
2023年国际肾脏病学会(ISN)世界肾脏病大会(ISN WCN 2023)


会议地点: 中国 北京
会议时间: 2023年3月30日至4月2日
行业: 肾脏|泌尿会议


2023年国际肾脏病学会(ISN)世界肾脏病大会(ISN WCN 2023)将于2023年3月30日至4月2日在中国北京举行。世界肾脏病大会(WCN)汇聚了数千名世界肾脏保健领域的顶尖专家,介绍最新的进展,交流最新的科学,讨论最新的临床应用,旨在改善肾脏健康和预防肾脏疾病。本次会议由国际肾脏病学会(ISN)组织,中华医学会肾脏病学分会和亚太肾脏病学会(APSN)主办。



World Congress of Nephrology (WCN2023)
Dates: March 30- April 02, 2023
Venue: Beijing, China

Organized by : International Society of Nephrology (ISN)
Hosted by:Chinese Society of Nephrology / Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology

WCN’23 will host thousands of participants, including the world’s leading experts in kidney health, to exchange the latest science and clinical applications to improve kidney care and prevent kidney disease worldwide. Hosted by the Chinese Society of Nephrology and the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology, the ISN is pleased to bring WCN’23 to North-east Asia to help advance understanding and awareness of kidney diseases in the region.


The World Congress of Nephrology (WCN) is the annual scientific, educational, and networking meeting of the International Society of Nephrology. The WCN features regionally-relevant symposia, presentations, training programs, and courses, offering the latest science and state-of-the-art education in nephrology.  

WCN is the perfect opportunity to meet experts and peers from around the world to share ideas and best practices.






Abstract submission opens: April 15, 2021
Submission deadline: September 26, 2021
Notification of acceptance: October 29, 2021

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Abstract requirements:

  • Character count: You may use up to 3,400 characters. Spaces are included in the character count (tables and graphs do not count as characters if inserted as an image). Abstract authors/co-authors’ names and affiliations, and keywords do not count towards the 3,400-character allowance.
  • Abstracts are structured: Introduction, methods, results, conclusion. Tables, graphs, and pictures may be included (tables and graphs do not count as characters if inserted as an image).
  • Images must be in JPEG or PNG format (uploaded images cannot exceed 640w x 480h pixels and 1,5 Megabytes).
  • Case reports that present novel hypotheses, pathologies, treatments, or ethical issues are welcome. However, they are only likely to be selected if the originality is highlighted effectively.
  • Submitted abstracts must describe unpublished work, which is not already in press and which is not awaiting possible acceptance by any other society/journal. Encore abstracts are not accepted.
  • The maximum number of abstract co-authors that can be listed in an abstract is 15.
  • Please check carefully for typographical errors, misspellings, poor hyphenation, etc. Please check that your abstract title is correct.


  • A non-refundable handling fee of 40 USD is charged per abstract that is submitted. 
  • WCN is a paperless congress. Accepted abstracts will be published electronically in the searchable databases of WCN’22 and Kidney International Reports. No printed abstract book will be produced.
  • Presenting authors must register for the congress by November 24, 2021, to have their abstract published as described above and to have a e-poster presentation at the congress. If you have submitted an abstract for the congress, the same congress profile (login identity) must be used to register for the event.



The focus of Late breaking abstracts is placed on capturing abstracts with ground-breaking and unique data that would not otherwise have been presented at WCN’22. If you have data available for submission only after the regular abstract deadline, the Scientific Program Working Group would be interested to receive your submission and consider it for presentation.

Late-breaking abstracts describe the latest advances, trial data, and results that have not been previously published or presented and highlight novel and practice-changing studies. Late-breaking abstracts contain ground-breaking and unique data.

The call for late-breaking abstracts is NOT an extension of the general submission deadline. The submission period is from April 15, 2021, to November 24, 2021. Late breaking abstract submitters are required to submit a ‘place holder’ abstract during the regular submission period (deadline September 22, 2021). For further information regarding updating your abstract please see section Post-Submission here below.



Registration for the World Congress of Nephrology 2022 (WCN’22) gives access to the full program (February 21-27, 2022), including the Raising-the-Curtains Sessions and the Global Kidney Policy Forum.

Pre-Congress Courses (February 24, 2022) are subject to an additional fee.

All recorded content will remain available on demand until May 31, 2022.


Congress Registration Fees:

Up to November 24, 2021
Regular Registration
Up to January 26, 2022
Late Registration
After January 26, 2022

175 USD

200 USD

245 USD

275 USD

300 USD

345 USD

60 USD
ISN Trainee & ISN Associate Members

75 USD
ISN Trainee & ISN Associate Members

100 USD
ISN Trainee & ISN Associate Members

90 USD
Allied Health Professionals

110 USD
Allied Health Professionals

150 USD
Allied Health Professionals

Low-Income Countries

Low-Income Countries
Low-Income Countries


Pre-Congress Courses Fees:

The Pre-Congress Courses (February 24, 2022) are not included in the congress fees and they will need to be purchased separately. Please note that is not possible to register only to the Pre-Congress Courses. Participants interested in attending the Pre-Congress Courses will need to register to WCN’22 and add Pre-Congress Courses to their registration.

Up to November 24, 2021
Regular Registration
Up to January 26, 2022
Late Registration
After January 26, 2022

100 USD
All Registration Categories

150 USD
All Registration Categories

200 USD
All Registration Categories

50 USD
Low-Income Countries

50 USD
Low-Income Countries

50 USD
Low-Income Countries



会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2021年第56届澳大利亚和新西兰肾脏病学会年会(ANZSN ASM 2021)

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