


会议地点: 美国 斯科茨代尔
会议时间: 2022年3月17日至20日
行业: 外科|麻醉|疼痛会议




AAPM 2022 - 38th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM)
Date: March 17-20, 2022
Venue: Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Theme: Today and Tomorrow in Pain Medicine: Innovations and Practical Applications



Important Dates


Abstract Submission Dates

October 12th to November 12th on or before, 5pm CT

Abstract Poster Acceptance Notifications

Sent week of December 13th 2021

Early-Bird Conference Registration

Ends on January 27th, 2022

Digital Content Submission and Disclosure Upload

Ends on January 29th, 2022

Presentation Confirmation Date/Time

Sent week of February 5th, 2022





Welcome to the 2022 AAPM Annual Meeting

On behalf of the Planning Committee, we welcome you to the 2022 AAPM Annual Meeting to be held at the Kierland Westin in Scottsdale, Arizona on March 17-20.

The theme of this year’s meeting is Today and Tomorrow in Pain Medicine: Innovations and Practical Applications.

As the leading advocate of multidisciplinary pain care, the meeting sessions and preconferences span the full spectrum of interventional, behavioral, and pharmacological treatment of acute and chronic pain.

The meeting will also feature a first-of-its-kind event for any pain specialty meeting titled the AAPM Innovation Challenge where cutting-edge start-up companies working in the pain space will compete for cash prizes and awards.

On a personal note, if this is your first AAPM meeting, we welcome you to become a part of our community. If you are an AAPM member or if you have previously attended one of our meetings, we anticipate you will enjoy connecting with colleagues and friend in the serene surroundings of the Sonoran Desert.

Mike Hooten, MD


注册费-Event Pricing


Early Bird by January 27th

After January 27th

AAPM Active Member*



AAPM Affiliate






Join AAPM today and receive another $100 off your registration cost; just email your membership payment receipt to [email protected] before registering for the annual meeting.

*Active members include physicians who possess a doctor of medicine or a doctor of osteopathic degree and non-physicians who possess a doctoral level degree in psychology or neuroscience.

After January 27th


Early Bird by January 27th

Non Member AAPM



Federal Medicine*









* Federal medicine applies to active duty service members and DoD and VA employees with a current ID presented onsite.

** Industry attendees must register at the industry rate regardless of membership status. In addition, Individuals who are affiliated with a pharmaceutical company; device manufacturer; medical, healthcare education, or communications company; screening lab; or other AAPM sponsor or exhibitor are not eligible for join-and-register rates.


Cancellation Policy

Conference Registration cancellation requests are to be sent to [email protected] before February 25, 2022. There is a cancellation fee of $50 of your purchase. February 25th and after, there are no refunds. Funds cannot be applied to other opportunities. All refunds will be processed after the meeting. Refunds will not be made on cancellations postmarked after February 25, 2022.


Virtual Program Pricing

2022 Virtual Program registration includes simulcast of educational track sessions, virtual exhibit hall and digital posters through mobile app.

Virtual registration is non-refundable for 2022.


Early Bird by January 27th

AAPM Member


Non Member


APPM Member Affiliate / Federal Medicine


Non Member Affiliate / Federal Medicine


AAPM Member Trainee / Resident / Fellow


Non Member Trainee / Resident / Fellow


All attendees of the 2022 meeting, live or virtual, will have access to enduring content after the live meeting has ended, including presentations slides.

Preconference Activities and Course Registration

All courses are on Thursday March 17th.



会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2022年第11届世界显微重建外科学会大会(WSRM 2022)

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