会议地点: 中国 北京
会议时间: 2021年9月10日至12日
行业: 肿瘤科会议
2021年第12届国际腹膜表面肿瘤研讨会将于2021年9月10日至12日在中国北京举行,会议由国际腹膜表面肿瘤协作组(PSOGI)主办。 PSOGI国际会议的目标受众群体包括外科肿瘤学、临床肿瘤学、胃肠病学、放射学和妇科学等领域的医护人员。
PSOGI Statement on COVID-19 and Postponing the Biennial Meeting
Dear all,
With the global pandemic of COVID-19, an unprecedented healthcare disaster is claiming thousands of lives across our shared home earth, leaving no mercy to anyone, anywhere in this world. The ongoing increase in patients with confirmed diagnosis and related diseases are putting ever-devastating stresses on our medical and healthcare system.
Saving lives, containing the infection, and combating the virus with our utmost efforts have become our shared mission for people from all walks of life, particularly we medical professionals. Because this pandemic could last for this year at least, many things have to be rescheduled to accommodate the new situation.
Confronted with this crisis, the executive committee of the Peritoneal Surface Oncology Group International (PSOGI) have decided to postpone the 12th International Conference on Peritoneal Surface Malignancy in Beijing (Beijing PSOGI2020), from September 18-20, 2020 to September 9-12, 2021 (from Thursday to Sunday). We have made the decision, following the suit of Tokyo Olympics and after careful consultation among the PSOGI executive members.
For over 3 decades, PSOGI has been dedicated to fighting cancers with peritoneal metastasis, the most challenging form of cancer spreading. With the all-round efforts in basic researches, translational studies and clinical trials and applications, we have developed a series of novel techniques in diagnosis and treatment of peritoneal malignancy, and cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) have brought remarkable survival benefits to patients with peritoneal metastasis from colorectal cancer, gynecological cancer and pseudomyxoma peritonei, to name a few. The global recommendations for open cancer surgery strengthens our longstanding beliefs that outcomes for patients with advanced cancers could be much improved, and best practice for all should observe the surgical principles underlying PSOGI's position. Much effort is needed in advancing and promoting surgical skills and techniques and PSOGI is well positioned to deliver these needs.
PSOGI is committed to improving treatments of peritoneal cancer by supporting researches in peritoneal surface oncology. This COVID-19 crisis cannot stop us. Instead, new opportunities will be created. We have to tap our resources and develop better strategies and mechanisms for PSOGI and for our patients. We encourage our international colleagues to share our thoughts and deeds, vision and reason, to foster a stronger international coalition against cancer peritoneal metastasis.
Stay strong, we combat the disease together!
Stay well, we win the war together!
Stay happy, we shape a brighter future together!
Paul H. Sugarbaker, USA
亲爱的同事和朋友们, |
PSOGI is a non-profit organization to promote research, education, and innovations in patient care regarding peritoneal metastases. The outreach is worldwide. The International Congress will bring America, Europe, Asia, and Asia Minor together regarding a common unsolved problem in gastrointestinal and gynecologic malignancy. The major goal is to implement the transfer of basic science research and clinical research to patient care. To date, major benefits to patients with gastrointestinal cancer, gynecologic malignancy, and peritoneal mesothelioma have been achieved and even more exciting improvements are expected in the near future as a result of our worldwide cooperative efforts.
注册类型 |
早期注册 |
标准注册 |
现场注册 |
普通注册 |
1500 RMB |
2000 RMB |
2500 RMB |
学生 |
1000 RMB |
1500 RMB |
2000 RMB |
护士 |
1000 RMB |
1500 RMB |
2000 RMB |
行业会员 |
6000 RMB |
8000 RMB |
10000 RMB |
注册费包括: · 参加9月9日-12日的所有会议 · 大会资料,包括胸卡和会议包 · 参观展览和墙报展示 · 茶歇 · 9月10日以及11日的午餐 |
Registration category |
Early Bird |
Standard |
Onsite |
Regular registration |
500 USD |
600 USD |
700 USD |
Resident / fellow |
400 USD |
500 USD |
600 USD |
Student |
400 USD |
500 USD |
600 USD |
Nurse |
300 USD |
400 USD |
500 USD |
Industry member |
1000 USD |
1250 USD |
1500 USD |
The registration fee including: · Admission to the scientific sessions from 9 September, 2021 to 12 September, 2021 · Congress documents, including badge and congress bag · Access to the exhibition and poster · Coffee breaks on all days, as indicated on the program · Lunch break on 10 September, 2021 and 11 September, 2021 |
1) 2021年8月9日之前申请取消注册参会的,大会收取每位代表600元取消费,扣除相应取消费后原路径退回付款帐户内。
2) 2021年8月9日之后取消注册参会的,所有注册费将不予退款。
3) 取消及问题请联系[email protected]
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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2022年第7届国际头颈肿瘤学会联盟世界大会(IFHNOS 2022)