


会议地点: 日本 大阪
会议时间: 2022年6月10-12日
行业: 心脑血管会议



一、会议名称:日本血管内治疗大会-Japan Endovascular Treatment Conference (JET2022)

二、会议时间/Date:  June 10–12, 2022

三、会议地点/Venue: Knowledge Capital Congres Convention Center, Osaka, Japan

四、摘要征集-Call for Abstracts

  • 投稿时间:January 11, 2022 – March 11, 2022 12:00P.M.


JET2022 calls for cases and abstracts. Please read all the information below and submit your abstracts from the link below.
Multiple applications are allowed. If you submit several cases/abstracts, please submit one by one.

The most outstanding case/abstract will be given an award during the Presentation Award Session which will be held on June 12th (Sunday). The presenter must give the same presentation for this session.


1. ALI 2. Ao iliac 3. Atherectomy / Debulking
4. Approach site 5. AV access 6. BTA (Bellow the ankle)
7. BTK (Bellow the knee) 8. Calcification 9. Cerebrovascular Intervention
10. CLTI 11. Complication 12. CTO
13. EVAR 14. EVT devices 15. Hemostatic device
16. Imaging 17. Non stenting zone 18. Physiology
19. SFA 20. TEVAR 21. Vein
22. Other

Submission Period

January 11, 2022 – March 11, 2022 12:00P.M.

Qualification Requirements

Must be able to attend JET2022 on June 10–12th, 2022, if your case(s) / abstract(s) is(are) accepted for presentation.

Application Method

Submit abstracts through website. Abstracts must be no more than 200 words exclude name and title.

You may include up to 1 figure or image with your abstract - the figure and image must have a title.

*You may confirm / modify your abstracts up to the deadline using your ID number and password.

Submission Confirmation

After completing all the submission process, you will receive a confirmation E-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation E-mail, please contact the secretariat. You may have entered a wrong E- mail address or may have failed to complete your submission.

Presentation Style

Language: English (Both Oral and Slide)
Presentation Time: 6 minutes presentation, 4 minutes Q&A.
PowerPoint Slide: Maximum of 20 slides. Must be used JET2022 Slide Master.

Please note...

  • All abstracts will be peer reviewed by JET2022 program committee.
  • Results will be informed via E-mail around the early of April.
  • Registration fee will be waived for presenters. However, the Congress will not be able to absorb the expenses related to travel and accommodation.
  • Presentation schedule will be arranged by the Congress.




It is a great pleasure and honor for me, Osamu Iida of the Cardiovascular Center of Kansai Rosai Hospital, to act as Chair of the Japan Endovascular Treatment Conference 2022 (JET2022), having been Chair in 2021.

First, I would like to mention that we were able to hold JET2021 as a hybrid meeting with great success. I am deeply grateful to the many people who supported the meeting, despite COVID-19 and the state of emergency.

To ensure that we will again be the leading conference in endovascular therapy (EVT), we will plan a program for 2022 that is sensitive to the times and enables live learning for participants. I look forward to working with you in the same way as I did in 2021. This year, I would again like to cooperate closely with Dr. Masahiko Fujiwara of Kishiwada Tokushukai Hospital, who was my trusted ally for JETTALKs in 2020 and Hybrids in 2021.

As a result of JET 2020 and 2021, 3 additional courses were added to the main EVT course on peripheral arterial disease. We have achieved significant results in the following areas, thanks to the hard work that the following colleagues put into planning and implementing multiple projects:

  1. Stent graft and coil embolization for aortic diseases (JET-Aortic)—Dr. Shigeo Ichihashi of Nara Medical University and Dr. Naoki Fujimura of Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital
  2. Vascular Access Intervention Therapy (VAIVT) and surgical repair of dialysis shunts (JET-AV access)—Dr. Kotaro Suemitsu of Kansai Rosai Hospital, Dr. Masahito Miyamoto of Yokohama Daiichi Hospital, and Dr. Masaaki Murakami of Shizuoka Prefectural General Hospital
  3. Venous diseases (JET-Venous)—Dr. Hiroyoshi Yokoi of Fukuoka Sanno Hospital
In JET 2022, we would like to plan an even more exciting practical program. More information will follow. Stay tuned!

JET 2021, which took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, was successful to a certain extent. However, although the members of the Executive Committee were somewhat satisfied, they were also slightly dissatisfied because of the feeling of emptiness we had when we gave a presentation to the empty venue. At previous JET meetings, every hall was full of participants and lively; however, at JET 2021 the venue had no live audience, and it was quite depressing to give a presentaion in front of an empty space. That's when my motivation was ignited, and I felt very strongly about the direction we should take. At JET 2022 in Osaka, we intend to hold the meeting mainly onsite and will aim for 3000 participants. We will use a hybrid format and also make the proceedings available online. Holding a live meeting is important because, as I have said before, the first and foremost goal of JET is to be Asia's largest endovascular course, and we strive to be the best along with LINC in the EU and VIVA in the US.

There is a clear distinction between JET and the conferences of other large academic societies in that JET is a meeting for physicians and co-medical health professionals who work with integrity to find the best treatment strategies for patients with vascular diseases. The cooperation of multiple clinical specialists provides JET the power to continuously move forward in this quest.

We are sure that JET 2022 will meet everyone’s high expectations. To ensure that we remain the leading conference in endovascular treatment, we promise to provide education and training that will be both exciting and instructive for participants at all times.

Please join us in looking forward to an amazing JET 2022!


JET 2022 Chairman of the Executive Committee
Osamu Iida, MD
Cardiovascular Center, Kansai Rosai Hospital




会议对象: 病理学家/医生、科研人员、实验室主管、临床医生、技术人员、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及其他相关专业人士代表等等。

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