist. The “message” is easily understood by the reader without having to re-read the abstract several times.

Best of Meeting Presentations

The top scoring accepted abstracts will be recognized by presenting at one of the two “Best of Meeting Oral Abstract Presentations” sessions held at the Annual Meeting. Authors of abstracts selected for these Best of Meeting sessions will be asked to present their work as oral slide presentations and will be informed of this at the time of abstract acceptance notification.



Message from the Scientific Program Chair

Dear Colleagues,

The Scientific Program Committee is so excited to gather in person at the SCA 44th Annual Meeting and Workshops in beautiful Palm Springs, California.  After a challenging year in medicine, we look forward to coming together and networking with you.

The SCA Annual Meeting and Workshops will update you on the latest cardiothoracic anesthesia information through fantastic plenary sessions, controversial panel discussions, pro-con debates, hands-on workshops, mentoring sessions, and problem-based learning sessions.

Come and learn from abstract presentations, the always popular Super Echo Panel and legendary Echo Jeopardy, and a special session from the experts on the new Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Certification exam.

Plan to hear on hot topics such as updates in coagulation, what’s new in mechanical support, and professional development topics such as leadership and mentorship.

While we were glad to ‘see’ so many of you virtually in 2021, we are thrilled to welcome you to Palm Springs in 2022!

See you there!


Sasha K. Shillcutt, MD MS FASE
Chair, Scientific Committee 2022

Mary Beth Brady, MD FASE
Vice Chair, Scientific Program 2022

Jonathan Ho, MD FASE
Workshop and PBLD Coordinator Scientific Committee 2022





会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2022年第18届世界内镜外科大会(WCES 2022)

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