


会议地点: 希腊 雅典(Athens, Greece)
会议时间: 2022年3月16日至18日
行业: 肾脏|泌尿会议




7th World Congress on Vascular Access (WoCoVA2022)

Date: March 16 – 18 2022

Venue: Megaron Athens International Conference Centre



Abstract submission for 7th WoCoVA 2022

Abstract submission

WoCoVA would like to invite you to share your recent scientific Vascular Acces work at the 7th WoCoVA in Athens, 16-18 March 2022. Please send in the abstract of your work before the 31st of December 2021(投稿截止). Accepted abstracts will be included in the final Scientific Program.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

For the 7th WoCoVA, your abstract should cover one of the following topics:

  • Prevention
    WoCoVA aims at ‘targeting zero’. Different sessions will cover strategies aiming to improve patient safety and cost-effectiveness. The clinical goal is minimization (or ultimately prevention or eradication) of all risks related to venous access.
  • Research & Innovations
    VADs are continuously improved and the 7th WoCoVA is the place to learn about such innovations. VAD improvements, along with research outcomes, increases the level of care quality. This applies both to devices designed for safe insertion (optimizing vein selection, venipuncture, tip navigation, and tip location) as well as products aimed at reducing the incidence of infection, thrombosis, lumen occlusion, catheter dislodgement, and costs.
  • Education & Training
    Quality of patient care can only be achieved through education and training for all disciplines involved. 7th WoCoVA presents different educational strategies and outcomes, addressing the structure of a training course, proficiency evaluation, and good clinical practice.
  • Guidelines & Consensus
    Guidelines and evidence-based WoCoVA position papers released in the last two years will be part of the scientific program. Initiatives for the implementation of guidelines and worldwide availability will be shared.
  • Worldwide Network
    The 7th WoCoVA is the global platform to share ideas, experiences, and best practices. Since the lounge of WoCoVA in 2010 communication global sharing between national vascular access organizations (so-called National Societies), Global Committee members, clinicians, and industry partners, has been promoted and supported. Global sharing of ideas, practices, and results, is vital for the ongoing improvements in safe patient care and global awareness.


There are 4 types of Abstracts:

  • Scientific Abstracts
  • Experience Abstracts about team effects (financial, logistic etc.)
  • Educational Abstracts
  • Video Abstracts

Presenting authors of abstracts, accepted for presentation must be registered within two weeks after notification of acceptance. Authors are responsible for their expenses for preparation, travel, and accommodation.

The WoCoVA Scientific Committee reserves the right to accept or reject abstracts submitted. The Scientific Committee decision is final.

Structure of abstracts

The abstract should be maximum 300 words

  • The abstract should be typed in: Single spacing; Font size: 11; Style: Times New Roman
  • Tables and graphs must be submitted separately with a maximum of two graphs (these will not be published)
  • Capitalization: please only use a capital letter at the beginning of the abstract title
  • Make the abstracts as informative as possible
  • Conclusions must be supported by data

Organize the body of the abstract as follows:

  • a) Introduction b) Method c) Results d) Discussion & Conclusion
  • Only online submitted abstracts will be accepted
  • An acknowledgment will be sent on receipt of the abstract. Please contact the secretariat if you have not received confirmation of submission of your abstract(s)
  • Editing of abstracts will be possible until  30 November 2021
  • Add author(s) information, following the instruction on the abstract submission page.

Structure of Video abstract

For a video abstract, write an abstract following the criteria as above.

The video should be prepared and uploaded through YouTube, Vimeo, etc
Include the link to the video in the abstract


  • Total length of the video: max 4 minutes
  • Include title, name(s), author(s) and location in the video
  • One author of the video should be available for video discussion

Abstract criteria

Guideline for ORAL presentations
10 minutes presentation

Guideline for POSTER presentations
An author should be available for poster discussion. Further information will be sent to all poster presenters after acceptance of their abstract as poster

Guidelines for VIDEO presentations
One author of the video should be available for video discussion.




Welcome to the 7th WoCoVA

Dear colleagues and friends,

After an uncertain period, due to the corona pandemic, and in a period that we all missed the networking and direct contact, WoCoVA is proud to announce the 7th World Congress on Vascular Access, to be held as a physical meeting in Athens, March 16-18, 2022. This global event will be hosted in the Megaron Athens International Conference Center (MAICC) in Greece.

This biennial multidisciplinary and multi-professional event will cover all aspects of vascular access: materials, indications for the choice of the device, insertion techniques, tip location methods and prevention and management of all vascular access device (VAD) related complications like infection, thrombosis, occlusion and care & maintenance.

The theme of the 7th WoCoVA is: “Lessons learned from the pandemic”

Discussions will focus on the issues of safety, cost effectiveness and efficiency in vascular access, as well as on the need or worldwide-sharing guidelines for the clinical practice, technology advances, evidence-based practices and networking.

Scientific and educational sessions hosted by the most important international experts will offer an exceptional occasion for updating vascular access knowledge as well as sharing experiences and learnings about future trends and innovations in the area of VA-devices.

We look forward welcoming you at the 7th WoCoVA in Athens!


Ton van Boxtel
President and CEO WoCoVA



注册费-Registration Fees

Registration fee, regular  € 650
The regular fee applies after the first 300 registrations or from November 16th 2021 till February 15th 2022

Registration fee, late and on-site   € 750
The late and on-site fee applies after February 15th 2022

Registration fee students, physicians/scientists in training  € 500
Physicians/Scientists in Training will have to provide a copy of their Student Card or Certificate, valid throughout the academic year 2021-2022

Registration fee for rewatching all content online  € 250
Digital content of all lectures of 7th WoCoVA; available for 4 weeks from 21st of March 2022


Included in the Registration Fee for the physical congress

The registration fee for delegates includes:

  • Admission to all scientific sessions, the industrial exhibition and welcome reception
  • 4 weeks online watching of all lectures of the 7th WoCoVA from 21st of March 2022
  • Certificate of attendance
  • 3 lunches and coffee/tea during all coffee breaks


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2022年国际肾脏病学会(ISN)世界肾脏病大会(ISN WCN 2022)

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