


会议地点: 美国 奥兰多(Orlando, FL)
会议时间: 2024年7月7日至12日
行业: 超声|影像|放射学|核医学会议




IRPA 2024 - 16th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association
Theme: Harmonization of Radiation Protection Principals
Date: July 7-12, 2024
Venue: Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel, Orlando, Florida USA




The Health Physics Society (HPS) is proud to welcome IRPA delegates and radiation safety professionals from around the world to the 16th International Congress in Orlando, Florida. Joining us in welcoming IRPA to North America are the Canadian Radiation Protection Association and Sociedad Mexicana de Seguridad Radiológica. This will be the first time in 51 years that the International Congress has been held in the United States and the first time since 1992 that it has been held in North America.

Formed in 1956, the HPS is the United States of America’s scientific organization of professionals who specialize in radiation safety. Its mission is to support its members in the practice of their profession and to promote excellence in the science and practice of radiation safety.

Today the HPS’s nearly 3,500 members represent all scientific and technical areas related to radiation safety, including academia, government, medicine, research and development, analytical services, consulting, and industry in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The Society is chartered in the United States as an independent nonprofit scientific organization and, as such, is not affiliated with any government or industrial organization or private entity.

Efforts to obtain the honor of hosting the 16th IRPA International Congress began shortly after the HPS Annual Meeting in July of 2013. With an exceptional balance of accessibility, availability and affordability, Orlando, Florida, was a logical choice. The Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel has been chosen as the host hotel and convention site. It is a perfect mix of first class accommodations with quick access to all Orlando attractions, shopping and restaurants while still being reasonably priced. The Orlando International Airport (MCO) currently offers 37 different airlines providing nonstop services from 82 domestic and 34 international cities.

The Task Force that has been created to obtain this bid has worked tirelessly to make sure you have the best experience possible while visiting Orlando in 2024.

On behalf of all of the Task Force members, welcome to Orlando and may you have a wonderful meeting and enjoy the many attractions that Orlando and the surrounding area has to offer.

Kevin Nelson, Ph.D., CHP
Chair, IRPA 16 Organizing Committee
IRPA Vice President for Congress Affairs





会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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