


会议地点: 比利时 布鲁塞尔/Brussels - Square - Brussels Meeting Center
会议时间: 2022年3月22日至25日
行业: 药学|护理|急诊|重症|康复会议




ISICEM 2022 - 41st International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
Date: March 22-25, 2022
Venue: Square -brussels Convention Center, Brussels, Belgium


The International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine is organized in collaboration with the Departments of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine of Erasme University Hospital, Université Libre de Bruxelles, and with the Belgian Society of Intensive Care Medicine (SIZ). The meeting is held every year in March. Started in 1980, this meeting has become established as one of the largest in its field, now attracting more than 6200 participants from countries world-wide.

The objectives of this four day symposium are to provide participants with an up to date review of the most recent, clinically relevant, developments in research, therapy, and management of the critically ill. The meeting is open to all physicians, nurses and other health professionals with an interest in critical care or emergency medicine.



The Deadline For Abstract Submissions For Isicem 2022 Is December 1st, 2021 At 23:59 (cet).

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

提交费:NEW!! Please note, there is a non-refundable per-abstract processing fee of €30 (€15 for submissions from low income countries), which must be paid by credit card at the end of each abstract submission.


All abstracts must be typed in Times New Roman (or equivalent), font size 11, single-spaced.
The total length of the abstract text must not exceed 2000 characters including spaces.
All abbreviations must be defined at first use except for the very well-known.
Up to 10 authors (submitting author + maximum 9 co-authors) are allowed per abstract. The submitting author will be the contact author.

Each abstract must contain the following components:

  • Title: Must be short and specific. Type in sentence format (with one capital at the beginning), in bold font.
  • Introduction: The first sentence(s) should state the hypothesis, purpose, or specific objective of the study.
  • Methods: : Briefly describe the study design, patients or subjects, procedures, and measurements.
  • Results: A summary of the results should be provided with relevant data.
  • Conclusion: The abstract should close with a brief statement of conclusion.
  • Reference(s): If included, cite number in text using square brackets [1]. In reference list, note first author only followed by 'et al' where necessary, then journal name, volume, page range and year of publication. Do not include the article title (e.g., Vincent JL et al. ISICEM News 35:1-5, 2015)
  • Table/Figure: A maximum of 1 table OR 1 figure can be included to illustrate the results. All tables/figures must be cited in the text. Tables can have a maximum of 5 columns and 8 rows. Figures should be approximately 8 cm wide at 300 dpi (630 to 945 pixels wide) and can be submitted in any of the following formats: jpg, gif, bmp. Figures should be created or exported from their native software at the correct size and resolution.
  • Case reports: Must be submitted using the same 5 components (Title, Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion)
  • Consent to publish: If the abstract contains details relating to individual participants (for example a case report), written informed consent for the publication of these details in the abstract and in Critical Care must be obtained from the participant(s) and a statement to this effect should appear at the end of the abstract.


ISICEM 2022 注册费:

(Member of the
ESICM or the SIZ)
Non Doctor

Doctor from low income countries 
Until Jan 13, 2022 (23:59 CET)

350  Eur

420  Eur

220  Eur

220  Eur

From Jan 14, 2022 to March 01, 2022 (23:59 CET)

420 Eur

490 Eur

275 Eur

275 Eur

From March 02, 2022 to March 18, 2022 (23:59 CET)

500 Eur

530 Eur

290 Eur

290 Eur



会议对象: 医生、麻醉师,重症监护室护士,重症医学科室主任、副主任及从事该领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业代表等。

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