
2022年世界肺部健康大会(The Union)


会议地点: Virtual
会议时间: 2022年11月8-11日
行业: 内科|呼吸|胸病会议


2022年世界肺部健康大会-虚拟会议将于2022年11月8-11日举行。世界肺部健康大会是国际防痨和肺部疾病联合会(The Union)主办的全球结核病领域规模最大、最负盛名的学术交流盛会,将汇集数千名来自世界各地的临床医生和公共卫生工作者、卫生计划管理者、决策者、研究人员和倡导者,共同致力于消除肺部疾病给人民造成的痛苦,并重点关注当前低收入和中低收入人群所面临的挑战。大会议题涵盖包括结核病在内的多种肺部疾病的预防、诊断和治疗以及基础科学研究的各个方面,来自微生物学、免疫学、分子生物学、药理学、流行病学和数学建模等领域的科学家,将宣展示和讨论有关结核病传播、感染和疾病的最新发现成果,同时还将关注开发更好的疫苗、新药和结核病诊断方法。

国际防痨和肺部疾病联合会(The Union)是一个致力于改善贫困地区人口健康状况的全球科学组织,其前身为1920年成立的国际防痨联盟(IUAT,世界卫生组织正式承认的第一个非政府组织)。国际防痨和肺部疾病联合会(The Union)的目标是:收集和传播有关结核病和肺部疾病等所有方面的知识,以及由此产生的公共卫生问题;提醒医生、决策者和公众注意肺结核、其他肺部疾病、艾滋病毒和非传染性疾病以及与其相关的社区健康问题所带来的危险;协调、协助和推动其成员在世界各地的工作;与世界卫生组织、其他联合国组织以及卫生和发展部门的政府和非政府机构建立并保持密切联系。

The Union World Conference on Lung Health 2022
Organized by: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)

Date: November 8-11 2022
Venue: Virtual(虚拟会议)

Theme: Combating Pandemics: Today & Tomorrow


The Union World Conference on Lung Health is the world’s largest gathering of clinicians and public health workers, health programme managers, policymakers, researchers and advocates working to end the suffering caused by lung disease, with a focus specifically on the challenges faced by low-and lower-middle income populations. Of the 10 million people who die each year from lung diseases, some 80 percent live in these resource-limited settings. Organising international conferences on TB and related subjects has been a core activity of The Union since its founding in 1920.

The Union World Conference on Lung Health 2022 will be held virtually from November 8-11 under the theme ‘Combating Pandemics: Today & Tomorrow’.

Whether it is COVID-19 or Tuberculosis (TB), lung health pandemics continue to create havoc the world over, exposing inequalities while also revealing how interconnected we all truly are. As we work towards averting future pandemics, we must not forget existing pandemics like TB and ensure we serve those who are most vulnerable.

We must work together towards elimination of all lung health pandemics and this can be achieved only if we address the issues of equity and inclusion for a healthier, safer world.



会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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