


会议地点: 美国 丹佛(Denver, CO)
会议时间: 2022年3月16-19日
行业: 外科|麻醉|疼痛会议




SAGES (The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons) was founded in 1981 to foster, promote, support and encourage academic, clinical and research achievement in gastrointestinal endoscopic surgery. SAGES currently boasts more than 7,000 general surgeon members from countries ringing the globe. SAGES annual meeting is oriented toward minimally invasive surgery.

SAGES 2022 - Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons Annual Meeting
Date: MARCH 16-19, 2022
Location: Denver, CO USA

Program Chairs:
Jacob Greenberg, MD, EdM and
Archana Ramaswamy, MD, MBA




点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Abstract Guidelines»

You are invited to submit paper and video abstracts to the SAGES 2022 Scientific Session.

The program will consist of oral presentations, video presentations, and poster presentations. The program committee will be responsible for selecting the length of the oral and video presentations.

There is a 400 word limit for written abstract submissions and a 100 word limit for video abstract submissions. No reference to the authors or the institution should appear within the body of the abstract or in the abstract title.

SAGES will be accepting online submissions for oral, video or poster presentation. Topics include:

  • Abdominal Wall (including Inguinal and Ventral Hernia)
  • Acute Care
  • Bariatric
  • Biliary
  • Colorectal
  • COVID-19
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Education/Simulation
  • Flexible Endoscopy
  • Foregut (including Hiatal Hernia)
  • Leadership & Professional Development
  • Liver
  • Miscellaneous/Other
  • New Technologies/Techniques
  • Pancreas
  • Quality Improvement/Health System Outcomes
  • Robotics/Advanced Technologies
Important Notice: The following Abstract Submission Policies will be firmly enforced:
    • Previously Presented Abstracts: No abstracts may be submitted that have been previously presented at a regional (Central Surgical, Southwest Surgical, etc.), national, or international meeting. Abstracts that have been presented locally (state ACS chapter meeting, institutional or departmental research day for example) will be considered. If the abstract has been previously presented locally, where and when it was presented must be disclosed during the abstract submission process. Abstracts that have been accepted for presentation at the 2021 SAGES Annual Meeting may not be submitted for consideration for the 2022 SAGES Annual Meeting.
    • No Previously Published Submissions/No Submissions Under Consideration For Publication: The abstract submitted must present original work that has not and will not be published or presented prior to the 2022 SAGES Annual Meeting, and is not currently under review for publication. The exception to this rule is that a manuscript may be submitted to Surgical Endoscopy for special meeting related consideration only after the abstract has been accepted by SAGES for presentation. Manuscripts may not be submitted to any journals for consideration until after SAGES abstract acceptance notification, and if the abstract is selected for Oral Presentation, the Presenter is required to submit a complete manuscript to Surgical Endoscopy. If the manuscript has been submitted to any journal prior to SAGES abstract acceptance notifications, or if the manuscript is not submitted to Surgical Endoscopy as part of a Oral Presentation, the Abstract Submitter, Presenter and Senior Author will forfeit the privilege to submit, present, or be listed as an author on abstracts for the 2023 and 2024 SAGES Annual Meetings. Abstracts selected for Oral presentation may not be moved to other forms of presentation to bypass the required submission of a manuscript to Surgical Endoscopy.
    • No Dual Submissions: The abstract must not be submitted to any other upcoming regional, national, or international meeting.
    • No Previously Presented Data: All abstracts must be new and original content OR include at least 50% new data if previously presented at a meeting (unless presented locally as described above).
    • Digital Poster Submission: If selected for a Poster Presentation, a digital version of the poster must be submitted.
    • There is no limit to the number of abstracts you may submit, but you may not submit a video abstract and a written abstract on the same study/data set. You must select either a written abstract submission or a video abstract submission.
    • Manuscript Submission: Accepted Oral Abstract Presenters must submit a complete manuscript to Surgical Endoscopy.
    • Abstracts can be edited until the submission site closes. After the submission site closes and the abstracts go into review, the content of the abstracts may not be edited in any way. Please make sure to proof read and double check your abstracts before submission. In addition, SAGES cannot update the content/text of your abstract to include new/updated data after acceptance notifications, although you will be allowed to include these updated findings in your actual presentation.

Written Abstract Submissions

    • The word limit for written abstract submissions is 400-words (not including title and authors).
    • Images are allowed with abstract submissions. Images must be no larger than 1MB in file size, and no larger than 900 pixels wide by 900 pixels high.
    • Tables may be included in the abstract submission but will go against the abstract’s 400-word limit.
    • Videos may not be submitted with a written abstract

Video Abstract Submissions

  • The Maximum length for submitted videos is Seven (7) Minutes. SAGES is not accepting 3D Video submissions. If your video is accepted for presentation at the 2022 SAGES meeting, you will be required to bring a final copy of your video with you to the meeting.
  • A short (100-word maximum) written description of your video should be included when submitting your video abstract.
  • Images and tables should not be included in the short written description when submitting a video abstract.
  • Videos must have narration in English. Without narration, it will not be considered.
  • Videos may not include advertisement or promotion of products.
  • DO NOT include any music and DO NOT include any video clips or other materials/media copyrighted by any entity other than yourself


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2021年第8届世界儿童心脏病学与心脏外科大会(WCPCCS 2021)

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