


会议地点: 斯洛文尼亚 卢布尔雅那
会议时间: 2022年6月22-25日
行业: 生殖医学|妇产|儿童|老年医学会议


欧洲儿科肾病学会(ESPN) 成立于1967年,其宗旨是通过教育、科学会议等方法,促进儿科肾脏病学的研究,改善儿童肾脏疾病患者的护理。

54th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology
Date:22 - 25 June 2022
Venue: Cankarjev dom Congress and Cultural Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia



The abstract submission deadline expires on January 9th 2022.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

All abstracts will undergo a peer review by the reviewing committee members and may be accepted as oral communication or poster presentation.

The approved abstracts will be published in the Pediatric Nephrology Journal.

The corresponding authors of the abstracts will be notified about the status of their abstract, by March 15th 2022. Accepted abstracts will be graded based on the peer review response and will be presented as poster presentation, brief oral communication (here priority will be given to presenting authors aged 35 and under), and full oral communications.

Guidelines for submission
All abstracts must be written in English and the abstract text should be less than 300 words.

The abstract must represent original work and the body of the abstract should be ordered as follows: Objectives; Methods; Results; Conclusions. The name, surname and institutions of all authors and presenting author should be indicated. The age of the presenting author should be indicated as well (below 35 or above 35) to facilitate travel grants and/or awards selection.

Please choose a topic from the list below before submitting the abstract.

List of Abstract topics:
  • Renal transplantation
  • Basic Science
  • Dialysis
  • Chronic Kidney Disease/Mineral Bone Disorder (CKD/MBD)
  • Nephrotic syndrome
  • Inherited renal disorders
  • ESPN/ERA-EDTA Registry
  • Immune-mediated renal disorders
  • Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract (CAKUT)
  • Cystic kidney diseases
  • Complement in renal diseases

Correspondence related to the abstract, such as confirmation of submission, notification of acceptance or rejection and instructions for presentation, will only be sent to the presenting author. He or she is responsible for giving the presentation if the abstract is accepted and is required to register for the congress.

Other submission methods (mail, e-mail, etc.) will not be accepted.

If you need to make a change on your approved abstract please send an e-mail to [email protected] (before January 9th) including your abstract title and author. Your abstract will be changed as draft and you will need to approve it again after editing your text.





Dear friends and colleagues,

It is our great pleasure and privilege to invite you to Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia in June 2022 for the 54th ESPN Annual meeting.

The scientific committee of the ESPN 2022 is proud to prepare a program of outstanding scientific quality in collaboration with several international societies to stimulate cross-talk between different specialties involved in the treatment of children with kidney and bladder disorders. Experts from our society as well as international speakers will join forces to deliver state-of-the-art lectures, generate debate and identify questions for future research. The program includes a full spectrum of presentations from master classes, basic research and tertiary care nephrology to nephrology issues in a more general pediatrics setting. IPNA-ESPN Master for JC program and teaching classes will also be held before the main congress. Our program is designed with young nephrology fellows in mind, the future of our society.

The meeting will be held in Ljubljana, in the Cankar Hall, the largest Slovenian convention, congress and culture center.

Ljubljana is Slovenia's capital and largest city in Slovenia. It's known for its university population and green spaces, including expansive Tivoli Park. It is one of Europe’s greenest and most livable capitals. The curving emerald-green Ljubljanica River, flows through the city’s heart, free for pedestrians and cyclists, and is lined with many outdoor cafes, which in summer set up a terrace seating along the river. It divides the city's old town from its commercial hub. Ljubljana has many museums, including the National Museum of Slovenia, displaying historic exhibitions, and the Museum of Modern Art, home to 20th-century Slovene paintings and sculptures.

The local organization team is fully motivated and actively at work to create a lively event that will offer an unforgettable experience for all participants.

Please do not miss the opportunity to be part of this exceptional event and join us in Ljubljana on June 22 - 25, 2022.

We look forward to welcoming you in Ljubljana.

Sincerely yours,


Tanja Kersnik Levart
Congress President

Marina Vivarelli
Chair Scientific Committee

Rezan Topaloğlu
ESPN President




Registration Type

(Before March 10, 2022)

(Until June 12, 2022)

Onsite Registration
(After June 13, 2022)

ESPN Members

495 €

610 €

695 €

Non-ESPN Members

620 €

710 €

780 €


200 €

240 €

290 €

Developing Countries*

200 €

290 €

360 €

Accompanying Person

170 €

190 €

210 €

Company Representative

350 €

390 €

450 €

Single Day Ticket**

210 €

240 €

270 €

Pre-congress course

50 €

60 €

75 €

*List of the developing countries
**Single day ticket is valid for one day only. The attendees who will attend the meeting more than one day will be charged full registration fees. You have to indicate the date want to attend during registration process.

Please note that all registrations after June 12, 2022 will be accepted as Onsite Registration. Attendees who didn't complete their registration progress until this date can apply to the registration desks directly.

*Cancellation Policy
*Until the early bird deadline, 50% of the registration - accommodation fee will be refunded. Cancellations received after that date will not be entitled to any refund.
*Cancellations and changes of the registration have to be made in writing to Flap Tour.


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2022年第20届世界妇科内分泌学大会(ISGE 2022)

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