


会议地点: 葡萄牙 埃斯托里尔
会议时间: 2022年3月10日至13日
行业: 内科|呼吸|胸病会议




20th Lung Science Conference
Date: 10–13 March, 2022
Location: Estoril, Portugal

The ERS Lung Science Conference (LSC) is at the forefront of basic and translational respiratory science and it is an essential event for budding respiratory researchers looking to boost their career. It offers a unique opportunity to network with peers from across the globe and will present cutting-edge abstracts on novel experimental lung research. The following features are organised every year:


Three prizes will be awarded during the conference:

  • William MacNee Award – Young Investigator Session – recognising your presenters (40 years of age or less at the time of the conference) who submitted and outstanding abstract
  • Geoffrey Laurent Award – Best oral presentation
  • Distinguished Poster Awards

Mentorship programme

Each abstract author receiving a bursary is selected to the mentorship programme. Together with an appointed mentor, they will have the opportunity to discuss both scientific and career questions during a dedicated mentorship lunch on the second day of the conference.

Early career session

A special session for early career delegates is organised each year, taking place on Saturday afternoon during the conference.

Abstract submission-摘要提交

Abstract submission for the Lung Science Conference 2022 is now open. The deadline to submit abstracts is 12 November at 23:59 CET. Submit an abstract.



Onsite registration fees
Under 40 €200
ERS members €500
Non ERS members €700
Industry* €1,100
Accompanying person** €180


Online registration fees

ERS members €89
Non ERS members €119

Cancellation policy – onsite registration

Cancellation can be requested via a written notice up to six weeks before the conference, until 23:59 CET on 27 January, 2022.

Once the ERS office has received the written notice of cancellation, a refund of the conference fees, minus a €50 administrative fee, will be issued.

Please note: for cancellations that are requested later than six weeks prior to the conference, no refund will be issued.


Cancellation policy – online registration

Online activities are non-refundable.


会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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