


会议地点: 荷兰 鹿特丹
会议时间: 2022年3月28日至31日
行业: 药学|护理|急诊|重症|康复会议



13th World Meeting
on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology
Dates: 28 - 31 March 2022
Venue: Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Welcome to the 13th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology

It is our great pleasure to announce that the 13th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology will be held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, in 2022 (provided the pandemic situation and the related regulations

will allow this).

The conference will be the continuation of the very successful series of scientific meetings, which have been held in Budapest, Paris, Berlin, Florence, Geneva, Barcelona, Malta, Istanbul, Lisbon, Glasgow, Granada and (due to the COVID crisis) in 2021 in a virtual format.

This conference series is continuously gaining in impact among the pharmaceutical scientists: With close to 1000 submitted abstracts and more than 1300 participants it has become a well-established major meeting, attracting scientists from all over the world.

The World Meetings are organized every two years, usually in March or April in the even years.

Importantly, the entire spectrum of topics in the fields of Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology will be covered. This includes for example engineering aspects of manufacturing processes, the portfolio of commercially available excipients enabling formulation of a large variety of drug products and medical devices, the underlying basic sciences (e.g., physico-chemical principles), cutting-edge characterization techniques of dosage forms in vitro and in vivo, as well as potential pitfalls and hurdles to be overcome during product development, manufacturing and quality control.

The conference will be held on 3 and a half days: From Monday (noon) until Thursday (evening). From Tuesday to Thursday, 4 parallel sessions with oral presentations will be held:

2 Sessions on industry-related topics, presented by distinguished invited speakers, giving overviews on the current state of the art in the respective fields,

2 Sessions with short talks selected from submitted abstracts, presenting most recent research findings in a large variety of domains.

Throughout the conference, the accompanying exhibition ResearchPharm provides a highly interdisciplinary platform for pharmaceutical scientists working in all fields of drug development & manufacturing in industry, academia and regulatory bodies. This exhibition is steadily growing and offers the possibility to present and learn about the newest trends and products in the areas of pharmaceutical ingredients, developing and processing equipment, analytical technologies, drug products, medical devices and contract manufacturing.

Furthermore, young and experienced scientists from academia and industry will present their latest research achievements in the form of posters, allowing for fruitful and direct discussions with the authors. Please note that these will be “real” poster presentations, enabling efficient and convenient exchanges between the presenters and interested participants. The organizers of the conference intentionally do not opt for electronic poster presentations on small screens with limited visibility and possibility for discussions.

The aim of the meeting is to bring people together, working in fundamental and applied academic research, the chemical and pharmaceutical industry as well as in the regulatory field. The conditions for the initiation of interesting new collaborations will be provided. We are convinced that these personal interactions are crucially important.

For all these reasons, we cordially invite you to join our 13th World Meeting and would be very glad to welcome you in Rotterdam!



注册费-Registration Fees

Until 15th January 2022 From 16th January 2022
Student1 member2 240.00 € 360.00 €
non-member 400.00 € 520.00 €
Academia member2 520.00 € 640.00 €
non-member 720.00 € 840.00 €
Industry member2 1540.00 € 1690.00 €
non-member 1940.00 € 2090.00 €

Prices excl. VAT

Day ticket (not available for student registration):

Day ticket: 50% of the corresponding full-participation fee.

1 Students are requested to send a copy of their valid student card/pass or a written confirmation of their supervisor. Student rate is only available for full time students.
2 Members of all participating societies are requested to upload a membership proof (copy of membership card or membership invoice) to qualify for membership fee.



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2022年第21届国际急诊医学大会(ICEM 2022)

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