


会议地点: 德国 莱比锡
会议时间: 2022年3月1日至4日
行业: 心脑血管会议




GTH 2022 - 66th Annual Meeting of the Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research
DATE: 01–04 March 2022
VENUE: Leipziger Messe Exhibition and Convention Centre



Submission Deadline: 20. October 2021

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>



Dear colleagues and friends, 

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 66th Annual Meeting of the Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research (GTH e.V.). The meeting will take place in Leipzig, 01–04 March 2022, in the modern Congress Center of the “Leipziger Messe”. The City of Leipzig is easily accessible and offers optimal conditions for a stimulating meeting.

Our congress motto “sustainable collaboration” was chosen to offer two different meanings. The cooperation with colleagues in our field is essential for both patient care and scientific progress. Thus, a reliable and sustainable interdisciplinary collaboration will be key to advance the field of Thrombosis and Haemostasis in the upcoming (and challenging) years. At the same time, Medicine and Science cannot ignore the global ecologic challenges that go far beyond global warming, water pollution, the continuous extinction of animal species or the reckless destruction of rain forests. To make our contribution towards a greener future we must make our collaborations and meetings more “eco-friendly”. To achieve this, we all need to collaborate in our efforts for sustainability.

As congress presidents we want to hold true to our congress motto. We plan to invite speakers and participants from collaborating specialities such as vascular physicians, cardiologists, GPs, haematologists, anaesthetists, trauma surgeons or gynaecologists to exchange views and expectations in the field of Thrombosis and Haemostasis and to explore the future for our collaborations.

At the same time, we want to create a modern and eco-friendly congress. Accommodation will be available within walking distance from the venue. We encourage the use of public transport for your travel to Leipzig and during the congress. We promote the use of recycling products and reduce the amount of wasted paper from unused congress material. For this concept we have received positive and supportive feedback from our industry partners, making our efforts to minimize the ecologic footprint of “GTH 2022” a joint (ad)venture.

Although the congress will take place in Leipzig, GTH 2022 will be a „Saxonian“ initiative, involving an organizing and program committee of clinicians and scientists from Dresden and Leipzig. Therefore, our congress logo includes famous buildings from Leipzig and Dresden – but there is much more to explore!

We strongly encourage you to meet us in Leipzig in March 2022 and to share your latest work with the scientific community. Saxonia and both of us welcome you: physicians, researchers, students, nurses, technicians, pharmacists and physiotherapists, industry partners and all other friends of thrombosis and haemostasis.


Ute Scholz, Jan Beyer-Westendorf



Attendance in person
Early Bird Fees1
Regular Fees1
(starting from 01 December 2021)
Day Passes1
Complete Access to On Demand Library (to be booked additionally)3
GTH Regular Member
300,00 €
360,00 €
130,00 €
100,00 €
GTH Non-Member
360,00 €
430,00 €
150,00 €
200,00 €
Medical Resident or Post Doc4
150,00 €
180,00 €
85,00 €
200,00 €
Retired Member
150,00 €
180,00 €
85,00 €
200,00 €
Medical or PhD Student/Trainee4
50,00 €
50,00 €
30,00 €
200,00 €
AHP (Allied Health Professional), Nurse, Technician
50,00 €
50,00 €
30,00 €
200,00 €
GTH Member AHP (Allied Health Professional), Nurse, Technician
30,00 €
30,00 €
10,00 €
100,00 €


Virtual Day Passes2
Complete Access to On Demand Library (to be booked additionally)3
GTH Regular Member
100,00 € per day
100,00 €
GTH Non-Member
120,00 € per day
200,00 €
Medical Resident or Post Doc4
70,00 € per day
200,00 €
Retired Member
70,00 € per day
200,00 €
Medical or PhD Student/Trainee4
30,00 € per day
200,00 €
AHP (Allied Health Professional), Nurse, Technician
30,00 € per day
200,00 €
GTH Member AHP (Allied Health Professional), Nurse, Technician
10,00 € per day
100,00 €


1 Registration Fee for Delegates Covers: admission to scientific sessions, poster exhibition, industrial exhibition and satellite symposia on site, digitally published abstracts, Opening ceremony and Welcome reception.
2 A virtual pass covers access to the livestream of all broadcasted sessions on the respective day, as well as access to the digital hospitality lounges and all virtual industry content.
3 All the broadcasted content, abstracts and posters will be published in the On Demand Library for 6 months.
4 I certify to be entitled to the reduced registration fee. An appropriate proof of status will be uploaded to my registration account.


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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