


会议地点: 加拿大 蒙特利尔
会议时间: 2022年11月9日至13日
行业: 肾脏|泌尿会议




42nd Congress of the Société Internationale d'Urologie (SIU 2022)
Date: November 19-13, 2022
Venue: Palais des congrès de Montréal, Montreal, Canada


摘要提交-Abstract submission:

Abstract Deadline: April 17, 2022 @ 23:59 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Abstract Status Notifications: July 2022

Late-Breaking Abstracts Deadline: September 30, 2022 @ 11:59 PM, Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT).
Late-Breaking Abstracts Notifications: October 21, 2022.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

摘要提交指南>>>Submission Guidelines>>>

The 2022 Congress Learning Objectives are as follows:

After this educational event, attendees should be able to:

1. Understand the latest advances in the diagnosis, staging and management of urologic cancers.
2. Incorporate new techniques in robotic and minimally invasive surgery.
3. Detail the medical and surgical management of lower urinary tract dysfunction.
4. Describe the evaluation and medical and surgical therapy of urinary stone disease.
5. Define the assessment and management of male infertility.
6. Characterize the surgical and medical treatment options for erectile dysfunction.
7. See the latest advances in reconstructive surgery including transgender surgery, urinary diversion and urethroplasty.
8. Learn how to serve the diverse healthcare needs of our international population in a patient-centered manner.
9. Learn the latest urologic sub-specialty advances occurring in the past year to augment one’s practice.
10. Provide mentoring sessions to facilitate knowledge about career opportunities and advancement for urology trainees.
11. Enumerate common urological problems of the elderly and specific precautions in their care.
12. Identify congenital urological diseases and discuss approach to their management.
13. Develop a skillset for the management of complex urinary tract infections.

Submissions may be made to one of the following categories:

• SIU 2022 Regular Abstract Submission
• SIU 2022 Nursing Abstract Submission
• SIU 2022 Resident's Forum Submission**


SIU 2022 Presentation Types

Unmoderated Standard ePoster
Standard ePoster presented on an interactive screen on-site and online on the SIU Academy.  A voice over of maximum 3-minutes may be added after acceptance.

Unmoderated Video ePoster
Video ePoster of maximum 7-minutes, presented on an interactive screen on-site and online on the SIU Academy.  MP4 format required.

Moderated Oral ePoster
Live oral presentation on-site at congress during the moderated topic session in front of moderators and includes a live Q&A with the presenting author.

Moderated Video ePoster
Video presented on-site at congress during the moderated video session in front of moderators and includes a live Q&A with the presenting author. MP4 format required.

** Residents Forum submissions are limited to consideration for Moderated Oral eposters. Any accepted submissions not selected for the moderated session, will be available as an unmoderated standard eposter. If the submitter wishes for their abstract to be considered for any of the other presentation types, please select ‘regular abstract submission’ from the submission category.



SIU2022 注册费:

Categories-会员类别 EARLY 
Before August 29
After August 29
Virtual Only - By August 29 Virtual Only - After August 29

SIU Member: A Classification*

€ 800.00

€ 950.00

€ 275.00

€ 325.00

SIU Member: B Classification*

€ 600.00

€ 750.00

€ 150.00

€ 200.00

SIU Member: C Classification*

€ 500.00

€ 650.00

€ 50.00

€ 100.00

Host Country (Canada)

€ 600.00

€ 700.00

€ 100.00

€ 150.00

Resident/Trainee Member

€ 300.00

€ 350.00




Categories-非会员类别 EARLY 
By August 29
After August 29
Virtual Only - By August 29 Virtual Only - After August 29


€ 1,000.00

€ 1,150.00

€ 300.00

€ 350.00

Host Country (Canada)

€ 600.00

€ 700.00

€ 100.00

€ 150.00


€ 500.00

€ 650.00




€ 275.00

€ 350.00



Nurses Symposium Only

€ 150.00

€ 150.00



‡ Please submit a letter from your programme director or equivalent on official stationery. Please know that SIU Membership for Student/Trainees is free, see below to become a member.


Bench-to-Bedside Only Registration

Categories EARLY 
Before August 29
After August 29

Urologist/Med Onc/Rad Onc/Other specialists*

€ 300.00

€ 400.00


€ 100.00

€ 125.00

Please note that only paid registrations are considered confirmed.



Registration Benefits

 Registration fees for delegates who attend the live event include:

  • Scientific Sessions 
  • Complimentary access to the 4th Bench-to-Bedside Uro-Oncology: GU Cancers Triad Meeting (Friday, November 11)
  • Access to the Exhibit Hall (Friday through Saturday)
  • Lunch (Friday through Sunday)
  • Daily coffee breaks (Friday through Sunday)
  • Complimentary access to the virtual congress platformSIU@U, including live chats, virtual exhibit, gamification and session polling
  • Access to the Congress Mobile App

 Virtual-Only Registration fees include:

  • 40+ hours of key Scientific Sessions broadcast live and available on-demand, including the Bench-to-Bedside Uro-Oncology: GU Cancers Triad Meeting
  • Full access to the virtual congress platform, SIU@U, including live chat, virtual exhibit, gamification and session polling
  • Access to the Congress Mobile App



Cancellation and Refund Policy

Delegates unable to attend the 42nd Congress of the Société Internationale d’Urologie in-person will have their full congress registration automatically converted to a virtual only registration (in lieu of a cancellation fee) based on the original registration category. The difference in registration fees will be refunded after the Congress. Cancellation requests must be sent by email to [email protected] by November 2, 2022, to ensure timely receipt of your virtual log-in credentials. There will be no refunds for cancellation of virtual-only registrations. Should the SIU be forced to completely cancel the event, for any reason, all registration fees will be refunded. The SIU will not assume responsibility for any additional costs or charges related to the initial registration—including but not limited to payments made for travel and accommodation.



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