会议地点: 荷兰 海牙
会议时间: 2022年6月19日至21日
行业: 外科|麻醉|疼痛会议
ESTS 2022 - 30th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery
Date: 19 - 21 June 2022
Location: World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Opens: Wednesday December 1st, 2021
Closes: Monday January 24th, 2022
A summary of the guidelines is as follows:
- The abstract language is English
- The text should be not more than 300 words
- The use of 1 table or 1 graph is possible
- The abstract must consist of four paragraphs labelled: OBJECTIVE, METHODS, RESULTS,
CONCLUSIONS - The text and the title should be free from abbreviations, except those commonly used. It should concisely address the problem and the purpose of the study (OBJECTIVE); how the study was performed (METHODS); the main findings with numerical data and statistical significance (RESULTS); and the principal conclusions drawn from the study (CONCLUSIONS)
- The title of the abstract should be printed in CAPITAL LETTERS; the name(s) of the
author(s) should be preceded by the full first name (middle name Initial optional) - omit titles. The number of authors is unlimited. - Since the abstracts will be judged anonymously, the text should not reveal the institutional affiliation
- Mark the category which best describes the subject of your abstract
- The material should not have been published, or presented at any international meeting before, nor submitted to another meeting during the same period.
- Only co-authors are allowed to present the paper
Welcome Address
Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Program Committee it is a great pleasure to invite you to the 30th ESTS meeting next June 19-21 in The Hague, Netherlands.
The last couple of years have been a very difficult time and we have gone through personal and professional hardship and sorrow. The scientific community has been physically separated and many of those events which in the past we considered a nice routine have been violently scrapped from our lives. We have been forced to communicate and learn science through online events and webinars. They were very effective in keeping us up to date with the latest scientific evidence, but they were not enough.
A scientific congress is not just a series of lectures or talks delivered from a podium, there is much more. There is the social interaction, meeting old friends and making new acquaintances which may turn to become lifelong, discussing a project over a coffee, inviting colleagues to spend time in our unit. Especially for young doctors, a congress represents the unique opportunity to meet renown surgeons and perhaps establish connections that can lead to new professional opportunities.
There is a congress beyond the congress which for most is even more relevant than the lectures or symposia.
I am happy to inform you that the Board and Program Committee have agreed this year to revert to a face to face meeting. It is particularly symbolic that the next Congress, the congress which will epitomise the return to our beloved “normality”, will be the 30th Annual Congress of our Society. An important birthday for ESTS.
The Program Committee has been working hard to put together a vibrant and comprehensive program. A program which will be up to the expectations of our many thoracic surgical colleagues who have continued to faithfully support our Organisation during the last period.
Improving patient care through training and education is the core value of ESTS and we will always do our best to align our activities and our programs to this mission statement.
Dear Colleagues and Friends, as President of ESTS, the world’s largest society for General Thoracic Surgery, I am very happy and honoured to welcome all of you to The Hague next June to share and learn the most up to date evidence in our specialty and to enjoy networking with your friends and colleagues.
Alessandro Brunelli
ESTS President
ESTS2022 注册费:
until March 30th | until May 31st | from June 1st | |
ESTS Member high-income* |
440 € |
495 € |
595 € |
ESTS Member upper-middle-income* |
175 € |
210 € |
310 € |
ESTS Member low-income* |
50 € |
80 € |
80 € |
Non-Member |
700 € |
800 € |
875 € |
ERS Member (for pulmonologists only) |
175 € |
325 € |
400 € |
Daypass ESTS Member (only possible for one day) |
225 € |
250 € |
275 € |
Daypass Non Member (only possible for one day) |
375 € |
400 € |
425 € |
Trainee ESTS Member |
100 € |
150 € |
225 € |
Trainee non Member** |
155 € |
210 € |
310 € |
Allied professionals** |
50 € |
65 € |
80 € |
Medical Student (undergraduate)** |
0 € |
0 € |
0 € |
Sunrise Seminar | 25 € | 50 € | 50 € |
ESTS Party Ticket | 125 € | 125 € | 125 € |
ESTS Party Ticket Reduced price for Trainee only (Limited 80 tickets) |
100 € | 100 € | 100 € |
ESTS Party Ticket Reduced price for Allied Health Professional only (Limited to 20 tickets) |
100 € | 100 € | 100 € |
21% VAT is included in the prices listed above
* For the classification please visit www.ests.org
** Proof of trainee, student status or nurse certificate must be uploaded on the online registration
Reduced early registration is available to ESTS members who have paid their 2022 member fee by the close of early registration on 30 March 2022.
For members that pay their member fee after this date, the on-site registration fee will apply.
-All cancellations and changes to registrations must be sent to e-mail: [email protected]
The following registration CANCELLATION POLICIES apply:
Written notice of registration cancellation by 30 April 2022: 50% refund of the paid registration fee (less EUR 25 administration fee).
No refund will be granted for registrations cancelled after this date. Reimbursements will be made after the conference.
All costs and bank charges applied for payments and reimbursements of registration fees must be supported by the participant.
会议对象: 外科医师、麻醉师、药剂师、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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