会议地点: 日本 横滨(线上+线下)
会议时间: 2021年9月11-13日
行业: 外科|麻醉|疼痛会议
21st Annual Congress of the Asia-Pacific Association for Gynecologic Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Therapy (APAGE)
Date: September 11 (Sat.) to 13(Mon.), 2021
Online Delivery Only (Those who resident in Japan are able to participate on-site)
Theme: Challenge for innovation, make a new standard
Dear Colleagues and friends,
On behalf of the Asia-Pacific Association for Gynecologic Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Therapy (APAGE), it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 21st APAGE Annual Congress hosted by Japan Society of Gynecologic and Obstetric Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Therapy (JSGOE).
APAGE is an academic association which dedicated to the gynecologic field, advancing the care of women through various scientific and educational events. Since 2003, we have gathered experts and scholars exchanging comprehensive knowledge and best practice to make the events informative and instrumental. In 2020, though the outbreak of the Covid-19, we have held thirteen webinars and three physical workshops all over the world. The feedback we received from participants has always been inspiring and motivating.
The Congress will contain prominent speakers, extraordinary panelists from all over the world, as well as hands-on demonstrations and has been put together as a collective effort by the organising committee of JSGOE. With every expert’s great support, I believe you will find the Congress innovative, meaningful and enjoyable.
We advocate for better health for women as the core value and are seeking improvement in every aspect for the status quo. I believe the Congress will be a memorable and fruitful one.
Thank you and looking forward to meeting you in the 2021 APAGE Annual Congress in Yokohama, Japan!
Best Regards,
Chyi-Long Lee, M.D., Ph.D.
Chairman of Board of Trustees, APAGE
Registration Period
Early Bird: April 12 (Mon.) – May 31 (Mon.), 2021
Regular: June 1 (Tue.) – August, 31 (Tue.), 2021
Onsite: September 1 (Wed.) – 13 (Mon.), 2021
Reduction: the registration fees of all participants from overseas are reduced to a single-price as JPY10,000!
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, APAGE 21st Annual Congress is to be a Hybrid Congress and the registration fees are now reduced accordingly.
You could enjoy the lectures featured by internationally recognized experts in this 3-day conference and present your research with practitioners from different countries at JPY 10,000.
Please note that the full amount of the registration fees as listed below are to be paid when any participant completes registration and then the balance amount will be refunded in due course.
All the payments which have already made will be refunded in the same way.
Categories | Early Bird | Regular | Onsite |
Doctor | JPY40,000 | JPY45,000 | JPY50,000 |
Non Medical | JPY40,000 | JPY45,000 | JPY50,000 |
Supplier | JPY50,000 | JPY55,000 | JPY60,000 |
Young APAGE Group (with abstracts) accepted for YAG session *1 | JPY20,000 | JPY22,500 | JPY25,000 |
Medical Staff (Nurse and etc.) *2 | JPY10,000 | JPY10,000 | JPY10,000 |
Internship and Medical Student (excluding Graduate Student) *3 | - | - | JPY0 |
- *1: Doctors under 40 or had been trained in APAGE certified training facilities in less than 5 years. If you have not submitted any abstract and have not been accepted for YAG session, your category will be "Doctor".
- *2: Not a category for a doctor. If you are a Fellow, your category will be Doctor or Young APAGE Group.
- *1–3: Certificate must be uploaded during registration.
- *3: Registration will be completed after the uploaded certificate is approved.
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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