会议地点: 澳大利亚 布里斯班/Brisbane - Brisbane Convention & Exhibition centre
会议时间: 2021年11月19日至23日
行业: 眼科|口腔|耳鼻喉科会议
RANZCO’s Annual Scientific Congresses bring together ophthalmologists from across Australia and overseas to share and discuss the latest innovations, techniques and advances in eye health care. With topics such as glaucoma, cataract, cornea, uveitis and surgical retina featured in our packed scientific program, delegates can be sure to walk away with not only good memories but a wealth of knowledge.
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of all RANZCO Queensland Fellows, it is our pleasure to welcome you to Brisbane for the 2021 RANZCO Annual Congress.
2019 was a significant year for RANZCO having celebrated its 50th Birthday in Sydney with Congress’s largest attendance to date. In 2020, like many other events, we were forced to postpone the Congress due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Having taken a year off, we believe that Congress in Brisbane will be even more informative and enjoyable for everyone involved.
The 2021 Congress will be an opportunity to look towards the next 50 years of science, ophthalmology and the College; and as everyone knows (or should know), life begins after you turn 50*. The stunning and sunny location of Brisbane is the perfect location to reinvigorate the mind and the senses wherein the Congress will provide a robust array of science and thought-provoking content.
Renowned Local and International Invited Speakers include:
- Dame Ida Mann Memorial Lecture – Prof Alex Hewitt
- Sir Norman Gregg Lecture – Prof Graham Barrett
- Fred Hollows Lecture – Dr Catherine Green
- Council Lecture – Dr Clare Fraser
- Neuro-ophthalmology Update Lecture – Lynn K Gordon MD
- Cataract Update Lecture – Mr David Lockington
- Retina Update Lecture – Anita Agarwal MD
- Glaucoma Update Lecture – Pradeep Ramulu MD
- Refractive Update Lecture – Damien Gatinel MD
Complimenting the invited speakers will be a range of concurrent symposia, courses, papers, posters, films and rapid-fire sessions. The Congress will also include an exciting social program that will ensure ample time to catch up with colleagues and meet new people. RANZCO continues its commitment to sustainable practices and this will be showcased at the 2021 Congress.
Brisbane is the perfect venue for this event with a promise of a beautiful weather and surroundings that will be perfect from one day to the next. Recent large developments in the city are making Brisbane a great venue for both conference and after conference events which the College will take advantage of. Whatever your special interest is, Brisbane and its surrounds has so much to offer – world class food, art galleries and museums, scenic Brisbane River cruises, shopping in the Queen St Mall, adventure climbing the Story Bridge, or a day trip out to the world’s 3rd largest sand island (Moreton Island) for some snorkelling, diving or dolphin watching.
We look forward to welcoming you to Congress 2021 in November, provided that you can tear yourself away from Brisbane’s many other attractions!
Convenors RANZCO Brisbane 2021
Dr David Gunn, Dr Katie Chen, Dr Abhishek Sharma
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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2022年第15届欧洲青光眼学会大会(EGS 2022)