


会议地点: 美国 新奥尔良/ New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
会议时间: 2022年4月8-13日
行业: 肿瘤科会议




AACR 2022 - American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting
DATE: April 8-13, 2022
VENUE: Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

主题:Decoding Cancer Complexity | Integrating Science | Transforming Patient Outcomes

Marcia Cruz-Correa, University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center, San Juan, Puerto Rico

The AACR Annual Meeting program covers the latest discoveries across the spectrum of cancer research—from population science and prevention; to cancer biology, translational, and clinical studies; to survivorship and advocacy—and highlights the work of the best minds in research and medicine from institutions all over the world.



September 21, 2021: Abstract Submission Opens/摘要提交开始
November 18, 2021: Abstract Submission Deadline/常规摘要提交截止日期:

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>



Submission Fee/摘要提交费
Each abstract submitted must be accompanied by a US$75 abstract submission fee. The submission fee can be paid by credit card or check. The fee is nonrefundable regardless of the final disposition of the abstract.

NOTE: Submitting an abstract for presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting 2022 does not constitute registration for the meeting. Abstract presenters must register to attend the meeting at AACR.org/AACR2022.




  • October 2021: Meeting Registration Opens


  • November 12, 2021: Membership Application Deadline for Prospective Regular Abstract Sponsors and Scholar-in-Training Award Applicants
  • November 18, 2021: Regular Abstract Submission Deadline (11:59 p.m. ET)/常规摘要提交截止日期:
  • November 18, 2021: Application Deadlines for Awards to Support Annual Meeting Attendance—
    • AACR Global Scholar-in-Training Awards
    • AACR Minority and Minority-Serving Institution Faculty Scholar in Cancer Research Awards
    • AACR Minority Scholar in Cancer Research Awards
    • AACR Scholar-in-Training Awards
    • AACR Undergraduate Scholar Awards
    • AACR Women in Cancer Research Scholar Awards


  • December 10, 2021: Membership Application Deadline for Early Registration Rate
  • December 17, 2021: Early Registration Deadline (lowest rates)
  • December 17, 2021: Late-Breaking and Clinical Trials Abstract Submission Opens/最新数据和临床试验摘要提交开始


  • January 5, 2022: Membership Application Deadline for Prospective Late-Breaking and Clinical Trials Abstract Sponsors
  • January 6, 2022: Online Itinerary Planner Available (tentative)
  • January 10, 2022: Late-Breaking and Clinical Trials Abstract Submission Deadline (11:59 p.m. U.S. ET)/最新数据和临床试验摘要提交截止日期
  • January 31, 2021: Regular Abstract Status Notifications Sent/常规摘要接收状态结果发送


  • February 3, 2022: Submission Deadline: Final Data for Clinical Trial Placeholder Abstracts
  • February 9, 2022: Late-Breaking and Clinical Trials Abstract Status Notifications Sent/最新数据与临床试验摘要状态通知发送
  • February 11, 2022: Abstract Submission Deadline: Undergraduate Student Caucus and Poster Competition
  • February 11, 2022: Membership Application Deadline for Advance Registration
  • February 18, 2022: Advance Registration Deadline (discounted rates)
  • February 21, 2022: Regular Abstract Withdrawal Deadline/常规摘要撤回截止日期
  • February 25, 2022: Housing Reservation Deadline

MARCH 2022

  • March 4, 2022: Cancellation Deadline for Registration Refunds (less $125 processing fee)
  • March 7, 2022: Late-Breaking and Clinical Trials Abstract Withdrawal Deadline
  • March 8, 2022: Regular Abstract Titles, Authors, and Text Released (4:30 p.m. ET)
  • March 8, 2022: Late-Breaking and Clinical Trials Abstract Titles and Authors Released (4:30 p.m. ET); Abstract Texts Embargoed until April 8, 2022
  • March 18, 2022: AACR Annual Meeting App Available for Download (tentative)
  • March 18, 2022: Registration Deadline: Undergraduate Student Caucus and Poster Competition

APRIL 2022

  • April 1, 2022: Membership Application Deadline to Register for the AACR Annual Meeting at the Member Rate On-Site
  • April 8, 2022: On-Site Registration Opens at New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
  • April 8, 2022: AACR Annual Meeting Begins (12:00 p.m. CT)
  • April 8, 2022: Late-Breaking and Clinical Trials Abstract Texts Posted to Online Itinerary Planner and Meeting App (no earlier than 1:00 p.m. ET)

Abstract Sponsorship Regulations/摘要作者赞助规则

Expanded abstract sponsorship privileges for selected AACR member types are available for the AACR Annual Meeting 2022, as outlined below:

  • Active, Honorary, and Emeritus Members may now sponsor an unlimited number of abstracts for presentation at the meeting. (As always, members must verify the content, authenticity, and quality of the abstracts they agree to sponsor.)
  • Affiliate Members are permitted to sponsor one abstract for each deadline provided that they are the presenter of the abstract. Affiliate Members are not required to provide an endorser for their abstract.

