会议地点: 美国 纳什维尔/Nashville, TN
会议时间: 2022年2月9日至12日
行业: 药学|护理|急诊|重症|康复会议
2022年美国临终关怀与姑息治疗年度会议将于2022年2月9日至12日在美国田纳西州纳什维尔举行,会议由美国临终关怀与姑息医学协会(AAHPM)与临终关怀与姑息护士学会(HPNA)联合组织,预计有3400余名代表出席会议。 临终关怀与姑息治疗年会是专为医师、护士、高级执业注册护士、药剂师、医师助理、社会工作者和牧师设计的,他们可以获得、维持或扩展在临终关怀和姑息治疗领域宣高效运行所需的技能。每年一次的临终关怀与姑息护理大会将利用AAHPM和HPNA的专业知识来促进这一领域的发展,为其成员和其他相关专业人士提供教育,并通过分享现有的最佳证据来提高重症患者的生活质量。
The Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care, presented by the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM) and the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (HPNA), is a 3-day event that brings together more than 3,400 of your colleagues and peers to share research, clinical best practices, and practice-related guidance to advance the specialty and improve patient care.
The Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care is designed for physicians, nurses, advanced practice registered nurses, pharmacists, physician assistants, social workers, and chaplains interested in acquiring, maintaining, or expanding the skills needed to function effectively in the field of hospice and palliative care.
The Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care leverages the expertise of both AAHPM and HPNA to advance the field, educate their members and other healthcare professionals, and improve quality of life for those affected by serious illness by sharing the best available evidence.
AAHPM and HPNA strive to ensure that participants in our activities experience a welcoming environment that offers a healthy, productive community and workspace for all attendees. We take pride in creating an environment that welcomes, engages, inspires, and empowers everyone to reach their full potential while appreciating the rich diversity of all individuals in our increasingly global hospice and palliative care community. We support equality of opportunity and treatment for everyone. A commitment to a welcoming environment that embraces diverse perspectives, cultures, and experiences is expected of all attendees, including guests, staff, contractors, exhibitors, and participants in educational sessions and social events.
Call for Case Presentations and Scholar Posters
Abstracts were due October 18 at 12pm PT. Are you an early career professional (up to 5 years post training) or current professional in training (engaged in a formal education or training program: fellow, scholar, advance practice nurse, social worker, resident, student, and others) interested in presenting your case study or research? AAHPM and HPNA will accept case presentations and work-in-progress scholar poster submissions for the Annual Assembly of Hospice & Palliative Care, February 9-12, 2022 in Nashville, TN.
The Annual Assembly is an opportunity to share your case study or in-progress scholar research or improvement projects, receive feedback from professionals in the field, and prepare you to revise, enhance and share your work at other national meetings.
Choose your adventure - attend in-person in Nashville or virtually in the comfort of your own home.
AAHPM Physician Member - $850 ($1,025 after January 5, 2022)
Physicians who are members of AAHPM
Physician Nonmember - $1,100 ($1,325 after January 5, 2022)
Physicians who are not members of AAHPM
HPNA, SWHPN, SPCP, or AAHPM Affiliate Member - $625 ($780 after January 5, 2022)
Members of HPNA, SWHPN, SPCP, or AAHPM nonphysician healthcare professionals who are members of AAHPM (eg. nurse, social worker, pharmacist, physician assistant, etc.)
Affiliated Health Professional - $825 ($1,000 after January 5, 2022)
Nonmember healthcare professionals (eg. nurse, social worker, pharmacist, physician assistant, etc.)
Fellow Member - $225 ($250 after January 5, 2022)
Full-time fellows who are members of one of the above organizations; documentation must be provided from the current fellowship program director
Fellow Nonmember - $249 ($315 after January 5, 2022)
Full-time fellows not a member of one of the above organizations; documentation must be provided from the current fellowship program director
Medical Resident or Medical or RN Student Members - $225 ($250 after January 5, 2022)
Medical residents or full-time medical or nursing students who are members of one of the above organizations; documentation must be provided from the dean of the program
Medical Resident or Medical or RN Student Nonmembers - $249 ($315 after January 5, 2022)
Medical residents or full-time medical or nursing students not a member of one of the above organizations; documentation must be provided from the dean of the program
Cancellation Policy
All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to [email protected]. A $100 administrative fee will be charged for all cancellations dated before January 19, 2022. No refunds will be made under any circumstances on cancellations dated after January 19, 2022. Refunds, if approved, will be issued 2-4 weeks after the meeting.
All transfer requests must be submitted in writing to [email protected]. A $10 processing fee will be charged to transfer from the virtual to the in-person conference or the in-person to the virtual conference. All transfer requests must be received by email before February 2, 2022. We will not honor transfer requests submitted after February 2, 2022.
If you experience any technical issues during the live event (February 9-12), please contact the Info Desk on the platform or AAHPM ( [email protected]g or 847.375.4712).
Faculty may be substituted or sessions cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. If the Assembly is cancelled, registrants will receive full credits or refunds of the paid registration fees.
会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。
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2022年第18届世界作业治疗师联盟大会(WFOT 2022)