会议地点: 虚拟会议-VIRTUAL
会议时间: 2021年9月21日至23日
行业: 肾脏|泌尿会议
2021第16届IgA国际肾病研讨会(IIgANN)将于2021年9月21日至23日以虚拟会议形式举行。会议的主要议题是 IgA 肾病的发病机制、病理和治疗,将特别关注正在进行的针对IgA肾病随机对照试验中的各种发病机制的讨论。我们相信,随着我们治疗选择的扩大,进展性 IgA 肾病患者的预后将显着改善。除了专业讲座和卫星座谈会,还将有海报会议。
国际IgA肾病网络(IIgANN)成立于2000年,原为在1967年意大利巴厘召开的第二届IgA国际肾病研讨会期间,由来自4个国家的参与者:Guiseppe D’amico(意大利),Hideto Sakai(日本),Tony Clarkson(澳大利亚),和Bruce Julian(美国),会面成立的一个非正式小组——IgA肾病俱乐部,目的是提高对该疾病临床重要性的认识,并鼓励国内外在临床和基础科学研究方面宣的合作。IIgANN每两三年在不同大洲间轮流举行国际研讨会,让世界各地区的年轻科学家、医生和学生更容易地参加会议,互动交流最新、最前沿的科学知识。
IIgANN 2021 - 16th International Symposium on IgANephropathy
Abstract Submission Deadline | 31 May 2021 |
Notification of abstract acceptance | 21 June 2021 |
Early registration deadline | 30 June 2021 |
Standard registration deadline | 31 July 2021 |
IIGANN 2021 Conference | 21– 23 September 2021 |
Dear Colleagues, dear Friends,
It is a great honour for me and Professor Jonathan Barratt to welcome you to the International IgA Nephropathy Network in Prague to be held on 21–23 September 2021.
Due to the unpredictable worldwide situation related to Covid-19 pandemic, we have decided to organise the event as a fully virtual meeting.
The main topics will be pathogenesis, pathology and treatment of IgA nephropathy. Special attention will be paid to the discussion on various pathogenetic mechanisms of IgA nephropathy targeted in ongoing randomized controlled trials. We believe that with the expansion of our therapeutic options, the outcome of patients with progressive IgA nephropathy will significantly improve. In addition to professional lectures and satellite symposia, there will also be poster sessions dedicated to the original communications.
Moreover, our partners will have an opportunity to promote themselves using their virtual stands.
I am looking forward to meeting you virtually at the 16th International Symposium on IgANephropathy in September 2021.
With best regards
Prof. Vladimir Tesar, MD, PhD, MBA, FERA, FASN
Congress Chair
Registration Fees
EARLY REGISTRATION until 30 June 2021 |
REGULAR REGISTRATION from 1 July 2021 till 31 July 2021 |
LATE REGISTRATION from 1 August 2021 |
Delegates | 360 EUR |
420 EUR |
450 EUR |
Young physicians* | 150 EUR |
170 EUR |
190 EUR |
Students** | 85 EUR |
90 EUR |
100 EUR |
Fees are quoted in EUR. These prices are final. VAT will be applied under current legislation.
*In order to benefit from the Young physicians fee applicants must be doctors in training for Nephrology and be under 35 years old. They need to upload their valid ID scanned from both sides.
**In order to benefit from the Student fee applicants must be full-time students at the time of the Symposium and need to upload their valid student ID card scanned from both sides or a letter from their university department as a proof of their student status. Post doctorate students are not eligible for this rate.
Note: Payments must be received by the corresponding deadlines (early or regular), otherwise the subsequent rate will be automatically applied.
The virtual registration fee includes:
- Admission to the Symposium Scientific Sessions and live discussions – online
- Admission to the online Exhibition Area
- Admission to the e-Poster and e-Video Library
- Presentation Records Library (those we have received their consent from)
- Admission to the Opening and Closing ceremony online
- Networking (chat) with other participants
- Networking (chat) with exhibitor*
*Only if the exhibitor makes this option available for their online stand
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等
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2021年第56届澳大利亚和新西兰肾脏病学会年会(ANZSN ASM 2021)
2021年美国妇科泌尿学会盆底疾病周(PFD WEEK)