会议地点: 美国 阿纳海姆
会议时间: 2022年10月7日至11日
行业: 生殖医学|妇产|儿童|老年医学会议
The National Conference & Exhibition is the premier venue for pediatric health care professionals to come together and share their passion for the health of all children. The meeting draws more than 15,000 attendees and offers over 350 sessions in 70 topic areas from interactive, hands-on workshops to high-level plenary sessions.
AAP 2022 - American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference & Exhibition
Date: October 7-11, 2022
Venue: Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA, USA
June 1, 2021: Abstract submission site opens
July 9, 2021: Abstract submission site closes at 11:59PM CDT
July 2021: Section and council peer-review process
Week of August 9, 2021: Abstract acceptance notifications sent to authors
September 8, 2021: Abstract withdrawal, presenting author change, and registration deadline at 11:59PM CDT
September 24, 2021: Abstract virtual posters, audio recordings and oral presentation materials due
October 8-11, 2021: 2021 AAP National Conference & Exhibition
Submission Types-摘要类型
- Case Report: Presenting scientific documentation of a single clinical observation to enhance knowledge on clinical manifestations, diagnostic approaches, or therapeutic alternatives of a rare or unusual clinical condition/disease. Required Headers: Introduction, Case Description, Discussion, Conclusion
- Original Research: Presenting systematic investigation designed to produce new knowledge and approaches using process or outcome variables. If your abstract describes animal experimentation or involves the use of human subjects, IACUC or IRB approval numbers must be included in the submission. Required Headers: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
- Program Evaluation: Presenting ongoing or completed projects, including education programs, showcasing novel and innovative methods for examining and/or improving the effectiveness and efficiency of a program or policy. Required Headers: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion
- Quality Improvement Project: Presenting approaches to assess and improve professional practice performance using quality improvement methodology. Please see MOC Eligibility for detailed criteria. Required Headers: Purpose/Objectives, Design/Methods, Results, and Conclusion/Discussion
Accepted Abstracts Presentation Guidelines & Copyright
Virtual Poster Presentations
- All accepted submissions must create and submit a virtual poster.
- The presenting author is the only author allowed to submit the virtual poster, record audio and participate in the QA. Changes to presenting authors will be considered until the withdrawal deadline (September 8).
- Poster is limited to one (1) single page PDF in landscape (horizontal) orientation.
- The aspect ratio of the page should be set to 16:9 in PowerPoint and the final version should be saved as a PDF file for upload.
- Fonts should be sans-serif (e.g., Arial, Calibri, etc.).
- Minimum font size should not be smaller than 6pt.
- All author financial relationships and research funding sources must be present/visible on the poster. If there is nothing to disclose, the poster must include the following: “Authors have no financial relationships to disclose.”
- All virtual posters will have the option to record up to three (3) minutes of audio within the Abstract Portal.
- New this year, poster presenting authors will be able to answer attendee questions (unscheduled) from their abstract portal account.
Oral Presentations
- All accepted submissions should create and submit a virtual poster, in addition to their oral slide presentation.
- The presenting author is the only author allowed to present, submit slides, and participate in the QA. Changes to presenting authors will be considered until the withdrawal deadline (September 8).
- A slide template will be available for development of slides within the Abstract Portal. PowerPoint slides should be formatted with a 16:9 aspect ratio and the final version should be saved as a PDF file for upload.
- Each presentation must have a title slide and a second slide disclosing all author financial relationships and research funding sources.
- A maximum of one slide per minute will be allowed, including title and disclosure slides.
- Do not use animations/builds or transitions in your slides.
- Presentation minutes and Q/A information will be provided based upon each program. Please refer to 2021 Abstract Oral Presentation Guidelines
- Instructions for recording your oral presentation using Zoom can be found here.
Copyright Information in Posters and Slides
- Any images, tables, figures, etc. must be the intellectual property of the presenting author or authors, unless expressed permission can be provided. For more information, see the National Conference & Exhibition AAP Copyright Guidance.
- The presenting/first author is responsible for ensuring compliance with copyright.
National Conference Abstract Policies & Guidelines
General Guidelines
- The AAP National Conference Abstract program is comprised of 35 Section/Council programs accepting submissions. Each participating Section and Council has program specific guidelines listed below, which must be reviewed in detail before submission. Submission of an abstract indicates acceptance of all guidelines, policies, and procedures.
- Submissions must be received via the online submission site by July 9th at 11:59 PM CDT. No exceptions will be allowed. Only online submissions made through the submission site will be considered.
- The submitter will serve as the primary contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract during the submission process. After an abstract is accepted, the presenting author will serve as the primary contact.
- Abstracts will be displayed in the Virtual Abstract Hall and published exactly as submitted. No copyediting will be provided by the AAP. Submitters are responsible for thoroughly reviewing their submission and ensuring accuracy before submission (no edits/updates).
- By submitting an abstract to the AAP National Conference & Exhibition, submitters are agreeing to participate as accepted. The decision regarding acceptance and presentation format is final.
- All presenting authors (orals and posters) must register by September 8th. Presenters are responsible for their own conference registration fees.
- All accepted submissions will be made available to conference attendees and the public following the embargo lift which occurs the Friday that the conference begins.
- Health professionals in any field are welcome to submit abstracts. Some programs may have membership or sponsorship requirements for submission. Please refer to program specific guidelines.
- Accepted submissions will be published on the AAP National Conference event website and in an online edition of Pediatrics.
- All submissions must provide information about any prior presentation and publication. Please refer to program specific guidelines for any restrictions. For purposes of describing your prior presentation the following definitions will be used:
- Original: The first presentation of this work or data.
- Encore: Original’s data are reproduced except for formatting, word count, or other “trivial” changes for presentation at multiple conferences.
- Adaptation: The content overlaps with the Original, but contains new/additional data, analyses, and/or interpretations.
- Submissions will be peer-reviewed by representatives of the program under which the abstract is submitted.
- If the submission cannot be presented, the abstract must be withdrawn. Failure to present or withdraw may preclude any author on the submission from submitting to the AAP National Conference for two years. To withdraw your abstract, email your request to [email protected] no later than September 8, 2021 at 11:59 PM CDT.
Submission Content
- Submissions are allowed in one section/council program only.
- Abstract text is limited to 450 words.
- Up to two images and/or tables are permitted (file formats: JPG, PNG, BMP). Image content/text and captions do not count towards word limit.
- Only individuals can author a submission. Study groups are not allowed to author a submission and will be removed.
- It is highly encouraged that authors meet the definition of authorship as defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
- Geographical location and name of institution and/or study site is permitted only when it is a significant variable to the study.
- Study registration numbers should be included on abstracts, posters, and slides, where applicable.
- Use only standard abbreviations. Special or unusual abbreviations should be placed in parentheses after the first appearance of the full word.
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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