


会议地点: 捷克共和国 布拉格
会议时间: 2022年9月18日至21日
行业: 药学|护理|急诊|重症|康复会议



国际治疗药物监测与临床毒理学会(IATDMCT)成立于1990年,是全球唯一的致力于推动全球治疗药物监测和临床毒理学相关学科发展的国际组织,由来自全球 70多个国家的科学家和临床医生组成,在促进治疗药物监测和临床毒理学研究与实践方面,IATDMCT在国际上具有独一无二的地位。IATDMCT的目标是促进和提升治疗药物监测和临床毒理学的教育和研究;提高药物和毒性物质分析的实践和临床判读标准,并通过临床药代动力学和毒代动力学促进判读的传递,以加强患者护理;促进与治疗药物监测和临床毒理学有关的所有专业人士间宣的合作;促进有效应用治疗药物监测,优化临床用药,最大限度地提高临床效果和经济效益;支持将在临床毒理学方面取得的进展,作为治疗药物过量、滥用药物和接触环境毒物的诊断工具和治疗辅助手段。

20th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology 2022
Dates: September 18-21, 2022
Venue: Clarion Congress Hotel Prague(Prague, Czech Republic)

Theme: Bridging the Troubled Waters



ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE extended to 15 March 2022.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Macro-Areas and Topics

Pharmacology/Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

  • Anti-infective Agents
  • Immunosuppressants
  • Alternative Sampling Strategy
  • Pharmacogenetics
  • Pharmacometrics
  • TDM in Oncology
  • TDM of Biologics
  • TDM in real word
  • Nanotechnologies/nanomedicine
  • Varia

Clinical Toxicology

  • Clinical Toxicology/Drug of Abuse
  • Clinical Toxicology/Environmental Health

Submission Rules

  • For abstracts presented in Symposiums please select in the first column “Abstract for Symposium”.
  • If you were not chosen to present in Symposium select please “Regular abstract”.
  • Please note, that in order to present an abstract (oral presentation, poster or even Symposium presentation), the presenter needs to be registered to the congress.

Method of Submission

  • All abstracts must be submitted only via the online form that is accessible in the User zone.
  • Abstracts sent by e-mail cannot be considered.
  • Presentation forms are Oral presentation or Poster presentation.
  • Authors can edit submitted abstracts at any time before the submission deadline. After the submission deadline abstracts will be locked and it will not be possible to edit them.
  • Authors will be notified about the delivery of their abstract by e-mail immediately. In case you will not receive confirmation within 24 hours, please check your spam folder. In case of no confirmation e-mail, please contact: [email protected]

Abstract Submission Instructions

  • Submitted abstracts must be original. Abstracts previously published or presented at an international scientific meeting cannot be submitted.
  • Fill in the submitting author's name and e-mail address properly – these contact details will serve for further correspondence with the author(s).
  • All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
  • Titles cannot exceed the limit of 15 words. No abbreviations to be used in the title of the abstract.
  • Abstract cannot exceed the limit of 300 words (excluding title, authors, affiliations and references).
  • Figures, graphs, images, diagrams should not be included.
  • Choose the macro-area topic in which you want to upload your abstract. Please choose also the spare (alternative) macro-area topic which should be different from the first one.
  • Please choose the desired presentation form for your abstract (Oral presentation or Poster presentation) Please note, that in case of oral presentations the scientific committee will decide whether your paper will be accepted as an oral presentation or poster.
  • All accepted abstract authors will be notified by email.
  • Accepted abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book. Abstracts not suitable for reproduction will be rejected. Please have your abstract proofread for correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. Abstracts will be published without further reviewing. In exceptional cases the abstracts will be edited.





Welcome Message

The 20th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology (IATDMCT 2022) will be held from Sunday 18th to Wednesday 21st September 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic. IATDMCT 2022 will be the 20th opportunity for experts in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology from the whole world to meet and shape the future of our field. The theme of the congress is Bridging the Troubled Waters.

The programme will include top class plenary speakers, innovative symposia, and practical workshops across all areas of therapeutics and toxicology with focus on clinical application, translating our expertise into patient benefit.

The congress will provide an excellent opportunity for researchers and clinicians from around the world to come together and share their research and experiences in basic, clinical, and translational pharmacology and clinical toxicology.

Prague is home to the Charles University, one of the 20 oldest universities in the world, as well as other research institutes, including the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry made world-famous by antivirals developed by Antonín Holý. Prague is uniquely located in the heart of Europe, with affordable and convenient transport from anywhere in the world. The city of a hundred spires, with breath taking cathedrals, bridges, and palaces is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

It will be our honour to welcome you to – hopefully post-pandemic – Prague for an exciting congress where you will have a chance to share your research, expand your knowledge, meet new friends and have fun.

Looking forward to seeing you in Prague in 2022!

Co-Chairs, IATDMCT 2022 Host Organising Committee

Prof. Milan Grundmann, MD, Ph.D.
President of the IATDMCT 2022 Congress


Assoc. Prof. Ivana Kacirova, MD, Ph.D.
Vice-President of the IATDMCT 2022 Congress


Assoc. Prof. Karel Urbanek, MD, Ph.D.
Vice-President of the IATDMCT 2022 Congress





Registration Fees

CONGRESS Early registration
until 31 May 2022
Regular registration
from 1 June
to 17 September 2022
On-site registration
from 18 September 2022
IATDMCT Member 500 EUR 580 EUR 660 EUR
IATDMCT Non-member 660 EUR 750 EUR 830 EUR
IATDMCT Member Young Scientist/Junior* 350 EUR 430 EUR 510 EUR
Student** 250 EUR 290 EUR 330 EUR
PRE-CONGRESS 18 SEPTEMBER 2022 Early registration
until 31 May 2022
Regular registration
from 1 June
to 17 September 2022
On-site registration
from 18 September 2022
IATDMCT Member 65 EUR 85 EUR 105 EUR
IATDMCT Non-member 85 EUR 105 EUR 125 EUR
IATDMCT Member Young Scientist/Junior* 0 EUR 0 EUR 0 EUR
Student** 0 EUR 0 EUR 0 EUR

These prices are final. VAT will be applied under current legislation. Registration fees include 21 % VAT.

*Only applicable for Young Scientists Members (31–40 years) and for Junior members (up to 30 years). Confirmation of age must be provided to congress secretariat.

**Only applicable for PhD candidates or students enrolled to Universities, Academies, Educational Institutes, Schools or Master’s Degrees. Certificate of study must be uploaded.

Participants coming from low-income countries, please contact the IATDMCT Secretariat at [email protected].

Registration form will be available on 1 February 2022.

Note: Payments must be received by the corresponding deadlines (early or regular), otherwise the subsequent rate will be automatically applied.

The registration fee includes:

  • Access to Sessions
  • Admission to the Exhibition area and Poster session
  • Congress Materials
  • Welcome drink
  • Refreshment during coffee breaks and lunch



会议对象: 药物分析专家、临床药理学家、临床毒理学家、医生、药剂师、实验室化学家以及其他对该领域感兴趣的相关专业人士代表等等。

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