
2023年第19届基础与临床药理学世界大会(WCP 2023)


会议地点: 英国 苏格兰-格拉斯哥/Glasgow - Scottish Event Campus (SEC)
会议时间: 2023年7月2日至7日
行业: 药学|护理|急诊|重症|康复会议


2023年第19届基础与临床药理学世界大会(WCP 2023)将于2023年7月2日至7日在英国格拉斯哥举行,会议由英国药理学会(BPS)与国际基础与临床药理学联合会(IUPHAR)联合举办。


WCP 2023 - 19th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
Date: 2–7 July 2023
Venue: Scottish Event Campus (SEC), Exhibition Way, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Congress organisers: The British Pharmacological Society

Congress President: Professor David Webb
Congress Secretary-General: Professor Amrita Ahluwalia




On behalf of the Organising Committee and the British Pharmacological Society we are delighted to invite you to the 19th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology – WCP2023.

From 2 – 7 July 2023 we will welcome the world’s pharmacology and therapeutics community to Glasgow, Scotland. We are looking forward to celebrating the diversity of this community, from student pharmacologists to the world’s leading authorities; from clinical pharmacologists working in national healthcare systems to innovators at the cutting edge of drug discovery in industry and academia.

In both its scientific programme and the make-up of its attendees, WCP2023 will be characterised by its focus on diversity and collaboration, underpinned by scientific excellence.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Scotland, a country famed for its hospitality, its scenery and its history. But as well as its rich traditions, Scotland is also forward-looking, dynamic, and – significantly for us – at the cutting edge of drug discovery.

Glasgow, our host city, has strong connections to pharmacology and the life sciences. It is home to three universities, Glasgow, Strathclyde and Glasgow Caledonian. All have strong life sciences departments with a major focus on pharmacology.

Glasgow is compact so in your time away from the Congress you will have no difficulty exploring the many cultural attractions it has to offer, including its world class art galleries and museums.

Just 30 minutes outside the city lie some of the world’s most breathtaking scenery in the form of lochs, mountains and historic castles. The historic capital city of Edinburgh is only an hour away and offers a huge amount for visitors to see and do, including Edinburgh Castle, Scotland’s most visited tourist attraction.

We really encourage you to make the most of your time in Scotland before, during and after the Congress.

Meantime, we hope this website gives you all the information you need at this early stage as you start to plan your WCP2023 experience.

With best wishes,

Professor David Webb
President, WCP2023
  Professor Amrita Ahluwalia
Secretary-General, WCP2023



会议对象: 医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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