Members must be in good standing in order to sponsor and endorse abstracts for presentation (see below for details). To be in good standing for the November 18 regular abstract deadline, member dues must be paid in full through 2021. To be in good standing for the January 10 late-breaking and clinical trials abstract deadline, member dues must be paid in full through 2022. Associate, Honorary, and Emeritus Members are exempt from the payment of dues; therefore, this regulation does not apply to them.

  1. Each abstract submitted for presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting must be sponsored by an Active, Emeritus, Honorary, Affiliate, or Associate AACR Member in good standing (dues paid or eligibility recertified). (Student members are not eligible to sponsor an abstract.)
  2. An Active, Emeritus, or Honorary Member may sponsor an unlimited number of abstracts and may use his or her sponsorship privileges in two ways: (a) to sponsor abstracts on which he or she is listed as an author, or (b) to sponsor abstracts submitted by colleagues on which he or she is not listed as an author.
  3. An Associate Member in good standing may sponsor one abstract for each submission deadline provided that (a) he or she is the presenter of the abstract, and (b) an Active, Emeritus, or Honorary Member in good standing endorses the work. Active, Emeritus, and Honorary Members may endorse an unlimited number of abstracts.
  4. An Affiliate Member in good standing may sponsor one abstract for each submission deadline provided that he or she is the presenter of the abstract. (Affiliate Members are not required to provide an endorser.)
  5. . Permission to list an AACR member as a sponsor or endorser must be obtained prior to selecting the sponsor/endorser in the Online Abstract Submission System. Individuals listed as sponsors or endorsers of abstracts will receive a notification of sponsorship or endorsement via email.
  6. The sponsor must verify the content, authenticity, and quality of the abstract. Sponsorship of an abstract implies support for the data and the interpretations contained therein.

COMPLIANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE AUTHORS. Adherence to these rules will be strictly enforced. Violations will result in the rejection of the abstract by the Program Committee.

Membership Application Deadlines for Abstract Sponsorship

Nonmember individuals interested in joining the AACR and sponsoring an abstract for AACR Annual Meeting 2022 must submit an application for membership no later than November 12, 2021. Individuals interested in joining the AACR and sponsoring a clinical trial or late-breaking abstract must submit an application for membership no later than January 5, 2022. Membership questions may be directed to [email protected].



AACR 2022 注册费(会议费)



MEMBER RATES1 - AACR会员注册费 In-Person In-Person In-Person
Regular Meeting Sessions (Apr. 9-13) Early
By Dec. 17
By Feb. 18

After Feb. 18
Active $705 $805 $975
Active Industry $875 $1,005 $1,210
Associate $365 $445 $540
Affiliate $575 $620 $730
Student $75 $80 $95
Emeritus $115 $115 $115
Patient Advocate $250 $275 $295
Educational Program (Apr. 8-9)
Program Pass
$50 $50 $50


NONMEMBER RATES2 - 非AACR会员注册费 In-Person In-Person In-Person
Regular Meeting Sessions (Apr. 9-13) Early
By Dec. 17
By Feb. 18
After Feb. 18
Nonprofit $1,285 $1,520 $1,655
Industry $1,545 $1,665 $1,880
Predoctoral Graduate or Medical Student/
Postdoctoral or Clinical Fellow
$650 $685 $795
Educational Program (Apr. 8-9)
Program Pass
$95 $95 $95

1 See the section on Eligibility for Registration at AACR Member Rates below for more information and deadlines to apply.
2For nonmember advocate registration information, email [email protected].


