


会议地点: 美国 新奥尔良
会议时间: 2022年9月7日至10日
行业: 外科|麻醉|疼痛会议


2022年腹腔镜内镜外科医师学会(SLS)年会—美国微创外科周(MISWEEK 2022)将于2022年9月7日至10日在美国新奥尔良举行。微创外科周(MSIWEEK)是由腹腔镜内镜外科医师学会(SLS)主办的多学科会议,其目标受众包括普外科医生,妇科医生,泌尿科医生,儿科,胸外科医生以及其他对腹腔镜,内窥镜,机器人和微创外科技术感兴趣的相关专业人士。世界一流的外科医生和领导者将在这次重要的国际会议上展示其跨学科的微创手术方法,会议议题包括包括普外科、妇科、泌尿外科、小儿外科、外科肿瘤学、结直肠外科、肥胖外科和机器人等。


MIS WEEK 2022 - Minimally Invasive Surgery Week
Society of Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgeons (SLS) Annual Meeting

Date: September 7-10, 2022
Venue: The Roosevelt New Orleans, a Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA


An event taking place September 7-10, MISWeek 2022 is a multispecialty conference presented by the Society of Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgeons (fka Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons). Its target audience consists of general surgeons, gynecologists, urologists, pediatric, thoracic surgeons and others interested in laparoscopic, endoscopic, robotic, and minimally invasive surgical techniques. The Meeting consists of Plenary Sessions; Focused topic updates on multiple clinical problems and applications; Expert review and discussion of surgical videos showing accidents, mishaps, and surprises as well as strategies to prevent them; Deconstruction and discussion of video-taped surgeries performed by master surgeons; Exhibitions; Competitions for Best Papers, Videos, and Scientific Posters; Future Technology Sessions; and General Surgery, Gynecology, Urology, and Multispecialty Scientific Presentations in peer-reviewed abstract sessions. The meeting is open to students, residents, fellows, clinicians and others allied to the field.




Submit Your Abstract



We invite the submission of abstracts for presentation at MISWeek 2022. Authors need not be members of the Society in order to submit material. The program will include scientific papers, videos, and posters on all topics and specialties involving the use of minimally invasive and robotic surgical techniques and technologies including laparoscopy, endoscopy, robotic surgery, education, simulation, and outcomes, among others.

Selection of material for presentation will be based on quality, clarity and relevance, as well as the significance of the material, as judged by evaluation of the content by the Abstract Review Committee. Awards will be given in various categories based on merit.


Accepted abstracts/invited presentations will be listed in program materials and/or published online if and only if the presenting authors have registered and paid required fees to attend MISWeek 2022 by May 1, 2022.

SLS strongly encourages authors of abstracts accepted for presentation to submit complete manuscripts of their work for consideration of publication in JSLS, Journal of the Society of Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgeons (2021 Impact factor =2.17) or CRSLS, Case Reports From The Society of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeons. Please submit your manuscripts according to the “JSLS Guidelines for Authors”  or the CRSLS Guidelines for Authors if you would like to have the material considered for publication.


Scientific Paper (oral presentations)

8 minutes for presentation. This category includes prospective or retrospective clinical series, experimental research with clinical results, or educational objectives that promote improvements or quality in healthcare. Material regarding techniques, technologies, simulation, outcomes assessment, medical economics, training, credentialing, and other topics are welcome. An abstract of 250 words or less must be provided on the online Abstract Submission Form.

Scientific Paper submissions may be accepted either as an Oral Presentation or as a Scientific Poster, as determined by the Abstract Review Committee.

Original Video (video presentations)

8 minutes maximum in length. Please see details for formatting located below. Subject matter is restricted to new materials that offer insights into relevant ideas and techniques in robotic and minimally invasive surgical and diagnostic procedures Submitted videos may be accepted based on content and peer review. Video submissions should be provided in MP4 format.

Scientific Poster (poster and oral presentation)

The purpose of these scientific posters is to provide summaries of findings in a self-contained visual format.

Posters MUST be submitted using the SLS e-Poster Template in PowerPoint. Complete each section of the template (4 slides). Instructions are included on the template. Do not change the size/parameters of the template. Include graphics, charts and tables as needed to convey your results clearly. Name the file with your Last Name, First Name (ex. Smith, John.pptx). Upload the poster slide to the online Abstract Submission Form where indicated.

Poster slides that do not comply with the required formatting will be returned for revision.

Those with accepted posters will be invited to give a 5-minute oral presentation about their poster in the Poster Showcase. Presentations will include the 4-slide PowerPoint poster slide that was submitted with the abstract.


Abstract must not exceed 250 words and be provided in structured format. The title should be short and succinct. The body of the abstract should follow logically from the title. Abstracts should contain four sections:

  1. OBJECTIVE: An introduction, stating the hypothesis, purpose, or specific objective of the study.
  2. METHODS & PROCEDURES: A description of the study design, the subjects and the methods and evaluation procedures used. Documentation of statistical methodology should be included in this section.
  3. RESULTS: A summary of the results of the study must be included in the abstract. Results should include actual data. Do not include qualitative statements such as “supporting evidence will be provided” or “results will be presented.” Any data provided must either support, confirm, modify, or refute the objectives of the particular study.
  4. CONCLUSION: A brief statement of the conclusions of the study based on the results should be provided.

Please note: Abstracts that do not comply with the required format will be returned for revision.

Abstracts will not be edited for language, grammar, spelling, readability, or punctuation. Be sure to review your text before submitting. Authors whose primary language is not English should have their papers checked for linguistic accuracy by a person skilled in the English language and in medical terminology.




SLS Member Registraton: $99.00

Non-Member Registration: $300.00



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2022年第18届世界内镜外科大会(WCES 2022)

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