2021年第9届世界青光眼大会(WGC 2021)
会议地点: 虚拟会议
会议时间: 2021年6月30日至7月3日
行业: 眼科|口腔|耳鼻喉科会议
2021年第9届世界青光眼大会(WGC 2021)-虚拟会议将于2021年6月30日至7月3日举行,本次会议由日本青光眼学会(JGS)主办。世界青光眼大会是世界青光眼协会(WGA)组织的世界上最大的青光眼学术会议,每两年举办一届,上届会议有来自世界各地的3400余名专业人士与会。WGC-2021议题涵盖青光眼的基础科学和遗传学,以及青光眼内科和外科治疗的最新进展,大会将向所有青光眼护理提供者开放,来自世界各地的从事青光眼研究和临床实践专家将齐聚日本京都,一起分享他们的知识和见解。
WGC-2021 Beyond Borders will offer educational exchanges, scientific news, and best practice updates. The congress will cover topics from basic science and genetics of glaucoma, to the latest developments in the medical and surgical management of glaucoma. It will be virtually hosted by the Japan Glaucoma Society (JGS). |
The 9th World Glaucoma Congress® will be held from September 9th until September 12th of 2021 in Kyoto, Japan. This edition it will be hosted by the Japan Glaucoma Society (JGS). WGC-2021 will provide symposiums, courses, workshops, wet labs, rapid fire sessions and poster walks covering topics from the basic science and genetics of glaucoma, to the latest developments in medical and surgical management of glaucoma.
The congress will also facilitate the networking of industry specialists and professionals from around the globe through a comprehensive and innovative program where the latest industry advances can be discussed with senior representatives from a variety of organizations.
Registration and abstracts open : November 20, 2020
Abstract submission deadline : April 1, 2021
Early bird registration deadline:June 10, 2021
Please submit your abstract within one of the following topics:
- Artificial intelligence/Big data
- Surgery and wound healing
- Structural and functional testing
- Medical treatment and non-incisional surgery
- Epidemiology, quality of life and health economics
- Laboratory sciences
- IOP physiology and pathophysiology
- Genetics, genomics and biomarkers
- Other
The abstract should not exceed 2500 characters including spaces and punctuation. It must be written in English and structured in the following five specified subtitles:
- Purpose
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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