


会议地点: 美国 圣迭戈(San Diego, CA)
会议时间: 2022年5月6日至8日
行业: 生殖医学|妇产|儿童|老年医学会议




ACOG 2022 Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting(ACSM)
Organized by:American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists(ACOG)
May 6–8, 2022
San Diego, CA, USA


About the ACSM 2022

The Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting has long been a gathering of the leading women’s health care experts and this year is no exception. ACSM provides attendees with cutting-edge research, clinical best practices, and collaborative solutions to the challenges faced by our members.

Sessions for the meeting will center around four tracks: obstetrics, gynecology, professional development, and practice management. Concise and focused sessions across a variety of topics promise to engage attendees while providing opportunities to connect through storytelling and face-to-face collaboration.



Call for Abstract and Film Submissions

The call for abstracts and films for the 2022 Annual Clinical & Scientific Meeting (ACSM), being held in San Diego, CA May 6–8, is open. This is your opportunity to contribute to dynamic, cutting-edge professional discourse while ensuring ACSM 2022 is the premier educational destination for fresh perspectives, exclusive educational content, and clinical innovation. 

The deadline to submit an abstract and/or film for consideration is November 1, 2021, 11:59 p.m. ET(提交提交日期).

Submit an Abstract

Submit a Film

Abstract Author Requirements(摘要作者要求)

Contact information must be provided for each author. No more than six (6) authors should be listed on an abstract.

Additional requirements for authors include:

  • At least one author with an active ACOG membership and an ACOG ID listed. (Abstracts which do not list at least one author who is an ACOG member will be automatically withdrawn from consideration for selection.)
  • A designated presenting author (this can be the same as the primary, but both must be listed).
  • Each abstract must have one and only one primary author and one and only one presenting author.
  • The role of any additional authors should be identified by selecting the appropriate ‘Author Role’ as the author is added to the submission. The total number of authors cannot exceed six.
  • The presenting author must be one of the authors already listed on the abstract, either as the primary author or one of the secondary authors.
  • An individual may be the primary author for only one oral presentation. All authors are limited to 3 film abstract submissions. There is no limit on the total number of abstracts submitted for ePosters, nor is there any limitation on the number of times an individual may be listed as a secondary author for any of the three submission types.
  • The presenting author of accepted submissions must register and will be required to attend the 2022 Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting to present the abstract.
  • Additional authors cannot be added to the abstract after the submission site is closed.


Submission Format(提交格式)

Oral and poster presentation abstracts must be original work, and not previously published or presented at non-ACOG scientific meetings. Work currently under peer review with an anticipated publication date after May 6, 2022 may be submitted.


The title is limited to 100 characters (including spaces) and 40 words.


The abstract text is limited to 250 words and should be structured to describe the objective of the study and results of your work.

Please adhere to the following text guidelines:

  • The text should be organized into four section headings as follows:
    • Introduction: A brief statement about the purpose of the study and pertinent background information
    • Methods: The method(s) of study or data collection employed
    • Results: A summary of study research, including sufficient details to support your conclusions
    • Conclusion/Implications: A statement explaining the significance of your work and the implications for further research, practice and/or policy
  • Do not use right justify or center text
  • Do not include images, and/or graphs and tables
  • Use the appropriate letters and numbers (e.g., 0 -zero vs. the letter O)
  • Use only one space after colons and periods


ACOG 2022 注册费:

Category Early Bird
11/15 – 2/10
2/11 – 5/1
5/2 and After


Junior Fellow in Practice

$650 $700 $750

Associate Member

Education Affiliate

$600 $640 $690

Fellow Senior Status

Life Fellow

$380 $455 $485

Honorary Fellow

Educational Affiliate (Coordinator/Program Manager)

Educational Affiliate (Organization)

Junior Fellow in Training

$430 $510 $545
Medical Student $50 $50 $50

Physician (non-ACOG)

Other Healthcare Professional

$880 $940 $985
One-Day Fee $350 $350 $350
Spouse/Guest $250 $250 $250

Change/Cancellation Policy
All cancellations and changes must be received in writing by Wednesday, April 6, 2022. Cancellations received by this date will receive a full refund less a 20% processing fee. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after April 6, 2022.



◆ 下次会议:2023年美国妇产科医师学会年会/年度临床与科学会议(ACOG2023)

会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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