会议地点: 韩国 首尔
会议时间: 2021年4月23-24日
行业: 心脑血管会议
会议主题:“Meet the Cutting-Edge Progress in CMS”
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The APCMS 2021 (Asia-Pacific CardioMetabolic Syndrome) Congress will be held on April 23~24 (Friday and Saturday), 2021 at the Conrad Hotel, Seoul, Korea. The theme is “Meet the Cutting-Edge Progress in CMS”.
The Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) consists of five risk factors- abdominal obesity, high triglycerides, low HDLcholesterol, pre-diabetes, and pre-hypertension. The CardioMetabolic Syndrome (CMS) causes cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, fatty liver disease, calcified valve disease, and dementia. It is prevalent globally and is increasing.
The KNHANES study (Lim et al. Diabetes Care 2011) reported the prevalence increased from 24.9% in 1998 to 31.3% in 2007 in adults aged ≥ 20 years in Korea. Fortunately, the KSCMS study (Korean Survey of CardioMetabolic Syndrome) performed by our society, reported that a recent prevalence of CMS did NOT increase- 21.1% in 2007 and 22.4% in 2015 in adults aged ≥ 19 years (Huh et al. Atherosclerosis 2018 Oct;277:47). The FACT SHEET 2021 about CMS in Korea will be released at the APCMS 2021 Congress. The CMS can be prevented through diet, exercise, and intensive control of risk factors. Nonetheless, the scientific and academic congress to perform this goal for patients and physicians is not available. Therefore, we have hosted APCMS Congress in Seoul.
The themes were “Cardio-MetS Asia” and “New Horizons to the CMS”. The APCMS Congress has been successful in both quality and quantity. Many professional representatives- cardiologists, endocrinologists, epidemiologists, family medicine physicians, nutritionists, sports medicine physicians from over 19 countries have attended.
You will be able to see the development and achievements that we will make throughout the years. Indeed, we started to perform a prospective registry nationally and will publish an official journal “CardioMetabolic Syndrome Journal (CMSJ)” in March 2021. We believe the success of this congress is achieved entirely by active participation and contribution from the world.
The APCMS 2021 consists of educational symposia, joint sessions with overseas societies, original competition sessions such as oral, mini-oral, late-breaking, young investigator, and poster presentations with awards. Also, gala show and delicious cuisine will be served under Korean culture.
We continue to offer a travel grant for overseas colleagues to join APCMS 2021. We definitely welcome you. Finally, the scientific program and abstract submission are available online, www.apcmscongress.org. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a secretariat by e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected].
All the best,
Kwang Kon Koh, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.C. President |
Soo Lim, M.D., Ph.D. Scientific Chairperson |
Pre-Registration Deadline (Virtual attendandce) : April 9, 2021
Category | Pre-Registration | |
Foreign (Virtual Conference Only) |
40 USD |
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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