


会议地点: 虚拟会议-VIRTUAL
会议时间: 2021年8月22-24日
行业: 超声|影像|放射学|核医学会议



The 13th Asian-Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology (AOCNR 2021)
Date : April 22(Thu) – 24(Sat), 2021
Venue : Seoul, KOREA
Format : Virtual Congress
Congress Chairperson : Sang-Hoon Cha, M.D., Ph.D.
Local Organizer : Korean Society of Neuroradiology (KSNR)
Official Language : English


Deadline for Abstract Submission & Modification: February 28, 2021
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: March 15, 2021



Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to Seoul, Korea!
I am Sang-Hoon Cha, president of the Korean Society of Neuroradiology (KSNR) and chairperson of the Asian-Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology (AOCNR) 2021 Organizing Committee.

On behalf of AOCNR 2021 Organizing Committee and KSNR, it is great honor and pleasure to announce the opening of the 13th Congress of Asian-Oceanian Society of Neuroradiology and Head & Neck Radiology (AOSNHNR). This congress will be virtually held for two and a half days from today to April 24th, Saturday.

AOSNHNR was founded in 1994 to meet a growing need for the foundation of a society including Asian and Oceanian countries to promote neuroradiology and head and neck radiology. Then the president was professor Takahashi and professor Teng was the treasurer. Since the 1st Congress was successfully held in Kumamoto, Japan, AOCNR has been contributing to academism, and friendship among the neuroradiologists in the region and beyond. AOSNHNR now includes more than 30 national societies under the leadership of president professor Chen with professor Yamada as secretary general.

KSNR was founded in 1991, and, since then, has built strong connections with many societies in the world. Previously, 4th AOCNR was organized on September 21–25, 2001, in Seoul, Korea, in conjunction with the meeting of World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (WFITN). This is our second opportunity to host the AOCNR again in Korea. Initially, AOCNR 2021 was planned as an offline meeting, but organizing committee had to decide to change this congress to a virtual meeting because of the persisting COVID-19 pandemic situation. I appreciate greatly the support from the AOSNHNR leadership of president professor Sandy Chen and secretary general professor Kei Yamada.

Even though the AOCNR is organized virtually for the first time, various programs are prepared including the Takahashi Memorial Lecture, plenary lectures, presentations of latest achievements and experiences. I hope this AOCNR 2021 will serve as planned to all 660 participants from 25 countries.

All the members of KSNR look forward to meeting friends and colleagues of the neuroradiology communities in the new digital format to learn, connect, and interact!

Thank you very much for your participation.

Sang-Hoon Cha, MD. PhD
Chairman, AOCNR 2021 Organizing Committee
President, Korean Society of Neuroradiology



Registration Categories
Category Early-Registration
by Mar. 31
Late Registration
Apr. 1 ~ Apr. 11
On-site Registration
Physician USD 70 USD 100 Unavailable
Fellow/Resident/Trainee USD 35 USD 50

  • Registration Confirmation will be sent to your registered Email address once your registration is completed with full payment.
    If you haven't received it, please contact the secretariat.
  • Registration won't be completed until full payment of registration fee is made.
  • The on-line registration page is optimized for Internet Explorer and Chrome. If you use other web browsers or have any problems with on-line registration, please contact the secretariat.
  • If you would like to modify your registration information, please contact the secretariat.



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