2022年第38届世界眼科大会(WOC-World Ophthalmology Congress)
会议地点: VIRTUAL-虚拟会议
会议时间: 2022年9月9-12日
行业: 眼科|口腔|耳鼻喉科会议
WOC2022 - World Ophthalmology Congress of the International Council of Ophthalmology
Date: September 9–12, 2022
Hosted by: Chinese Ophthalmological Society
World Ophthalmology Congress of the International Council of Ophthalmology
The WOC is held in a different region every two years and provides an international audience of ophthalmologists with:
- A scientific program addressing all subspecialties and related interests in ophthalmology
- The opportunity to network with recognized international leaders and professionals
- An exhibition featuring the latest products and services in the field.
Revenues from the World Ophthalmology Congress® support a wide range of ICO initiatives and programs and its commitment to “Building a World Alliance for Sight.” The WOC is the longest continuous international medical meeting, first held in 1857.
- 12 January 2022: Abstract submission open
- 12 May 2022: Abstract submission deadline
- 13 – 30 May 2022: Abstract review
- 6 June 2022: Abstract notification of acceptance
- 20 June 2022: Presenter registration deadline (Early bird deadline
Submission Categories
Abstracts for the Submitted Program will be accepted into the following 20 subspecialties of Ophthalmology:
- Cataract and Lens Surgery
- Contact Lens and Refraction
- Cornea, External Eye Diseases, and Eye Banking
- Glaucoma
- International Eye Care and Eye Care Delivery
- Medical Retina
- Neuro-ophthalmology
- Ocular Imaging
- Ophthalmic Education/Young Ophthalmologists
- Ophthalmic Epidemiology
- Ocular Oncology
- Ophthalmic Trauma
- phthalmic Pathology and Microbiology
- Orbital, Oculoplastic, and Lacrimal Diseases
- Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
- Refractive Surgery
- Surgical Retina
- Uveitis
- Vision Rehabilitation
- Vision Sciences
Abstract Rules
Maximum character limit: 2500 characters
Language of submission: English. Please take time to check your abstract for any spelling errors before final submission.
Abstract titles are limited to 130 characters or less. The title should be dynamic and conclusive, rather than descriptive, and should be entered in title case format (you should capitalize only the first letter of each word, unless it is a preposition or article).
Abstracts should be structured as follows: Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion.
Supplemental figures/tables/references are not permitted.
Abstracts being submitted must be original research. Any abstract violating copyright laws and/or including plagiarized content will be rejected.
Submitters may not split one study into several papers.
Authors Rules
- Individuals may only be the main presenter for a maximum of two submitted abstracts, and each individual may only submit a maximum of two abstracts.
- Individuals may co-author multiple abstracts.
- Each author should be added separately to the submission to ensure proper listing.
Presentation Formats
At the time of submission, you will be asked to select your preferred format of presentation. However, not all requests can be accommodated, and the final presentation format of your abstract will be determined by the Abstract Committee.
- Free Paper Presentation
Free paper sessions are organized around a central subspecialty and are made up of multiple presenters delivering their abstract as a 7-minute oral presentation, followed by 3 minutes for questions and answer/discussion with the audience.
- Case Presentation
Selected cases will be included in grand rounds sessions organized around a central subspecialty. The session will include multiple 5-minute case presentations, each followed by a 10-minute discussion by a panel of international experts.
- E-Poster Presentation
A select number of accepted E-posters will be organized into E-poster sessions, and the presenting author will have an opportunity to record a short oral presentation. The E-poster presentation is limited to a 5-minute recorded presentation and maximum seven slides: a title slide, financial disclosure slide and then one slide for each of these areas: objective/purpose, materials/patients, methods, results and conclusion.
- E-Poster
Electronic display of the latest research results in the field of study. E-Posters should be displayed on one page only, showing the objective, methods, results and conclusions at a glance, in a condensed yet attractive format for quick learning. The E-Poster will be grouped per theme and available to explore at all times on the virtual congress platform.
- Videos
Short videos of one to five minutes maximum in length. Videos can include presentations of a new examination, investigation, technique or presentation of an interesting case and how it was managed. The top-scored videos will have a chance to be featured in a “Best of Videos” session, including a live moderated Q&A with the video authors.
Presenter Agreement
All presenting authors must agree to the following conditions when submitting an abstract:
- Any work with human or animal subjects reported in the abstract complies with the guiding principles for experimental procedures found in the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association, and this research project has been duly cleared by my Institutional Review Board (IRB).
- If the abstract is accepted, the ICO has permission to publish the abstract in printed and/or electronic formats.
- Register for the meeting and pay the appropriate registration fee by the presenter registration deadline (20 June 2022).
- By submitting an abstract to the ICO, and in consideration for the opportunity to be included in the WOC presentations, the author(s) of the abstract hereby provides to the ICO a non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free license to use the abstract in the ICO’s electronic mediums and printed materials.
- The author(s) grants the permission to reproduce his/her image (including photos) to create documentation to be published on the internet (including streaming) and to make the audio/video recording (synchro recording system), and photographs of the presentation to produce educational materials. The presentation will be reproduced in full compliance with its contents both in terms of scientific results and information, associated with the image and the data of the undersigned.
Acceptance Notification
All abstracts received by the indicated deadline will be evaluated by the Submitted Program Committee. Acceptance will be notified to the submitting author by 6 June 2022.
WOC 2022 注册费:
Registration categories |
Early |
Regular |
Late |
Ophthalmologist Member of ICO Member Society |
$140,00 |
$180,00 |
$250,00 |
Non-Member Ophthalmologist / Optometrist |
$180,00 |
$250,00 |
$300,00 |
Scientist / Medical Doctor |
$100,00 |
$140,00 |
$180,00 |
Resident & Subspecialty Fellow / Allied Eye Health Professional / Medical Student |
$80,00 |
$105,00 |
$150,00 |
Ophthalmologist from Lower-middle and Low Income Countries |
$80,00 |
$105,00 |
$150,00 |
Unit price in USD, excluding VAT
You will be able to pay your registration fee by bank transfer or credit card. Additional fees and conditions may apply. More detailed information, including the name change and cancellation policy will be shared when registration opens.
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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