


会议地点: 日本 京都(Kyoto, Japan)
会议时间: 2022年10月12日至16日
行业: 心脑血管会议





ISH 2022 Kyoto - The 29th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension

In Collaboration with:
The 17th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Hypertension (APSH)
The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hypertension (JSH)

Date: 12 - 16 October, 2022
Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan

Theme: The Wisdom for Conquering Hypertension

Hosted By:
International Society of Hypertension (ISH)
Asian Pacific Society of Hypertension (APSH)
Japanese Society of Hypertension (JSH)






Before preparing and typing your abstract, please read the following instructions carefully:

  • Abstracts can be submitted via the online Abstract Submission Service only. Abstracts sent by fax or email will not be accepted.
  • Abstracts must be in English.
  • The deadline for abstract submission is 23:59 JST on April 19, 2022. Abstracts submitted a!er this date will not be accepted.
  • Co-authors: List all authors in the order in which you wish for them to appear in the abstract summary.
  • Presentation Style: Please choose your preferred type of presentation.
    1. Oral Presentation (apply for Symposium, Workshop, etc.)
    2. Poster Presentation
    3. Case Report (Oral Presentation preferred)
    4. Case Report (Poster Presentation preferred)
    5. Invited Sessions *This is only for invited speakers.
  • If you select “Oral Presentation”, the abstract will be reviewed for ISH2022 Symposia and Workshops. If your abstract is accepted for Oral Presentation, your presentation will be a part of a Symposium or Workshop.
  • * If your abstract is not accepted for a Symposium or Workshop, it will be considered for a Poster Presentation. If submitting your abstract as an Oral Presentation, please select the most relevant one out of the 13 categories. Additionally, please select up to 5 relevant ones from the proposed topics.
  • If submitting your abstract as a Poster Presentation, Case report (Oral Presentation preferred) or Case report (Poster Presentation preferred), please select up to 5 relevant ones from the proposed topics. (It is not necessary to select a Category) Please find categories and topics here.
  • The complete abstract must not exceed 20 words for the TITLE and 400 words for the BODY.
  • Title: Please check that your title is entered correctly if copying and pasting it into the entry field.
  • AUTHORS/AFFILIATIONS: you may enter up to 15 authors in the authors list and 10 affiliations. The presenters must be part of the authors list included in the submitted abstract. The names of authors will be published as listed on the submission form. Please make sure you enter the full list of authors. The order of the authors’ names and their (names, cities, country) will be published as entered on the form.
  • BODY: The body text should be arranged using the following 4 headings: Objective, Design and method, Results, and Conclusions.
  • A double-blind process will be used for grading and selection so please do not include authors, institutions, city, abbreviations, or other identifying information in the title or in the abstract text.
  • Do not include grant acknowledgements in the abstract contents. Do not cite keywords or references in the abstract, as they are not allowed and will be deleted.
  • Abstracts will be selected on the basis of their scientific merit.
  • Only one figure or table is allowed per abstract. (Acceptable file types: jpg/gif/png.)
  • ISH 2022 Kyoto only allows the submission of abstracts that are of original contribution to the field.
  • A confirmation of receipt of the abstract will be automatically sent to the registered email address upon submission.
  • COI disclosure: All authors (first author and co-authors) are required to disclose any financial relationship (within the past 36 months) with biotechnology manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies or other commercial entities that have the interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the abstract. The matters requiring disclosure are as below.
    1. Employment/leadership position/advisory role (1,000,000 yen/year or more)
    2. Stock ownership or options (Profit of 1,000,000 yen/year or more/ownership of 5% or more of total shares)
    3. Patent royalties/licensing fees (1,000,000 yen/year or more)
    4. Honoraria (e.g. lecture fees) and fees for promotional materials (e.g. manuscript fee) (500,000 yen/year or more)
    5. Research funding (5,000,000 yen/year or more)
    6. Scholarship or donation (1,000,000 yen/year or more)
    7. Endowed course by commercial entities
    8. Others (e.g. trips, travel, or gi!s which are not related to research) (50,000 yen/year or more)
    All abstracts will be peer reviewed, and the final selection of abstracts will be made by the Scientific Committee by the middle of June 2022. All abstracts’ corresponding authors will be notified about the result of the review (selected or not selected).
    Please ensure that the email address you provide is accurate as all correspondences will be sent to that address via email.


  • Registration is compulsory in order to present an abstract during the Meeting.
  • Each presenting Author may present up to 3 abstracts with one paid registration.
  • Registration will open in April 2022. Speakers who fail to pay the registration fee by the set date will be considered “no-show” and their presentations will be removed from the final program.
  • It is the authors’ responsibility to review the submissions and correct them. Please proofread your abstract before completing your submission.
  • If authors wish to withdraw their abstracts from presentation or publication, they are requested to send an email to [email protected]




Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am delighted to invite you to the 29th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension that will take place in the beautiful city of Kyoto, Japan in 2022.

Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan, is famous for its long history and unique culture. However, it is also home to high-tech companies, such as Nintendo, Kyocera, and Omron, to name a few. CiRA, the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application headed by Nobel laureate Professor Shinya Yamanaka is established in Kyoto University, which is also the birthplace of SHR, spontaneously hypertensive rat models established in 1963 by Professor Kozo Okamoto.

We welcome all doctors and researchers devoted to studying and treating hypertension to Kyoto to foster intensive discussions and facilitate further development in the field. The ISH 2022 will focus on innovation, advanced technology, and health promotion including food, sports, and AI dimensions. We will offer diverse and extensive scientific programs and strive to involve the largest number of young participants ever. We will also encourage developing countries’ participation by providing financial assistance.

By bringing together multidisciplinary wisdom regarding hypertension-related diseases, we aspire to explore new directions in diagnostics, prevention, and treatment, as well as generate a new paradigm in our shared mission to control the disease.

It is with pride that I invite all of you to participate in the ISH 2022. I strongly believe that you will find the Japanese hospitality extremely satisfying and will be able to deepen and widen your knowledge and expertise to learn from the best and create professional connections. See you in Kyoto!

Hiroshi Itoh, MD PhD
Chair, ISH 2022 Kyoto
Immediate Past President, The Japanese Society of Hypertension





会议对象: 医生、药剂师、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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