


会议地点: 日本 京都
会议时间: 2022年5月13日至15日
行业: 外科|麻醉|疼痛会议




103rd Congress of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society (103JGES)

ENDO 2022 - 3rd World Congress of GI Endoscopy

2022年5月13日 - 2022年5月15日

Kyoto International Conference Center & The Prince Kyoto Takaragaike

Imagination and Innovation with Intelligence



Open: 12:00pm Wednesday, September 22, 2021 (JST)
Close: 6:00pm Friday, November 12, 2021 (JST)
*The designated speakers requested by the Acting Secretariat of the 103JGES will be contacted separately.

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Welcome Message

I am Haruhiko Ogata of the Center for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy, Keio University School of Medicine. I have been appointed as the President of the 103rd Congress of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. It is a great honor and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Hisao Tajiri, the Senior Advisor, Haruhiro Inoue, the President, and many other Board of Directors of JGES for giving me this opportunity. The conference will be held from Friday May 13 to Sunday May 15, 2022 at the Kyoto International Conference Center and the Prince Kyoto Takaragaike. The theme of this year's Congress is "Imagination and Innovation with Intelligence”. We believe that free imagination and innovative technological development, along with the wisdom of humankind, are indispensable for the future of endoscopic medicine, which is constantly advancing.
In addition to three Special Lectures, three Invited Lectures, and twelve Educational Lectures, we are planning two President’s Special Programs for novice endoscopists. In addition, we have set up a variety of Theme Sessions to cover a wide range of endoscopic medicine, which continues to develop.
Furthermore, this year's Congress will be held together with ENDO 2022 (The 3rd World Congress of GI Endoscopy) organized by the World Endoscopy Organization (WEO), which will be the first attempt for a spring JGES Congress. Dr. Fabian Emura (President), Dr. Hisao Tajiri (Co-president), and the organizing members of the WEO are working together to build a complementary and close cooperative system for the conference's success. The English session at the 103rd JGES will be a joint symposium with the WEO to provide an environment for more active discussions.
At the time of writing, the spread of the COVID-19 infection in Japan and abroad continues to be very concerning and it is difficult to predict what the situation will be like in May 2022. We can only hope that many more people are vaccinated and the pandemic will be under control. I would like to assure you that we are making the necessary arrangements to prevent the spread of infection and ensure the health and wellbeing of all congress participants.
Kyoto, as you know, is an attractive city full of history and flavor. We would like to put as much effort as possible into the social program so that everyone can enjoy the famous sweets, local sake, and food.
As mentioned above, we are working diligently to prepare for the conference so that all participants will find the Congress beneficial. We sincerely ask for the continued support and cooperation of our members.

Haruhiko Ogata, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Director, Center for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy, Keio University School of Medicine




*Free registration for university students (except postgraduates) upon submission of proof of enrollment
*Registration includes
- Admission to all scientific sessions of 103JGES and ENDO2022
- Admission to 103JGES and ENDO2022 joint poster and technical exhibition area
- Congress materials as available


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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