


会议地点: 英国 伯明翰
会议时间: 2022年4月21日至22日
行业: 外科|麻醉|疼痛会议



BSGE ASM 2022 - British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy Annual Scientific Meeting
Date: 21-22 April, 2022
Venue: International Convention Centre - ICC Birmingham, UK

Post-congress courses - 20 April 2022

Theme: Standing Tall after the Fall


Important Deadlines:

Monday 28th March – Deadline for Early Bird Registrations & Accepted Abstract Submitters
Monday 4th April – Deadline for ASM Onsite registration, closed thereafter
Monday 11th April – Deadline for ASM Online registration, closed thereafter




Closing date for abstract submission 7th January 2022.

Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection week commencing 24th January 2022.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Guidelines for abstracts submission

Abstracts are invited for inclusion in the programme as either oral presentation, electronic poster or video presentation or video poster.

Submitting abstracts

You must register with the online abstract submission system before submitting your abstract.

The following information is required for each abstract:

  • Primary author’s name, position, organisation, full contact address, telephone and email address. This information will be used for all further communications.
  • Names and organisations of co-authors.
  • The presentation preference of video, oral or e-poster presentation or either.

Please note all accepted poster abstracts will be presented as e-posters at the BSGE ASM 2022.

If your abstract cannot be accepted for an oral or video presentation, it will automatically be considered for an e-poster or video poster presentation. The BSGE Scientific Committee reserves the right to decide on the final method of presentation. The authors must declare conflicts of interest.

Please remember that submitting an abstract does NOT automatically register you as an ASM delegate. The presenting author MUST register for the meeting by the Early Bird deadline 7th February 2022. If the named abstract presenter has not registered for the ASM by 7th February 2022, the abstract will be considered to be withdrawn.

The details submitted within the abstract submission system for the primary author will automatically appear in the programme. If an abstract is accepted for presentation, at least one author must pay the registration fee to attend the ASM.

The presenting author MUST register for the meeting by the Early Bird deadline 7th February 2022. If the named abstract presenter has not registered for the ASM by 7th February 2022, the abstract will be considered to be withdrawn.

Any video that has won a prize in a previous BSGE video competition cannot be entered as a video presentation at the ASM. This could result in the author receiving two prizes for the same video publication, which the BSGE council considers inappropriate.





We are delighted to invite registration for the Birmingham-Worcester BSGE Annual Scientific Meeting which will be held at the International Convention Centre in Birmingham on the 21st – 22nd April.

The meeting is themed ‘Standing Tall after the Fall’ – always learning, improving safety and enhancing outcomes. We acknowledge the challenges faced over the last few years and this provides an opportunity for us to come together at a face-to-face meeting to learn, share experiences and socialise. There is the added option for delegates to attend virtually to access live streaming of the conference if they are unable to attend in person.

The local organising committee have developed an exciting scientific programme with leading speakers, clinical experts and academics from around the world. Content will be delivered across three parallel streams and popular sessions such as meet the expert, Pecha Kucha and the debate are included as well as sessions dedicated for nurses and trainees across gynaecological endoscopy disciplines.

The ICC is set in the heart of Birmingham, providing the perfect backdrop for our meeting. The ICC incorporates the iconic Symphony Hall, directly facing Centenary Square, and opens out onto Birmingham canals with an abundance of bars and restaurants within a stone’s throw away. There will be plenty of opportunity to explore the nearby art, culture and entertainment on offer.

Pre-congress workshops will be held on the 20th April 2022 at Birmingham Women’s Hospital and Worcester Royal Hospital.

We look forward to seeing you in Birmingham!

T. Justin Clark
BSGE President

Donna Ghosh
Chair of LOC, BSGE ASM 2022




注册费-Registration Fees

  BSGE Member
(before 29th Mar)
BSGE Member
(29th Mar onwards)
Non BSGE Member
(before 29th Mar)
Non BSGE Member
(29th Mar onwards)
Senior £310 £360 £470 £520
Trainee £235 £285 £315 £365
Nurse £185 £210 £235 £285
Student £100 £120 £100 £120

Delegates must register online for the BSGE ASM 2022.

Full payment must be made by credit/debit card at the time of registering.

  • Please choose and tick the box if you would like to attend BSGE Welcome Event on 27th February. There is no charge for attending this event.
  • Delegates attending the BSGE Gala Dinner on 28th February can bring one guest and must pay £80 supplement. Please provide name of your guest and pay at the time of registering for the meeting. Places are limited and will be available on a first come first served basis.
  • Dinner tickets are only available to delegates who register for the ASM.



会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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