
2019年欧洲放射治疗与肿瘤学会亚洲大会(ESTRO meets Asia 2019)


会议地点: Singapore/新加坡
会议时间: 2019年12月6日至8日
行业: 超声|影像|放射学|核医学会议





Key dates:
Early registration deadline: 31 July 2019
Late registration deadline: 5 November 2019
As from 6 November 2019, Desk prices will be applied

Category Price emerging Price non-emerging
Early reg 200 € 260 €
Late reg 315 € 410 €
Desk Registration 480 € 630 €
One-day early 85 € 110 €
One Day Late 160 € 210 €
One Day Late/Desk 160 € 210 €

Welcome letter

It is with great pleasure that we announce the second edition of the «ESTRO meets Asia» conference which will take place in Singapore, 06-08 December 2019.   

The «ESTRO meets Asia» conference has as objective to bring radiation oncology collaboration between Europe and Asia to a new level - regarding science, education, technology and professional development, targeting all professionals working in the discipline (clinicians, medical physicists, RTTs and radiobiologists).

The interactive conference format is designed to enable participants to share experiences on practices/operations from both regions and discuss how to facilitate collaboration. The conference will be a platform where participants will learn from each other by embracing the diversity of clinical practices and exploring the development of common solutions to optimise radiotherapy treatment and care for all patients.

‘Fusion of perspectives – embracing technology with a pragmatic eye’ will be the theme of «ESTRO meets Asia» conference and through these few, however impactful words, the Scientific Programme Committee would like to put a spotlight on the importance of collaboration between the two regions and of sharing experiences as a way to benefit from each other. The programme will address the needs of the different groups, being conscious of the differences in the access to technology among the countries within each region.

The scientific programme will have four components: an educational, an interdisciplinary, a medical physics and a RTT track.

  • The educational component will offer an interdisciplinary approach to Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy and is aimed at radiation oncologists, physicists and RTTs who are currently at the planning stage of establishing a clinical stereotactic programme, and also those who already have a current stereotactic practice. The importance of integrating all professionals into a team will be highlighted.

  • The interdisciplinary component of the conference will offer teaching lectures, symposia and proffered papers on the latest advancements on the topics of:

  • Up to date management on common cancers: lung, breast, colorectal and prostate.

  • Combined modalities methods for head and neck, gynecology and liver cancers.

  • Emerging strategies combining immunotherapy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy

  • The medical physicists track will focus on both practical aspects and research developments of physics in radiation oncology, covering topics such as:

  • The transition to IMRT and VMAT: technology, treatment planning, delivery and QA

  • Techniques for image guidance and treatment adaptation

  • Small field dosimetry

  • Motion management.

  • Brachytherapy

  • Particle therapy

The fourth component of the conference is focusing on the practice of RTTs and will cover topics such as:

  • IMRT vs VMAT and OAR delineation guidelines

  • Advances in breast and head & neck radiation therapy, use of AI in planning

  • Emerging technologies such as protons and MRI-linac guided radiotherapy

  • Risk management and quality standards with new radiotherapy technologies

  • Patient positioning and motion management, image guided adaptive radiation therapy

  • Advanced RTT practice from Euro and Asia position, advanced roles of RTT

On the last day of the conference, we will focus on leadership, education and advocacy, starting from true life stories on implementing new technologies

ESTRO meets ASIA Conference will feature a large exhibition in radiation oncology. Be there and get a chance to meet all the industry leaders show-casing the latest developments in the radiotherapy and oncology fields.

We invite you to help us enrich the programme of this conference by submitting an abstract for the conference by 12 June 2019.

ESTRO is looking forward to welcoming you in Singapore.

Umberto Ricardi 
ESTRO meets Asia Conference Chair


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2018年第21届国际超声内镜研讨会(EUS 2018)

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