


会议地点: 英国 格拉斯哥 - Scottish Event Campus (SEC)
会议时间: 2022年5月29日至6月1日
行业: 心脑血管会议


2022年第30届国际脑血流与代谢、功能研讨会暨第15届国际定量脑功能与PET会议(BRAIN & BRAIN PET 2022)将于2022年5月29日至6月1日在英国格拉斯哥举行,会议由国际脑血流和代谢学会(ISCBFM)主办。BRAIN & BRAIN PET 2021议题将涵盖神经科学研究领域的诸多方面,特别是与脑功能与代谢、脑血流、神经血管单元与血脑屏障功能、脑成像、脑修复、脑血管病理学等相关的研究,并将展示在这些领域的最新技术和最新发现,预计来自30多个国家的1,000余名代表出席会议。


30th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function
15th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET

Date: 29 May – 1 June 2022
Location: Glasgow UK



Call for Abstracts
June 2021

Abstract Submission Ends
January 2022

Notification of Review Outcome
February 2022

Accepted authors to register to confirm attendance
March 2022

The Presenting Author must submit the abstract and is required to be the corresponding author for that abstract
You do not need to register for the conference in order to submit the abstract
All abstracts must be received by the submission deadline to be included in the review.
Accepted abstract presenters must register by March 2022.
Abstracts must be submitted in English



Welcome to Brain 2022

On behalf of the President, Local Organizing Committee and Program Committee of the International Society for Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (ISCBFM), we wish you a warm welcome to BRAIN & BRAIN PET 2022, the 30th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET to be held in Glasgow UK from 29 May – 1 June 2022.

Following the tradition of previous biannual meetings, BRAIN & BRAIN PET 2022 will cover numerous aspects within the area of neuroscience research, particularly those related to brain function and metabolism, cerebral blood flow, the function of the neurovascular unit and the blood-brain barrier, brain imaging, brain repair, and cerebrovascular pathology. Our goal is to present the state-of-the art and novel discoveries of these fields in the conference.

Glasgow is undoubtedly one of Europe’s most dynamic cultural capitals: steeped in culture, rich in history, but above all, alive with an excitement you can sense as you walk through its elegant Victorian streets, squares, parks and gardens. It is an incredibly friendly, cosmopolitan city with beautiful architecture, and numerous cultural attractions; combined with some of the world’s most breath-taking scenery right on its doorstep. Within an hour you can experience ancient castles, tranquil lochs, outstanding golf courses or visit the capital city of Edinburgh. There is sailing, hillwalking or mountaineering and scenery like you may never have seen before. You can see why Glasgow was described as the world’s “friendliest” and “most affordable” city and one of the “top 10 Best Cities in the world to visit in 2019” by Time Out Magazine. Glasgow will provide the delegates and their families with a wealth of opportunities for discoveries and adventure, at the conference and beyond.

A stimulating program combined with a wonderful location, will hopefully make this conference an exciting and memorable event. We very much look forward to your participation in BRAIN & BRAIN PET 2022 and to welcoming you to Glasgow, Scotland.

Yours Sincerely,

Hiroyuki Kinouchi, ISCBFM President
Lorraine Work and Stuart Allan, Co-Chairs, Local Organizing Committee
Christine DeLorenzo and Mattia Veronese, Co-chairs, Brain PET 2022
Johannes Boltze and Peiying Li, Co-Chairs, Program Committee​




Fee Type
Early Bird Rate
(until 16 March 2022)
Regular Rate
(from 17 March to 28 May 2022)
Late Rate
(from 29 May 2022)
ISCBFM Members Country List A
ISCBFM Members Country List B
Non Members Country List A
Non Members Country List B
Student & Scholar ISCBFM Members
Student & Scholar Non Member
Live Streaming

Please note all registration fees include VAT @ 20%.


Your in-person registration fee includes:

  • Access to the conference
  • Access to the exhibition and posters
  • Tea, coffee and lunch
  • Delegate materials
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi
  • One ticket to the Civic Welcome Reception


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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