


会议地点: 荷兰 鹿特丹
会议时间: 2022年9月10日至13日
行业: 肾脏|泌尿会议




50th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference
Date: September 10–13, 2022
Venue: International Conference Centre DE DOELEN, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

大会主题/Theme:‘50 years of Commitment in Kidney Care’


Deadline for abstract submission: February 14, 2022
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Abstract Submission Guidelines
  • All Abstracts must be submitted only via the Online Abstract Submission Form by the Abstract Submission deadline and according to the following instructions.
  • All Abstracts submitted by fax, email or after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • If you submitted the abstract for the conference in 2020/2021, you can use the same login details to log in to the Online Abstract Submission Form.
  • All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
  • Titles cannot exceed the limit of 14 words. (DO NOT capitalize each letter). No abbreviations used in the title of the abstract.
  • Abstract cannot exceed the limit of 300 words (Excluding title, authors and affiliations).
  • Figures, graphs, images, diagrams must not be included.
  • Please, choose the topic most related to your abstract. However, the Scientific Board reserves the right to decide on the final topic after abstract selection.
  • Please choose the desired presentation form for your abstract. However, the Scientific Board reserves the right to decide on the final type of presentation after abstract selection.
  • The following subdivisions of your abstract are recommended but are NOT MANDATORY, there is no need to use every section if not appropriate to your work:
    • Background
    • Objectives
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusion/Application to practice

   Please note that if you use the field, its title appears automatically e.g. Background, Objectives...
   During the abstract submission you can use the text editor to enter bold, italics or special symbols.

  • The abstract should highlight the background to the work, the methods used (where applicable) and the findings. However, we are particularly interested in how you have implemented your findings in practice and the consequences of this change. Please emphasize this in your abstract, and when presenting make this the focus of your talk / poster.
  • The Form B (mandatory part of the application for the International Continuing Nursing Education Credits - ICNEC) is a part of the Online Abstract Submission Form. Completing the Form B is obligatory. Form B can be downloaded from conference website.
  • The system will automatically let you know whether you complied with the rules before accepting your submission.
  • Abstracts will be peer-reviewed without knowledge of their source and selected by the Scientific Board for Oral or ePoster presentation.
  • All abstract authors will be notified by email about acceptance or rejection. Make sure you have inserted a correct email address during the abstract submission process.
  • Accepted abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book. Abstracts not suitable for reproduction will be rejected.
  • Please have your abstract proofread for correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. Your Brand Ambassador should be able to advise you on whom to ask. EDTNA/ERCA reserves the right to edit abstracts as necessary prior to publication in the Abstract Book.
  • ePosters are particularly suitable for the presentation of complex data or material requiring extensive illustration.
  • It should be noted that ePoster presentations carry the same status as Oral presentations and will be subject to the same selection process by the Scientific Board, i.e. by means of written abstracts in English.
  • During the abstract submission EDTNA/ERCA kindly asks you for your consent to publish the PDF version of your presentation or ePoster at the EDTNA/ERCA website for the education purposes of EDTNA/ERCA members. Presentations/ePosters will be published after the conference. The given consent may be withdrawn at any time before publication. In that case, please, contact us at [email protected].
  • Correction of abstracts can only be made until the extended deadline on February 14, 2022.
  • If you have difficulties in submitting your abstracts or if you need any further information, please contact the Conference Department at [email protected]
  • It is also our understanding that authors of accepted abstracts have the financial resources to pay all personal expenses incurred including the conference registration, production of their presentation, travel and accommodation during the conference.

Original Work

The intention of EDTNA/ERCA is to present original work during the conference. Previously presented or published abstracts cannot therefore be accepted.

Disclosure of Interest

The intention of EDTNA/ERCA is to provide high-quality sessions focused on educational content that is free from commercial influence or bias. We request all presenters to co-operate with this by:

  • Declaring any potential conflict of interest on a Disclosure section of the abstract submission.
  • Not including company or product names within the abstract. In the presentation the logo of the organization could be shown, but commercial products cannot be promoted



It is with huge gratitude that I write my first President’s message following in the footsteps of esteemed past presidents, most recently Edita Noruišienė. On behalf of the Executive Committee, I wish to thank Edita for her tireless commitment to developing the EDTNA/ERCA and her friendship and support over many years.

I am absolutely delighted to welcome you to join us in Rotterdam next year where our 50th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference will take place face to face on September 10–13, 2022. Due to the pandemic the last two years saw us prepare and offer online versions of our conference. Although very successful this just wasn’t the same as being able to meet up in person with the huge family of members that is EDTNA/ERCA. The theme of our Conference is "50 years of Commitment in Kidney Care". Our Conference will take place at the De Doelen, Rotterdam. De Doelen is a highly-acclaimed concert hall and state-of-the-art congress centre. Located in the Mauritskwartier district of Rotterdam, the centre welcomes you as attendees to the 50th conference. It was originally built in 1934 but then destroyed in 1940 during the German bombardment of Rotterdam at the outset of World War II. This beautiful building It was rebuilt in 1966, originally with one hall to which two more were added in the 1990s.

Rotterdam is located in the southern Netherlands. It is the second largest city in the country after the capital Amsterdam. Since the 1300’s the port of Rotterdam has developed and served as a major port of the Dutch East India Company. During World War II Rotterdam saw extensive bombing and its centre was almost completely destroyed, however the city has been rebuilt and once again stands as a modern port. Rotterdam features some fantastic architecture including the modern cube buildings and the Euromast Tower. It also has a wonderful variety of museums, eateries and activities for you all to enjoy.

We so look forward to you joining us in Rotterdam where you can participate in an excellent EDTNA/ERCA Scientific Programme which will include a number of educational sessions and workshops. At conference you will meet our Industry Partners at the Exhibition. You will also have a delightful time sharing experiences with colleagues including patients and carers, and old friends, some of whom have been members of EDTNA/ERCA for many years. In addition, there will be opportunities for networking and making new acquaintances. EDTNA/ERCA Conference will be organize according to the sustainable principles and standards that the Association is following since years.

More information you can find on our website and association app. You can also follow our social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to the beautiful city of Rotterdam and a vibrant, informative 50th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference on September 10–13, 2022.

With very warm regards,

Ilaria de Barbieri
EDTNA/ERCA President





会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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2021年英国肾脏周 - UK Kidney Week Virtual


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