


会议地点: 虚拟会议
会议时间: 2021年9月8-10日
行业: 生殖医学|妇产|儿童|老年医学会议





Abstract submissions are now open until 4 May 2021.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Maximum Number of Words
2,500 characters (including spaces)

No tables are allowed.
No pictures are allowed.

Authors and institution must be named, the presenter (or presenting author) must be underlined.

Presenting authors should register upon submitting their abstract. Registration must be completed at the latest upon confirmation that the abstract has been accepted as an oral or poster presentation.

4 May 2021

Notification of acceptance
All abstracts will be peer reviewed and authors notified in June 2021 whether or not their abstract has been accepted as an oral or a poster presentation.



Welcome Message

Dear colleagues and friends,

It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 13th EMAS Congress in Florence. This is a unique opportunity to meet colleagues and friends from all over the world.

This Congress has represented a challenge to EMAS due to the difficulties created by the COVID pandemic. The drawbacks, however, have become an opportunity. Efforts have been made to prepare a programme sensitive to this new era, in which creative standards of care are needed by women and men in their mid-life and beyond. To mention a few, the focus on such innovative areas like artificial intelligence or machine learning is shared with contemporary issues like transgender medicine, or the various facets of the attention to menopause, including healthy lifestyle, noncommunicable diseases related with menopause or ageing.

This all will be found in traditional sessions but also in more informal formats, like open debates and clinical cases with success in previous meetings.

We thank the Scientific Committee for contributing with so many useful ideas, the Local Committee for facilitating every step, and our Officers and Members of the Board.

We can’t neglect to say a few words about the wonderful Congress location, Florence. A capital of art and culture for centuries, Florence has also been a melting pot of scientific currents and novelty. The excellence of science in our programme plus the expected exchange of ideas and debates could not find a better setting.

We encourage you to join us at the EMAS Congress, which we all look forward to as a Renaissance of our ability to meet and enjoy and share science together!

See you in Florence,

Professor Antonio Cano, EMAS 2021 Co-Chair, EMAS President
Professor Tommaso Simoncini, EMAS 2021 Co-Chair, EMAS Past-President




Registration Fees

Early Bird
(until 04.05.2021 24:00 CET)
(05.05 – 16.08.2021 24:00 CET)
(from 17.08.2021)
EMAS Member
500.00 EUR
560.00 EUR
650.00 EUR
EMAS Member Reduced Fee

(Middle/low-income countries)

400.00 EUR
470.00 EUR
520.00 EUR
EMAS Junior Member
(Members up to the age of 35 / Doctors in training)
195.00 EUR
295.00 EUR
415.00 EUR
EMAS Member Student/Fellow/Nurse*
195.00 EUR
295.00 EUR
415.00 EUR
620.00 EUR
680.00 EUR
770.00 EUR
Non-Member Student/Fellow/Nurse*
270.00 EUR
370.00 EUR
490.00 EUR

*Student/Fellow/Nurse registrants will be requested to provide current status ID or a letter confirming their status of Student/Fellow/Nurse

Cancellation Conditions

If the written notification of cancellation is received before the early registration deadline, 50% of the paid registration fee will be refunded. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after this date.


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2021年第28届国际儿科牙科协会大会(IAPD 2021)

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