MEMBER RATES* - AACR会员注册费 Virtual Only Virtual Only Virtual
Regular Meeting Sessions (Apr. 9-13) Upper
Low Income
Active $705 $350 $200
Active Industry $875 $450 $275
Associate $365 $150 $75
Affiliate $575 $300 $175
Student $75 $25 $10
Emeritus $115 $50 $25
Patient Advocate $250 $125 $75
Educational Program (Apr. 8-9)
Program Pass
$50 $35 $25


NONMEMBER RATES - 非AACR会员注册费 Virtual Only Virtual Only Virtual Only
Regular Meeting Sessions (Apr. 9-13) Upper
Low Income
Nonprofit $1,285 $650 $385
Industry $1,545 $775 $465
Predoctoral Graduate or Medical Student/
Postdoctoral or Clinical Fellow
$650 $335 $200
Educational Program (Apr. 8-9)
Program Pass
$95 $60 $40

以AACR 会员费率注册资格


Nonmember individuals interested in registering at the early registration member rate must submit membership applications no later than December 10, 2021. Individuals who are interested in joining the AACR and registering at the advance registration member rate must submit membership applications no later than February 16, 2022. Only individuals who are listed on the membership rolls as of April 1, 2022, will be accorded the privilege of registering for the AACR Annual Meeting 2022 at the member rates noted on the registration form. In order to receive the AACR member rate, individuals must be current in their dues at the time of registration. If upon review of membership application a candidate is deemed ineligible for the membership category to which they have applied, then the candidate will need to register in advance at the nonmember rate.




Registered participants may change their registration selection between the in-person or virtual meeting at any time without penalties or change fees. All modifications to registration should be completed by Monday, April 4, 2022.

Participants may cancel their registration and receive a full refund as long as the cancellation request is received online on or before Friday, February 18, 2022; the standard $125 cancellation fee will be waived due to the special circumstances associated with the pandemic.

Participants may cancel their registration and receive a refund—less a $125 cancellation fee—as long as the cancellation request is received online on or before Friday, March 25, 2022. No refunds will be granted after this date.

If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from attending the AACR Annual Meeting 2022, you may request an exception to this policy. To do so, please email a summary of your situation to [email protected] and include any documentation to support your case (documentation is optional but recommended).

All registration cancellations and refunds will be processed in the same manner as original payment.

Please Note: Canceling your meeting registration does not automatically cancel your hotel reservation. Hotel reservations must be canceled separately.



Multiple registration options are available for the AACR Annual Meeting 2022. Both in-person and virtual registration packages include access to live sessions, Q&A, networking, CME/MOC credits, and more.



The following items are included with in-person registration:

  1. Admission to all live scientific sessions
  2. Admission to the poster hall and live poster presentations
  3. Access to the virtual meeting platform and all on-demand sessions through July 13, 2022
  4. Access to the E-Poster platform through July 13, 2022
  5. Admission to all town meetings, NCI/NIH-sponsored sessions, and other live special sessions
  6. Access to AACR Annual Meeting 2022 App and online itinerary planner
  7. Ability to submit questions to session speakers through a mobile application
  8. Admission to the exhibit hall, spotlight theaters, and other exhibitor events
  9. Admission to Satellite Educational Symposia (separate complimentary registration required)
  10. Admission to special sessions at AACR Central and the AACR Publishing Booth
  11. Admission to the AACR 115th Anniversary Landmarks Exhibit
  12. Admission to the Networking Hubs and other live networking sessions
  13. Admission to over 65 Educational Sessions and Methods Workshops (with the separate purchase of an AACR Educational Program Pass: $50 for Members and $95 for Nonmembers)
  14. Access to all recorded Educational Sessions and Methods Workshops through July 13, 2022 (included with each purchase of an AACR Educational Program Pass)
  15. Admission to Professional Advancement Sessions (for eligible participants; separate complimentary registration required)
  16. Opportunity to claim CME/MOC credits
  17. Daily coffee breaks and light refreshments in the Exhibit Hall
  18. Copy of the AACR Annual Meeting 2022 Print Program Guide
  19. AACR Annual Meeting 2022 bag and AACR-branded notebook
  20. Certificate of Attendance
  21. Complimentary shuttle service between hotels and convention center


The following items are included with the virtual registration:

  1. Access to live streamed sessions
  2. Access to the virtual meeting platform and all live and on-demand sessions through July 13, 2022
  3. Access to the E-Poster platform through July 13, 2022
  4. Access to the AACR Annual Meeting 2022 App and online itinerary planner
  5. Ability to submit questions to session speakers through the virtual meeting platform
  6. Access to networking opportunities on the virtual meeting platform
  7. Access to all live and on-demand Educational Sessions and Methods Workshops through July 13, 2022 (with the separate purchase of an AACR Educational Program Pass: see the Registration Rates table for tiered pricing)
  8. Opportunity to claim CME/MOC Credit
  9. Certificate of Attendance




April 14-19, 2023 Orlando, Florida

AACR 2022-美国癌症年会-美国肿瘤年会-美国癌症协会年会2022-AACR癌症年会

会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2022年欧洲肿瘤内科学会亚洲年会(ESMO ASIA 2022)
2023年泌尿生殖系统肿瘤研讨会(GU 2023)

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