2022年欧洲栓塞治疗大会(ET 2022)
会议地点: 法国 尼斯 - Nice Acropolis Convention Centre
会议时间: 2022年6月22-25日
行业: 心脑血管会议
2022年欧洲栓塞治疗大会(ET 2022)将于2022年6月22-25日在法国尼斯举行,会议由欧洲心血管与介入放射学会(CIRSE)组织。
ET 2022 - European Conference on Embolotherapy
June 22-25 2022 | Nice, France
ET is CIRSE’S dedicated annual congress on embolotherapy
Welcome to ET 2022
Embolotherapy has undoubtedly become one of interventional radiology’s mainstays, its established therapies increasingly becoming first-line treatments for numerous conditions and new applications continually being added to its portfolio. Paired with the innovative spirit of interventionists from around the world, tools and material manufacturers have also greatly contributed to push what can be done for patients through embolisation procedures.
In 2019, the European Conference on Embolotherapy was created to provide a platform for practitioners, researchers, and the industry to meet, share and connect to further drive evidence-base and knowledge exchange in the field. The successful launch of ET with more than 800 medical experts convening in Valencia showed that the interventional radiology community was strongly embracing the idea of a dedicated embolotherapy meeting. Due to the Covid pandemic, ET 2020 unfortunately had to be cancelled. However, it came back strong as an online meeting in June 2021, with more than 1,200 participants joining in for the three live congress days, 12 exhibitors, 7 satellite symposia and 2,830 hours of live education watched on the meeting platform.
Although ET 2021 exceeded all expectations for an online meeting, we are very much looking forward to moving back to an in-person meeting in 2022, with an exciting programme spanning over the course of four days in beautiful Nice. The field’s most renowned experts will form part of the ET 2022 faculty, providing attendees with valuable insights into their daily practice, technical tips and tricks, and of course the latest data.
The 2022 scientific programme will cover an extensive range of topics, scrutinising both established therapies and new treatments. We will especially hone in on neurointerventions, joint treatments and treatments for paediatric patients. Other highlights will include embolisation in trauma, GI bleeding and women’s health. For the first time, ET 2022 will invite participants to submit their abstracts for the meeting and we anticipate a wide range of interesting submissions from around the world.
The case remedy sessions will look at how particularly challenging cases were tackled. Concentrating more on the technological side of things, the technical focus sessions will scrutinise devices and materials. In all sessions, the audience will be encouraged to participate by sharing their experience, provide their opinions via polls and engage in a lively debate with the faculty.
We anticipate a very interesting meeting which will let participants stay ahead of the curve in our rapidly evolving field of practice. Last but certainly not the least, meeting our colleagues and friends from around the world after the pandemic will be a great treat for all of us.
We look forward to seeing you all in Nice!
Patrick Haage
Otto M. van Delden
Deputy Chairperson
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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2022年欧洲栓塞治疗大会(ET 2022)
2022年加拿大心血管大会(CCC 2022)