


会议地点: 美国 斯科茨代尔市
会议时间: 2022年10月20-22日
行业: 肿瘤科会议


2022年第19届美国整合肿瘤学会(SIO)国际会议将于2022年10月20-22日在美国亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市举行,会议由Banner MD安德森癌症中心与妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic)联合主办。


Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) 19th International Conference

Date: October 20-22, 2022
Venue: The Scott Resort, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Theme: “Delivering Multidisciplinary Integrative Oncology Care Across Communities”


SIO’s 19th International Conference will present an exceptional opportunity to learn about new findings in integrative oncology from healthcare/scientific disciplines that have the potential to transform cancer care internationally. The 2022 theme is “Delivering Multidisciplinary Integrative Oncology Care Across Communities”.

The conference features include keynote, plenary and concurrent sessions, as well as workshops highlighting the latest clinical, research and methodological issues, and offers opportunities to learn about integrative modalities. We will offer a virtual attendance option again this year with limited streamed sessions. We appreciate your understanding.




Call for Abstracts and Workshops:

SUBMISSION CLOSES: April 15, 2022 (11:59pm US Pacific Standard Time)


SIO is accepting abstract and workshop submissions for the 19th International Conference, co-hosted by Banner MD Anderson and Mayo Clinic, from October 20-22, 2022. The submission period is February 14 to midnight Pacific Time April 15, 2022. The proposals must be relevant to integrative oncology and the conference theme, “Delivering Multidisciplinary Integrative Oncology Care Across Communities."

Abstracts for oral or virtual poster presentations that represent the broad spectrum of integrative cancer research (basic; clinical; health care utilization; health equity & inclusion; cost-effectiveness; program and best practice guideline development) and clinical care are welcome. In keeping with the conference theme, individuals submitting abstracts are encouraged to consider the person-centered care factors of their work and its relevance to integrative cancer care. 

SIO has the right to review and select abstracts at its discretion for oral/virtual or poster presentation and Best of SIO.

Members of the Scientific Review Committee will evaluate the quality of the submitted workshop proposals on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Novelty of the workshop

  • Significance of the goals

  • Needs assessment

  • Clarity

  • Relevance to integrative oncology and conference theme

Authors should be particularly cognizant of the importance of following the workshop criteria outlined above. If the submission is poorly written, such that the Review Committee cannot determine its goals and importance, the workshop will not be accepted for presentation at the Conference.

It is preferred that workshop proposals be authored by at least two organizers from two different institutions; however, this is not required.

Required Workshop Proposal Format

  • Title: Workshop title and acronym if relevant

  • Abstract: Description of the workshop, suitable for the conference web site and advance program

  • Topics and Motivation: What are the topics, themes, and areas of interest of the workshop? How is the workshop relevant to integrative oncology, diversity, cancer control and/or prevention? What specific unmet needs/gaps does the workshop address? How does the workshop contribute to networking of SIO to other practitioner communities, if at all?

  • Goals and Expected Results: Explicitly state the goals of the workshop and how you intend to reach them. What are the expected results of the workshop? How will these results be disseminated? How will the workshop specifically address identified needs/gaps?

  • Format: What is the planned workshop format? What will be done to stimulate collaborative interaction? Are there planned pre- and post-workshop activities?

  • Length of Time: There are 75-minute workshop spaces available and 4-hour pre-conference workshops. You MUST indicate your preference in the submission form.

  • Previous presentation: Have you presented this workshop or a workshop on the same topic at previous SIO meetings or other scientific meetings? When, where, and how many participants? How was the workshop evaluated (provide objective scores ratings and subjective comments as available?

Primary Author Responsibilities
If the material has been accepted for publication or has recently been published, it is the author's responsibility to make sure that the journal's copyright rules are not violated. The workshop proposal should comply with the ethics of scholarly activities in general and should be free of commercial bias. If chosen, the organizers and speakers must disclose conflicts of interest as required by continuing education accreditation bodies.

Any additional questions should be directed to Erika Freundel [email protected].




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2021年第4届世界甲状腺癌大会(WCTC 2021)


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