2022年美国疼痛周/大会-PAINWeek Conference
会议地点: 美国 拉斯维加斯/Las Vegas
会议时间: 2022年9月6日至9日
行业: 外科|麻醉|疼痛会议
2022年美国疼痛周/大会(PAINWeek 2022)将于2022年9月6日至9日在美国拉斯维加斯举行。PAINWEEK始于2007年,现已成为美国最大的疼痛医学会议。PAINWEEK是一线临床医护人员提高疼痛管理能力的最佳去处。往届会议有超过2000名专业人士出席。
PAINWeek Conference 2022
Date: September 6-9, 2022
Venue: The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, USA
Call for Abstracts 2022
July 16
Abstract Submission Deadline: 11:59p
August 12
Authors/Presenters will be notified of acceptance of abstracts
Deadline for final, updated late-breaking abstracts
August 30
Accepted abstracts will be posted online
The Scientific Session Committee invites you to submit abstracts for posters to be presented at the 2022 PAINWeek National Conference. Please review the guidelines below.
Scientific Session Chair, Joseph V. Pergolizzi, MD, and Co-chair, Srinivas Nalamachu, MD, invite you to submit abstracts for posters to be presented at the 2021 PAINWeek National Conference. To enrich the attendee experience, we offer an expansive scientific poster session showcasing the latest information from current research and clinical trials. Abstracts may be a summary of research findings or a review of current evidence-based recommendations for clinical application that are pertinent to frontline practitioners who treat patients in pain.
Abstract Guidelines
- At least one presenting author(s) or presenter(s) of accepted abstracts must register at the current registration rate to attend the PAINWeek National Conference. Submission of an abstract does not automatically register you for the conference. Registration Opens Soon
- Abstracts may be of original research or encore (repeat) presentations of abstracts, ie, PAINWeek will accept abstracts that have already been presented at other medical conferences.
- Abstracts should be 1300 words or less, with maximums as defined below. (Titles, author names, and affiliations are not included in that word count)
- Purpose: 350 words
- Methods: 350 words
- Results: 400 words
- Conclusions: 200 words
- List affiliations for all authors, such as universities and other institutions.
- List names of all authors, in the order in which you wish them to appear in printed text. One listed author must attend PAINWeek to present.
- List disclosures (financial and/or in-kind support). If none, state “Nothing to disclose by any author(s)”.
- Please indicate whether you are interested in being considered to present orally.
- Do not use tables, charts, or graphs in your abstract submission (they can be included in the actual poster).
- There is no limit to the number of abstracts one author may submit for consideration.
- The first author is responsible for communicating all these policies to all involved parties.
- Student authors are permitted to submit.
PAINWeek requires faculty and poster authors/presenters who have an interest in selling a technology, program, product, and/or service to healthcare professionals to disclose this information in order to be considered for and/or present at any PAINWeek educational session.
If your abstract is accepted, you will be notified on or by August 12, and the abstract will be posted online by August 30. Only accepted abstracts will be posted online. Posters will not be published online.
Poster and Presentation Guidelines
- After acceptance, format your abstract into a poster which may include graphs, tables, and charts.
- Maximum poster size is 42" high x 90" wide.
- Authors/presenters should bring their posters with them to the conference. Please do not send posters to the PAINWeek offices or in care of PAINWeek.
- Detailed instructions will accompany acceptance notices.
- While first authors typically attend the conference in person, PAINWeek allows other listed authors to attend in his/her place.
- Recording by any means (photographing, audiotaping, videotaping) of any presentation/session is prohibited, except by a PAINWeek authorized agent or by first author(s) who wish to photograph their own poster presentation. Violators risk confiscation of their equipment and/or dismissal from PAINWeek.
- QR codes with a maximum size of 1" by 1" are permitted in the lower corner of posters. Scanning of a QR code only by participants using smart phones or other mobile devices is permissible.
- Interactive content/features on printed posters that can be viewed using smartphones or iPads is allowed (for example, additional graphs, animations, videos related to the printed poster content).
- Presenters may use an iPad or tablet to facilitate their presentation, but it cannot be using in lieu of a printed poster. Tablets may also be available for viewers to see the interactive content during the poster presentation time.
- Supplementary information on how to download relevant QR codes and access interactive content may be included on the poster, ie, within the text of the poster or printed on the bottom.
Poster Set-up
Authors should arrive on site to have their posters up by 3:00p on Wednesday, September 8 (day 2 of the conference). PAINWeek will provide a poster board, pushpins, and poster number. If you would like to provide reprints of your posters (ie, handouts) you may leave them under your assigned poster board. Posters will be available for public viewing after 3:30p. The poster session room will be closed at 5:30p for the Keynote and Welcome Reception and will reopen on Thursday at 8a.
Scientific Session and Reception
Due to the enormity of requests for posters to have longer onsite accessibility, we ask that all posters be set-up by 3:00p on Wednesday, September 8. All authors and/or presenters should be available at their posters for the Scientific Session reception, which will be held on Thursday, September 8, 6:30p-8:30p. PAINWeek name badges will be required for entry. Refreshments will be available.
Oral Presentations
The review committee will choose 6 abstracts (posters) for oral presentations at the PAINWeek National Conference. Presenters will be notified by August 20, 2022. Date, time, and location of oral presentations will be announced. While first authors typically present in person, PAINWeek allows other listed authors to present in his/her place.
Late-breaking Abstracts
The PAINWeek late-breaking abstracts policy allows for the submission of late-breaking abstracts only for randomized phase III trials for which no preliminary data are available at the time of the abstract submission deadline July 16, but for which a preplanned analysis of the primary endpoint is scheduled after that date but before August 12 (deadline for the final, updated late-breaking abstract). During abstract submission, you will be required to provide the date of planned analysis. The policy is not a mechanism to allow for updated data to be submitted later when preliminary data are available by the abstract submission deadline.
会议对象: 医师,医师助理,执业护士,护士,药剂师,住院医师,心理学家和社会工作者,以及其他相关专业人士代表。
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