会议地点: 马来西亚 吉隆坡
会议时间: 2022年8月5-7日
行业: 眼科|口腔|耳鼻喉科会议
2022年第6届亚太青光眼大会(APGC 2022)将于2022年8月5-7日在马来西亚吉隆坡举行,本次会议由亚太青光眼学会(APGS)与马来西亚眼科学会(MSO)和马来西亚青光眼协会联合组织。APGC每两年在亚太地区举办一次,汇集了来自眼科领域并着重关注青光眼的临床医生、科学家、学生和其他卫生从业人士。为期三天的活动为代表们提供了一个建立合作、分享经验知识和研究成果平台。上届会议有近800名专业人士出席。
APGC 2022 - 6th Asia Pacific Glaucoma Congress
Date: 5-7 August, 2022
Venue: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Society, the Malaysian Society of Ophthalmology and the Malaysian Glaucoma Society are delighted to invite you to attend the 6th Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Congress from 5 - 7 August 2022.
The submission deadline is Friday 29 April 2022, 2300 hours AEST.
Congress themes
The program committee will be looking for presentations that address any of the below congress themes:
- Basic and laboratory sciences
- Epidemiology, quality of life and health economics
- Glaucoma genetics and biomarkers
- Glaucoma imaging and investigation
- Glaucoma innovation and artificial intelligence
- Laser and other non-incisional therapies
- Medical treatment
- Miscellaneous
- Rehabilitation and prevention of blindness
- Surgery and wound healing
Presentation types
All abstracts submitted before the deadline will undergo review, resulting in one of the following results:
- Abstract accepted as poster and/or oral presentation
- Abstract accepted as a film festival video
- Abstract declined
Notification of abstract acceptance will be in May 2022.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All presenters of an accepted abstract are required to register and pay to attend the congress by the early bird date. If you do not register and pay the registration fee by the due date, your presentation may be withdrawn from the program.
Best abstract award
In 2022, awards will be given to the best poster presentation, best oral presentation and best film festival video, with the best overall abstract winning a travel grant to the value of USD500. Winners will be announced after the abstract review stage.
Submission guidelines
To assist the Program Committee in deciding if your abstract will be selected for the final congress program, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- The maximum word length for the abstract title is 25 words
- The maximum word length for the abstract content is 300 words (including references and title, excluding section headings)
- Abstracts must be written in the English language
- Must be written in the format: introduction, methods, results, conclusion
- Abstracts submitted for the film festival category do not need to follow the standard abstract template – rather we require a 250 word outline of your potential video for the film festival
- Abstracts must be submitted using the official submission template
- Only Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) file formats will be accepted
- The submitting presenter must ensure that all co-presenters have read the approved title, summary, presenter names and affiliations
Submitters are also asked to include a short biography for the presenting author with a maximum word length of 120 words (written in third person) and a presenting author head and shoulders portrait photograph
NEW IN 2022! Submit your Film Festival abstract now!
In 2022, The Program Committee is accepting abstracts for videos to be included in a film festival. In the first instance we are asking you to submit an abstract outlining what your video will include.
- The maximum word length for the abstract title is 25 words
- The maximum word length for the abstract content is 150 words (excluding the title)
- Abstracts must be written in the English language
- Abstracts submitted for the film festival category do not need to follow the standard abstract template – rather we require a 250 word outline of your potential video for the film festival
- Only Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) file formats will be accepted
- The submitting presenter must ensure that all co-presenters have read the approved title, summary, presenter names and affiliations
Submitters are also asked to include a short biography for the presenting author with a maximum word length of 120 words (written in third person) and a presenting author head and shoulders portrait photograph
Publication of presentations
All presentations will be published on the APGC 2022 congress website and congress app following the congress. Photos, audio and/or video recordings made throughout the event may be made available to the registered delegates of the meeting or available publicly.
This material may be used to order to promote future APGC meetings. If you do not agree with the above, but wish to submit an abstract, please notify the program manager at [email protected].
Publication of abstracts
All accepted abstracts will be published as they are submitted with no changes possible – therefore please ensure your work is thoroughly checked prior to submission.
APGC 2022 will be allowing submissions of previously presented/published work for consideration.
APGC2022 注册费:
Registration rates
EARLY before 05/06/2022 |
STANDARD before 06/06/2022 | |
APGS Members |
450 USD |
560 USD |
Local* |
350 USD |
460 USD |
Local* Trainee |
250 USD |
360 USD |
Non-Member |
550 USD |
660 USD |
Developing Nation# |
350 USD |
460 USD |
Student/Trainee/Fellow |
350 USD |
460 USD |
Virtual |
200 USD |
200 USD |
*Residents from Malaysia and Singapore are eligible for local registration types
Access to all APGS and MSJOC sessions
Access to sponsored symposia
Access to industry exhibition
All day catering
Access to the virtual platform
12 months on-demand access for APGS members
30 days on-demand access for non-members
Access to the virtual platform
Access to all APGS and MSJOC sessions
Access to select sponsored symposia
12 months on-demand access for APGS members
30 days on-demand access for non-members
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
免责条款:本站信息均收集整理自互联网,访问者如需了解更多详情,请进入相关活动官网,本站不对相关信息的准确性承担任何责任; 若本站的资讯侵害您的权益,请发送邮件到[email protected],本站将在核实相关情况后第一时间删除。继续访问本站视为认同以上条款。
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